That old guy is a freaking LEGEND. Hahah sooo refreshing to hear him say all that and keep saying. What a hideous AGP giant acting horrifically entitled. EUGH! May all this sales go up!! He needs to get mates to counter protest those bastards. All the octogenarians gotta line up!! Imagine a young TIM loosing it and smacking an old person.. well that would be somethin' to help tip the scales! (not that I want any one to get hit at all).

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What is it about this mental illness that makes the participants hell bent on controlling how people think? Dude looks like a man in ladies clothing. That's the truth.

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The self identified trans woman didn’t have any substantive rebuttal. He was so unconvincing. Finally the best he could muster up was desperately shouting “trans women are women” (Was kind of funny.) This ideological lie is headed for violence, & so many people are getting hurt. The casualties are piling up. I feel for the shop owner. He tells it like he sees it. He is from my father’s generation. I am concerned for his safety.

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This councillor still has his picture up on the official site dressed in a suit and looking like the man next door. If you click on the picture his birth name of Nathan Kennedy comes up.


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Well done him. This seems set up by the TIM who has gone into the store with the intention to harass the owner. Problem is these TIMs are now giddy with power. It’s so refreshing to see somebody say NO!

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I love this man. May the force be with him.

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The old man's sign says it all, no more words needed. "If you've got a dick, you're not a chick" the end.

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Here might need a Crowdfunder at some point.

Stood his ground.

I gave him a good review for memorabilia advice.

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Love how the older store owner stands up to the loudmouth bully! 👏👏👏👏👏 Btw, the transvestite dresses in men’s clothing at work? https://www.aberdeenwa.gov/directory.aspx?eid=84

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Chehalis River Mutual Aid Network




Face with symbols over mouth CONTENT WARNING - Transphobia ****

Police cars revolving lightJUST HAPPENED IN DOWNTOWN ABERDEEN.

Down pointing backhand indexCall to action below.

FireOur entire community is outraged at this disgusting display of hate. An attack on one is an attack on all. The video is of Don Sucher of Sucher & Sons Star Wars Shop

It gives guys personal details.


JUst reported this account

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Love this old dude, wish there was some way to support him as I don't really trust these woke assholes to hold peaceful protests.

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Hopefully he can kick up a big stink and then retire.

So the "no thing as cancel culture" mob can be left floundering.

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Star Wars nerds drive for HOURS to visit this shop. And this is not a place for out-of-state wokerati or Californian transplants. This is a place for locking your car in your shabby garage and keeping, uh, *items* in easy reach in case methheads try to break in during the night. This is a small, poor/working class, former logging mecca with a persistent drug crime problem.

Oh, I am feeding off these arterial spurts of trantrum rage like an emotional vampire. 😈

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From Arty, a hugely important video:

'TRANS ACTIVISTS VS. SCIENTOLOGISTS! The Similarities are Uncanny.'


What a brave man. If I lived there, I'd be his best customer, for it takes courage to confront these activists, who can often become violent, as we all know. I loved it when that daft woman said she wasn't going to use his store any longer...and he said that was perfectly OK by him. Ha! That told her.

And now, having watched Arty's video, (I hope) watch THIS one too, a former Scientology Leader, high up, it seems, who is also Trans...and you can see where it's coming from and why.

'Ex-Scientology Leader and Trans Icon Kate Bornstein on What It Takes to Survive'


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OK people so the old man didn’t know how to appropriately debate the male in the dress. He criticized his attire. Give him a break. This Orwellian lie has people twisted into knots. Most ordinary people just waking up to this & realizing the ideological lie have no idea how to respond to this. Why can’t the guy in the dress just admit he is a man? AGP perhaps?

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