Aug 31, 2022Liked by @STILLTish

Any group who promote the indoctrination , castration , sterilisation and mutilation of children alongside the erasure of women and the abolition of our rights and safety will NEVER be on the " Right side of History " πŸ‘ŽπŸ˜ˆAdd to that ,the erosion of free speech ,freedom of thought ,and the invasion by predatory men into every female space ,including our bodies ,and you have a vision of Hell on earth 😈 It's truly DEMONIC and a path to state sanctioned FEMiCIDE ,because these people will NEVER be satisfied !!πŸ’”πŸ˜­πŸ‘ŽπŸ˜ˆ

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I’m not religious, and have no better adjectives to use than EVIL and DEMONIC. They’re appropriate for this cult. πŸ‘

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Aug 31, 2022Liked by @STILLTish

the BBC never ever learns does it? like Truss said there is a tiny group of TRA's in civil service WHO are pulling the strings and the same goes for the one sided biased BBC - glad i dont pay my licence

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I did a series on TRAs behind the scenes, many of them in the Civil Service. https://gendercriticalwoman.blog/trans-working-behind-the-scenes/

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Pride Cymru has no room for hate, unless it's towards women, particularly lesbian women. Then it has an abundance.

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β€œLGBTQ+ rights including trans rights”

It isn’t though, is it? The true L is most definitely not part of it if L can’t say they don’t want T with a P in their dating pool.

L now stands for male identifying as woman dating only females.

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Aug 31, 2022Liked by @STILLTish

Brava to Angela Wild leading the group, Get the L Out, and reporting from the road, live to Women's Declaration International YT channel. I had the honor of being present on that panel on August 27, to present the experience of trans widows. Be sure to share the WDI channel video far and wide.

What Pride are too proud to admit is that plastic surgeries, drugs like Finasteride and testosterone swallowed by females will lead to permanent damage of their precious bodies. There is virtually no long term, longitudinal follow up from doctors & "therapists" who've stuck their heads in the sand.

Ute Heggen, author, In the Curated Woods, True Tales from a Grass Widow (iuniverse, 2022)


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That reporting is completely disingenuous. They know those women were lesbians. They know those women were the ones being harassed and were the subjects of hate, not the perpetrators. They know and yet they still report these lies.

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When I turn on my local and national news, everything I hear is lies except for perhaps the weather report. They now acknowledge that climate "change" (catastrophe being a better word) exists, but they lie about its seriousness continually. They enumerate endless instances of male violence, but never identify it as male violence. And we are subjected to endless glorification of military violence by the same dregs of humanity.

Right now in Maine the attorney general's office is going after two schools who refuse -- at least this is what I must assume as the "news" offers no details -- to allow boys into girls' toilets and locker rooms. I'm almost thinking of voting for a Republican, something I have never done in my life. I know they're horrible, but as I said to the Democrat who asked me if I was going to vote for our Democratic governor, the Democrats will only delay our arrival at extinction by about five seconds while supporting Nazism, homophobia and pedophilia.

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Aug 31, 2022Β·edited Aug 31, 2022

'or whatever they are' - BBC taking lead from PC Plonker.

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Aug 31, 2022Liked by @STILLTish

I complained to the BBC straight away; their report was totally unacceptable, as you would have to know already what had gone on to make sense of their β€˜report.’

No reply yet though.

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Funny how the 'be kind' crowd seems to include some of the most abusive, duplicitous people I've ever come across πŸ€”

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Question. Whit ws a political party daen irganisin a "Pride March"?

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"she / her / hi" πŸ€”

(Hannah Blythyn Twitter bio)

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She's making a point - 'hi' is she in Welsh. She is she, married to a she, but is at pains to hold lesbians up as bigots for not wishing to include men who 'identify' as women, and therefore 'identify' as 'lesbians' in a march that used to be a protest for gay rights. What is the point of mentioning she, she, she or hi, hi, hi if men can identify as she? It's meaningless then, so her making a point in any language becomes redundant.

Many of those who include 'she' pronouns in their Twitter, other bios or email signatures are inevitably men. But very proud women of course. When I read any thread about women, girls, anything vaguely feminist or about pregnancy, women's health or an experience only XX have like motherhood, it will always have a few angry 'I AM a WOMAN!!!' there desperately parading their female pronouns.

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Aug 31, 2022Liked by @STILLTish

OK! Thanks for the clarification. I had no idea that "hi" = Welsh for "she". I thought she was perhaps making a joke. As in: hi = hello. But the pronoun people would not make jokes about pronouns, I guess.

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Because of you know, online, I was a bit worried you would take that badly, but I took it as genuine so I'm relieved! It was a good point, and I'm a bit concerned as there is another layer to this - that this is being created to be a 'Welsh' or Independence thing some are using as a way to set us/them apart, create division and 'be on the right side of history' from English/Westminster/Colonialism which they conflate at will. A similar thing is happening in Scotland where you go along with this OR you are a Colonialist Oppressor and Bigot. Language can be hugely contentious and when they muck about with it that makes good communication and understanding more difficult. Hwyl am y tro (Bye for now) :-)

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Found this : https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/Documents/Issues/FAssociation/Responses2012/MemberStates/UK.pdf

3. Please describe measures taken to ensure that any restrictions on the

free exercise of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly are in

accordance with your obligations under international human rights law

(proportionality test and due process guarantees). Please explain the

legal status of spontaneous assemblies.

β€’ The law in UK recognises the need to balance the necessity for police to have

powers to prevent and deal with disorder, and protect local communities, with

democratic rights to peaceful protest. This includes rights to express views that

are within the law but which we may find uncomfortable or distasteful; the

protection of minority views is central to rights to freedom of expression.

β€’ Legislation is compliant with and meets obligations under international human

rights law.

β€’ The law is clear that neither the police nor the Government have any powers to

ban a static demonstration (including spontaneous assemblies) unless it is on

private property. Static demonstrations do not by law have to be notified in


β€’ There are very limited powers to ban a march/procession. A march/procession

can only be banned where the police consider that it would result in serious

public disorder and that its power to place restrictions or conditions on such a

march – for example its duration, location and size - would not be enough to

prevent the disorder.

I'd be interested to hear Dennis' analysis of whether police intervention in this march was at all legal.

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Aug 31, 2022Liked by @STILLTish

Too bad they can't dig up Jimmy Savile to teach their workshops.

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