You've described perfectly how many of us realised one day that we never actually had equality & how disliked we were by men in charge.

I dont think I'll ever fully understand it.

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So true every word of this. The GRA should be repealed. It was a bad idea at the time and it forms the basis for a whole heap of bad consequences. No more legal fictions or destruction of language.

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Thank you for providing details about this appalling case.

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Helen Staniland's famous statement comes to mind:

"Transactivism - a movement that fails to state what rights it's fighting for on the grounds that it may incriminate itself."

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The first time it dawned on me that women are blamed for all ills was as an older child, and I read about the Boston Strangler. Apparently, he had been beaten by his father, a drunken beast, who also beat his mother and siblings. His mother worked several jobs to keep the family intact, often having been badly beaten, yet, the Strangler blamed females for his plight. I was just a youngster, but I wondered why he did not blame his father, why he strangled innocent women?

I now wonder whether it was Kardashian's mother who ill-treated him? If not, why take his rage and aggression out on her on such a sexual manner? This phenomenon is widespread: the husband and father who feels he cannot control his family, so wipes them all out; the young man whose girlfriend dumps him so he kills female classmates; the man who believes that he is single because women are too choosy, so he mows them down with his vehicle. Studies are being done, but they always seem to skirt away from the reality that females must almost always bear the brunt of masculine anger, even when it is absurdly misplaced.

It is as if the 'trans' phenomenon allowed outwardly normal men - not all, by any means - to vent their misplaced anger against females yet again, by deliberately placing them in danger. It does seem as if this is the explanation, that there is no deep belief in 'trans', but simply, as ever, in masculine control and terrorising of females. A deeply sadistic element accompanies this masculine control of females. That this is world-wide and exists in every society in every era should be an alarm for both females and males that a deep, underlying problem needs to be addressed. Perhaps all men need to look hard at the accepted and exaggerated forms of masculinisation of our male youth from birth and that this may well be where the root of the problem lies. It is hard for females to understand the depth of hatred some men have for us, or where it comes from, or what its purpose is.

The dehumanising of females is widespread, as if we are a lower form of male. The biological truth is, of course, that all mammal life starts off as female, and only becomes male later in the womb, so it was Eve, then Adam, not the other way round as every religion on the planet would pretend. If we cannot release ourselves as human beings from this ever-turning wheel like small rodents, we are destined to eliminate ourselves through our own gross stupidity, as we will if we continue to make obeisance to the religion of 'trans' - a non-existent state of being which cannot be upheld by any amount of evidence because all of the evidence points to there being two sexes and gender being a misnomer for what is a cultural imposition on behaviour.

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Men in women’s prisons is torture

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While I generally live by my mother's edict of 'don't make personal comments about people' (at least not publicly), is anyone else frightened of this young man's appearance? That's a face out of a 1980s horror film. Intentionally?

Isn't it weird how all these things that 'will never happen' keep on happening? Ireland really seems to need a sacred caste: they de-fang the Catholic Church only to replace them with a bunch of, arguably, even worse men.

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Mar 23, 2023·edited Mar 23, 2023

So when this nightmare is released (in about four and half years) he'll be able to use women's toilets and changing rooms? This is why changing prison rules without scrapping the rest of the GRA is like putting a sticking plaster on a severed artery.

It's staggering that this story was featured on this blog three years ago - and pretty much nowhere else. The Irish media is so scared of the Church of Gender Ideology that it couldn't even report something as disturbing as this? The British media (with a few exceptions) is also terrified of blaspheming the new religion until it was forced to talk about it with the Adam Graham case.

If this doesn't get the issue openly discussed in Ireland - and make Varadkar take responsibility - I don't know what will.

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Absolutely shameful the way self id was sneaked in with no debate. This ideology is a parasite on gay rights and can only come in as a Trojan horse as it can't stand the slightest scrutiny. Shame on Ireland for continuing to betray and torment its women. Have we learned nothing?

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I want to know exactly what donations have been given to every single political party in the Dail from big pharma and trans organisations to continue the work of the Catholic Church to marginalise and depuve women of their human rights a sterilise their children. Publish those donations you bloody cowards. Also the amount of taxpayers money that is being given to TENI and other perverse organisations

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Christ. Will someone send this to Owen Jones and all the other idiots who insist there’s no problem?

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What’s worse than a male psychopathic rapist/torturer? Easy. A male psychopathic rapist/torture who pretends to be a woman. And worse even than that? One who is ‘legally’ placed into a women’s prison. Cult-think overrules every last glimmer of reason. Cult-think leads to complete capitulation to the ideology which in turn manifests in the continuing nightmare that is “Barbie Kardashian”.

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I forget Gabrielle was seen at the Tavistock youth gender clinic and confirmed

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Every time I hear about, or think about, Men in women's prisons, my reaction is always how did we get to this position. I get so angry that this was ever, ever given the green light.

That a trans man James Morton in 2014 Scotland started all this saying

"We strategized that by working intensively with the Scottish Prison Service to support them to include trans women as women on a self-declaration basis within very challenging circumstances, we would be able to ensure that all other public services should be able to do likewise."

So a woman, who identified out of her sex, planned this experiment on caged women.

Here comes the anger again, breathe, and relax......

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Thanks to Clean City Bird. Varadkar is beginning to wobble (Sturgeon style) and I think it is because of Kardashian. Trouble is in Ireland ( unlike in Scotland) the Gender Recognition Act is on the statue book and therefore will be that much more difficult to get rid of. Perhaps Posie's impending visit to Dublin can start that process.

Done a couple of posts on this recently.


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Thanks for sharing this with us. Excellent observations.

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