I have no words for this. It’s beyond sick. He raped his Mum. And some sickos are still demanding his pronouns are adhered to. Like that’s more important. Beggars belief.

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I don't get it either. Women defending those monsters are bonkers.

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True ,and that makes all this even more dangerous ! How can any self respecting woman allow herself to be manipulated by a " male rights " agenda which is designed to destroy the rights of every WOMANi ,including her OWN !! Sadly ,this " standing for men against women " ( by women ) has happened throughout history !! Traitors ,really!!

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Are they women?

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I wish I could say not really but they are. It drives me nuts. I remember some women were openly criticising some of the victims of Jimmy Savile, accusing them of being attention seekers.

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"..Chan has high-functioning autism...." And there is, again....it's there, again and again and again and again, throughout Transworld. This is The Neuro Typical World vs The Autistic World folks...the latter being, for many with ASD (but not all) a world with no barriers, no boundaries, a world where they're free to behave in whatever way they so choose, go wherever they choose, say, dress and do whatever they choose. A world as chaotic as their minds...being pushed online to those without ASD, especially younger generations. I live very close to a home for younger adults with Autism, the meltdowns if they don't get their way, the screams to staff that they, the patients, are NOT being respected enough, the misogynistic abuse towards female staff....it's all there, not on a daily basis, but when the meltdowns happen. Few weeks back one of the big burly blokes who's a patient had a female member of staff up against a wall, screaming obscenities to her face, being so crude....Unfortunately, for him, I can see into their garden from my outside staircase....and yelled at him "Oy, YOU! Back off!", he immediately began to fizzle into a puddle of embarrassment...."Back OFF!" I said again, very loudly. He told me "I have anger issues!"....and I told him that was no excuse to behave like a misogynistic prat of a bully....He then backed right away from the young woman, apologizing to her...and went inside....possibly to his computer, who knows? SO many of these minds now sitting in front of their computers causing absolute CHAOS and misery. The internet can be wondrous at times, but it's also brought the minds of many with mental health issues out for all to see....and many with ASD are dominating, manipulative and deeply controlling. It's a major, MAJOR problem and nowhere near enough folks have woken up to it yet. ASD is in my family, and I've loved those who have it too, so I understand it pretty well. Most have NO IDEA at all. I also think that there is a strong link twist ASD and NPD in some, not all, possibly borne from severe lack of confidence when young, in some with ASD. There is no official findings on this, that I'm aware of, but I see it again and again and again... We're in BIG trouble folks, and it's The Internet which is the now opened Pandora's Box.

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Someone suggested to me that my crazy sister (an M.D.) might be on the spectrum, so I asked my dental hygienist whose daughter has autism: What happens if you don't set limits for them as children? Her reply: They turn into monsters. I wonder sometimes what my parents were thinking (my other sister and I were not permitted free rein); all growing older has done is make my sister worse.

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Sadly, many with ASD loathe being told 'No!', regard even a raised voice as 'abuse', or the holding tight of a hand, (often to possibly save their lives, as in traffic, when young). It becomes easier, for many parents, to back off, to not have to endure the constant arguments/meltdowns, which can be so exhausting. Society once had 'rules' which helped to keep out of control behaviour a little more under control, but that's been blown apart too. Also, more and more children with ASD are being sent to mainstream schools, which can often be the very worst thing for them, as they become very fearful of crowds, of noise, of not being able to control how others treat them....and they can be treated most cruelly. TMS therapy can help, as it open up the blocked pathways in the brain which lead to the empathy section, meaning that it can give some with ASD insight, for the first time, in how their behaviour/choices affect others. I'll leave John Elder Robison, who used to make the 'flaming guitars' for KISS, to explain. He has Aspergers and has taken part in the trials of TMS Therapy, which changed his life...and made him realize that what so many neurotypicals had been telling him, was true after all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2A39yuufqAo

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My parents were clueless. For example, my sister's room was referred to as The Dungeon because she never cleaned it. My parents should have taken the door off her room until she did so, but no, my mother just pulled the shades. Her locker at school had rotting food and mice in it. What's interesting is that before we moved into the house I grew up in, she looked like a normal child in photographs; after that, she had a deadly serious expression in every photo. My father now being a bigger part of her life? I have suspected that he, too, and his father may have been on the spectrum. Very high-functioning but something a bit off.

