Oct 29, 2020Liked by JL

Thanks for this eye-opening article. It's worrying to think of the damage to children the supposedly 'impartial' BBC may be causing.

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It is shocking BBC is blocking license payers !!!!! #GoWokeGoBroke for BBC

Lot of Gaslighting happening with pronouns and raping people into accepting gender Ideology. No wonder people are either being kicked out, forced to leave or resign due to increasing woke pressure.

Very depressing article, and yet very factual , thanks for collating it for us, as usual JL ❤️

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The BBC also published this article, two days ago, about a person who claims that transphobic bullies nearly cost them their life.


Apparently transgender abuse includes "deadnaming". In other words, calling somebody by the wrong name. Jesus wept, I've been accidentally called by the wrong name many times in my life. I never once felt that it was abuse.

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im so pleased i cancelled my licence - they need breaking up now

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I am surprised that anyone is surprised that the organisation responsible for Saville's coddling is embroiled in what will be seen in years to come as another child abuse scandal of epic proportions.


I stopped trusting them after the way they helped Thatcher the milk snatcher with their handling of the miners being assaulted in the 80s. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/margaret-thatcher/5712618/BBC-rapped-for-inaccurate-report-on-Margaret-Thatcher-and-miners.html

Found out later about Saville, disgusted but unsurprised.

Anyone who trusts the Beeb to ensure the best interest of anyone, let alone children, has not been paying attention.

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2% of the BBC were transgender in 2018. I’d love to know what they figure is now. Either it’s increased or the 2% is made up of some extremely persuasive people!

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Just a very brief aside: is anyone else here waiting to hear that the BBC has appointed a Man Who Claims to be a Woman in the top hosting spot on Women's Hour?

If it happens, I'm going to remember having called it 🤷‍♀️

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