It's utter BS to claim BBC has no editorial position. Auntie supported women’s single sex categories in sports for time in memorial. Switching to a neutral position is a new editorial position. Due to hatchet job on Jenny Murray et al, amongst other stuff, I can't help concluding this is corporate.

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Brilliant further replies from Susan and Rob! Thanks so much!

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Slightly off topic but I no longer work in Uk schools as I now work in the Middle East. Many teachers are telling me that the numbers of trans/non binary kids coming up from primary is ridiculous. One friend had a complaint because she split the class into boy/girl for an activity and a non binary child didn’t know where to sit. My friend changed the groupings straight away to numbering random children 1/2 but this wasn’t good enough for the parent. This is a small village Midlands school not Brighton or London. It’s definitely starting to look like a contagion. I’ve taught for 20 years and had 2 trans identifying students in all that time. This has changed in the 12 months I have been working abroad. The BBC, stonewall, Mermaids, social media - all have had a hand in this indoctrination.

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The concern here is that the beeb is not honouring its charter which is the basis for financial support from licence and taxpayers. For the first time I now feel that I don’t support them when the right wingers criticise and threaten reduced funds as they are no longer fit for purpose. Suspect others feel the same. Do they get Stonewall brownie points for their editorial line?

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I feel so dispirited and exhausted by this nonsense. This has rallied me to complain (yet again) also. Thank you so much Rob and Susan (and Graham) for your spot on analysis and ability to keep going. I think if we take this all the way to the ECU (which we’ll have to do) we will win…

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Excellent replies..but unless read by the unwoke and untransed won't be understood or given thought. Let's hope these complaints are put in front of Tim Davie and he does something about the spoilt cluster b narcs ruining the BBC. Thank fuck I don't fund them anymore.

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I am writing to the DG.

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Probably the only way to go. Let us know what the publicly paid man has to say.

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The BBC's own policy is not to be objective, but 'duly impartial'. It does this in a rather crude way by 'balancing' coverage of those with opposing views, rather than honestly interrogation evidence (or carrying out any actual journalism).

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Yes the science, facts and reality should stand. The rest is spin and it’s no wonder people get overwhelmed, exhausted, confused and mistrustful of authorities and media. It has to be to keep everyone second guessing reality by spin and propaganda. That’s why free speech matters as does the truth. Humans have no defences without these things and the world becomes one of bizarre cults, peer pressure, group think, sadistic and cruel behaviour, mass delusion and unreal lies and we all become victims of them. For the media to be complicit in this is a horrible outcome. Orwellian and constant headache material.

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If you really want to know (and I totally understand NOT wanting to know) how media in Western countries functions, here is a little info:


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more on the Beeb, this time with Charlie Craggs getting a programme to talk about transitioning teens feat. Helen Webberley and JoMo. I await them giving StillPatrick a programme, or Watson...

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"You don't give equal weight to climate change sceptics or anti-vaxxers, do you?"

They actually do.

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This is not a great analogy. It's more like not only giving voice to flat earth proponents, but also excluding everyone who disagrees.

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I wasn't making an analogy. This is a fact that they do give equal time to climate deniers and anti-vaxxers.

At least they did. Not sure about now as I pretty much stopped listening to the BBC.

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They do it on every single 'issue' whether it's sane or not

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Trans Takeover at The BBC, basically.

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Thanks to Susan and Rob. My complaint has just been sent to BBC now.

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