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Yes, it is, very often hereditary. Moving house/divorce/any major change, can create massive fear inside the minds of those with severe ASD, from which they often never truly recover. I'd imagine, and I may be wrong, that the first home she grew up in was 'home' to her...and the move, well, that never felt right again for her, not ever. Often, those with ASD do have very serious expressions, mind...They don't read expressions either, albeit they do learn to eventually read the faces of others, as they get older.

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I think this is actually genuine ASD, whereas now there is research that glyphosate poisoning looks a lot like autism in children. This would explain why a mother in my shiretown cleaned up her child's diet and his "autism" disappeared.

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2. This too from John, Susan, where he explains how he's changed since having that part of his mind opened by TMS therapy, how he used to just make decisions, unthinking of the effect upon others...and how he now worries a lot about the impact of his decisions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNMz5zVY69U

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Have we reached the bottom of the barrel yet?? Please say yes... 😕

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I reckon we’ve plunged through the rotting planks of the barrel’s base and are now efficiently drilling down towards the earth’s core

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not really because this is the group of people TRA represent. They are mentally depraved with the symptom of Gender Dysphoria. They prove me right over and over and over again. The mental illness comes first. However the megalithic mutual fund companies like Vanguard/Blackstock/Berkshire Hathaway are using these nuts as cover for their child mutilation/sterilization campaign (they are major shareholders in Big Pharma companies that make puberty blockers). Without them as cover the whole drive to maim children for profit doesn't make any sense. The TRA predators all have an obtuse presence on social media (because people in real life probably know to run from them) and the social media companies are also owned (majority shareheld) by Vanguard/Blackstock, as well as other companies like Morgan Stanley/Bank of America/ etc that are themselves owned by Vanguard Blackstock. They are useful idiots/lunatics to the gender scam.

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Could only take the headline and saw enough yesterday. It's shocking and deserves to be known but I found this quite hard to take too.

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There is definitely a wider discussion needed about how harmful this ideology is for autistic people.

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I'm not an expert in any capacity, but I do have a stepson with Asperger's and my daughter shows some signs of autism, and I see the commonality being that they often feel disconnected from the wider world. Enter gender ideology and internet and you can easily see how they could be manipulated into thinking self-identifying would make them feel better, that they belong, a social family of their own who "understands" them.

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Dear God!! On the autistic spectrum like myself too.

Definitely didn't expect the self harm part.

I definitely don't care what a rapist's preferred pronouns are.

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I do care. It should be 'he', 'him', 'his'

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Evil Toxic Male are good "pronouns". If ridiculous made up ones are fine, those are perfectly fine.

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Can even make it "gender neutral" when the handmaidens repeat it: "evil toxic person".

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The depravity. Sliced his own perineum is something I wasn’t expecting to read. The misgendering seems to have irked the cult. Most of all he has repeatedly raped his vulnerable elderly mother and sickeningly bragged about it on texts. This is absolutely one of the worst things I’ve read in recent weeks. We all know social media is a cesspit of despair and abhorrent behaviours - this really is grotesque. I’m sure all his fawning mental fans will be falling over themselves to correct people misgendering a pos like that - the world has gone mad.

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I couldn’t sleep last night and I didn’t even see the pics- descriptions alone were enough to make my blood run cold. Grotesque is the perfect word to describe the whole shitshow

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I wouldn't call it 'high functioning' autism tbh a few levels down from that. One only has to watch a couple of minutes of him to see that, also it's likely there is some mild intellectual disability in there too.

But yeah, gross.

It's been like The Truman Show for years. The whole thing is a clusterfuck and makes me want the internet to not exist.

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"Yes, the rape of an elderly woman with dementia is wrong but I draw the line at misgendering!"

Fuck off, Jae. Fucking nonce!

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You have to wonder, are those people truly human? This whole situations feels like 1978's Invasion of the Body Snatchers

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I don't think they are. No human acts like this.

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Some of them don't even mention the actual rape part of it. Just the misgendering part.

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A male rapist's right trumps that of vulnerable women. Well I never...

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Everything I see about this person makes me go “oh god I’d better just read it, it’s probably not as gruesome as the last thing about him” — and then inevitably it is much worse

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I really really wish that I hadn’t read anything about him ever! And that nothing had ever been written about him, ever! Who knows whether he is a monster created by the internet or if he’d always have had a grim outcome in life but it’s crazy the influence he’s had on so many people. I hope his enablers are doing some soul searching.. you never know..

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Even Hayden Hewitt was taken aback.

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This seems to be a mentally ill, possibly somewhat cognitively impaired man groomed into worse & worse delusions by scammers & charlatans via the Internet until it fulminates in harm time self & others.

Hypnosis tapes to make a man grow a labia? WTAF?

Btw can we start the countdown to a pivot from “mother rapist, sure, but don’t you dare misgender her!” to “this damaged person was only pretending to be trans - nothing to do with us!”

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Its already all over twitter.

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Yes. Very interesting to see that this horrible story has thrown the cat among the pigeons. Even some transgender refuse associating with Chan. Certainly, it good to see transsexuals showing their annoyance at fraudulent cowardly transgenders. I know there are cases of AGP among transsexuals but my feeling is most of them have the same view of the whole transgender bullshit as women and many men have.

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Isn't it about time that trans rights extends to their right to seek appropriate mental health support?

Add me to the long list of people flabbergasted by someone demanding correct pronoun usage for a rapist. The disdain for women is off the charts, and handmaidens who enable their own oppression... I am equally flabbergasted at that. So woke they've actually done a 180 and fallen back to sleep.

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Well, a lot of the whole gender ideology is that being "trans" (in all its permutations) is NOT a mental health disorder at all. Its innate and real and biological (yes they are lying that it is biological).

They are not calling for mental health care **unless** it affirms their own personal self diagnosis, which is why they are pushing and pushing very hard for laws to prevent so called "Conversion" therapy by which they actually mean any form of therapy that really looks "under the hood" as it were for the real reasons for their delusions.

Iceland has done this, Ireland has done it. Canada has done it, New Zealand has done it. USA is on its way, so is Scotland....Get it in law that no one can dig deep to find the root reasons, and you then suddenly prevent any form of questioning.

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The courts seem to think it's a disorder when they hand down sentences and judgements that use trans-ness as a mitigating factor for the defendant's crime(s). Surely they can't have it both ways.

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More cash to be made from medicalising healthy youngsters than from family counselling.

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Tragically, until they realise there is something wrong with them they won't and their mad tantrums are being seen as merely expressing their rights.

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Autism or not, this is also what happens when people spend their entire youth growing up away from people and using forums in place of actual people.

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I suspect most of those are lonely and sexually frustrated and they hit out at women who, wisely, won't go near them.

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I really think it's time for that giant meteor to arrive.

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Sweet Giant Meteor Of Death.

Just End It Already.

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Wonder why he can’t get a girlfriend.

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I have no idea!

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Because he has sweet fuck all for boundaries.

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Mental illness has always been with us and we used to let these nutters with their sandwich boards proclaiming the End was Nigh yell at the clouds on the sidewalk but we never imagined we'd one day give them a global platform.

Such is the internet. Some days I'd like to find the outlet where it's connected to and pull the fucking plug.

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I've been saying for the last 15 years that the WORLD would live to regret the internet but didn't foresee any of this EVIL !! Who could possibly have predicted this ever !! Think the governments have all been taken over by ALIENS ( like in the " FICTIONAL "series "V " from years ago !!

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It's like that line from "Jurassic Park" (to paraphrase):

We spent so much time wondering if we can and not enough time wondering if we should.

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While I don’t claim to have invented any breakout technologies that made the internet what it is today I did help with some of it.

We were so enamored with the idea of a Global Village and that we were helping bring the world closer together we never stopped to consider the potential harm it could cause.

You're right - we never foresaw the Hell we were about to rain down on the planet.

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Just watching, on BBC 2, so it will be on the BBC iPlayer, Chris Packham, (who has Aspergers) in 'The Walk That Made Me', about his childhood spent around Twyford...How he felt, as a teenager with Aspergers, to how he feels now, at 60 years old...and he says that it's about getting control, of your life, your mental state, your physical health, of being outside, amongst Nature....But, take the 'control' bit a step further, and that's what's happening, in my view. Those with quite severe Autism now have a way of communicating, as never before....but they need to control everyone on the internet, to their way of thinking, of being...and again, I'm talking severe ASD here. They want to control speech, output, their values becoming the values of all, no matter how muddled up their values are. They cannot see how it's impacting those without ASD, nor do they care, for this is about a huge war to takeover the internet, to have everything their way....and it's really, really becoming a major problem now. We need The Good Aspies to take back control of the out of control Aspies, to design an internet which is acceptable to all, neurotypicals too. I've no idea how this can be done, William, but unless it is, the internet, which once had the power to connect for GOOD, will take the human race into oblivion. I really do fear for the future now, especially for children, for women.... Anyway, 'The Walk That Made Me' with Chris Packham: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000xqgp

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Omg! All of this is so profoundly disturbing & sick.

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