Quite simply, sex by deception is sex without consent.

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You smashed it again Pat, this stuff is alarming. Why anyone would seek to ambush a potential partner with their surprise genitals is beyond me.

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Do they never consider they could meet with violence, when the unsuspecting other realised the deceit ?

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I think that's certainly a real possibility. Some people might be okay with it but inevitably, that won't apply to everyone and to assume it would is very stupid. Anyone doing this is risking encountering an angry reaction and worse. Unquestionably, this is wrong and deceitful, and as well as being absolutely no basis for a relationship, it's potentially dangerous.

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They did it on coronation street years ago, didn’t they?

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Right. I don't know that storyline. In real-life, however, getting someone to have sex or engage in the kind of sexual act they would normally decline, whether it involves men or women, is referring to a fucking crime. Any straight man or lesbian woman going to bed and engaging in some sexual activity with what they believe is a woman, later shown to be a man, has been the victim of a sex crime. No woman or man should find themselves having sex or engaging in any kind of sexual activity with people they would never approach for that purpose. It's a crime and a wrongness, whoever is being raped or sexually exploited here.

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Can’t remember the character names. The idea was that the woman the man who ran the local greasy spoon was living with, was in fact a man who’d had all the surgeries done. He’s told after they’ve been living together for some time.

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I've remembered, it's Haley and Roy. The latter was initially distressed about the deception, quickly overcame it and gradually Haley acquired a kind of flawless status, that only a bastard wouldn't recognise. Then she died and was canonised.

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There you go. An introduction to the idea of the trans woman.

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Already happened


The recent story Graham covered about the NHS giving out booklets telling TiFs to do this in gay saunas i.e give a gay man a blow job without revealing the fact they were actually female (they suggested wearing a towel) made me feel sick with fear for those young people. Imagine giving advice that puts those young females at risk of violence and encouraging them to break the law.

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Oh, fucking hell, everything about that is so wrong. I wish it wasn't true, but I know it is and it's so dangerous. This is something to avoid at all costs. What sort of disordered mind would suggest ways of doing it?

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I suspect some of them want violence. It feeds into their desire to be a victim. Imagine all the sympathy and likes they'd get on social media

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They could have a Day for it, and maybe a flag. Entitled “I Nearly Got Away With It” Day

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So if the vegan stew I've cooked is full of beef I don't need to tell my dinner guests. That's their lookout.

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"Nut allergy? They identify as beans, you bigot!"

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‘High 5!’ exactly.

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Gawd I getting brain dizzy...Kade was a biological woman?? If she had sex with a man that's hetro sex.. Was 'she' a he then..as she admitted to the straight guy? I'm confused?

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Kade is a woman, per the article. She told a sexual partner she’s a man (as in, she is a man in - woman’s body) the next day,and informed him that he’s gay, because like it or not, her man soul made him into a gay man.

Gayle was apparently a woman who posed as a man and had sexual relationships with other women, letting them believe she was male.

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And notice how Kade feels free to tell this guy what HIS sexual orientation is? SHE decrees that he's gay (or at least not straight)... this from a believer in the ideology that NEVER SHUTS THE FUCK UP about how you, and ONLY you, have the right to define yourself. Uh-huh. Hypocrisy much, Kade?

What I'd give to see him respond that he in fact "identifies as a woman", which, if this rapey Kade POS considers herself a man, would make their sexual encounter... straight after all. (Cuz let's not drag poor bi people into this mess.) Sorry, Kade-- there goes your precious "gay man" identity! Oopsie! Or, in other words, Kade: "You're straight bro! And that's fine." Right? :)

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HAHAH hells yeah!! Omg.. these people, blow my mind!

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Their epic-level dumbassery truly boggles the mind, does it not?

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Utterly so... rarr! Btw, love your avatar image! :D

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Ta very much! :) And yours, esp. combined with your username, really appeals to this GenXer who's increasingly nostalgic for the 1990s (and its riot grrl spirit).

Are you a fan of the comic "Love & Rockets", by any chance? And Esperanza "Hopey" Glass? This pic of her is from its 1980s phase, though Jaime Hernandez's art got even better in the 1990s (imo)-- but when I did an image search for Ms. Mean Eyebrows, nothing else avatar-worthy came up, and I was too lazy to throw one of my '90s L&R issues in the ol' scanner! Well, this '80s Hopey is still pretty nice... I like her impish expression, and I'm glad to hear that you do, too :)

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Thanks for that. So I hope the guy told Kade that's she's a delusional idiot that needs serious help. My word. RARRR!!!

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Thanks, just about unscrambled my brain cell! What a world😳

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I'm confused too. Like how could anyone not notice she has a beard and doesn't identify as a female? Also, was Gayle a man? Clarification needed. What a nightmare.

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Gayle purported to be a man in that case which defies belief - An extended relationship where she spoke with a deep voice and made her victim wear a blindfold because of claimed horrific injuries, sex with a prosthetic - and the victim had no clue! They spent days together chatting and so forth, highly highly suspicious. Gayle is a female who deceived her partner that she was male.

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oh my gosh. That's seriously dark.

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Google Gayle Newland, it is a fascinating case and one where I believe it defies belief that her partner, of some sexual experience, had no clue that she wasn't a man. Not victim blaming or anything, but the case is extraordinary

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Twisted as. The psychology behind it all fascinates me.

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I recall seeing M Butterfly on Broadway in 1988. It was based in part on the true story of French diplomat Bernard Bouriscot, who had a twenty-year relationship with a Chinese spy who he believed mistakenly was a woman. That also defied belief.

Shi Pei Pu told Bouriscot that he was secretly a woman, who had been masquerading as a man, and who acted in Chinese opera roles where he played a woman.

So, yes, it can happen.

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Only if the other person wants to be deceived, I think.

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Why are we being told we should accept these people unconditionally? Why are we forced to normalise these behaviours? To Beee Kiiind? They should try being kind to the rest of us.

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Why are we taking any notice? Is my question.

Who gave anyone the right to tell anyone about how our private lives should be lived? This is sexual behaviour, and apart from directly illegal acts, which are debated and passed by law, this surely is unacceptable!

Yet we apparently are supposed to be told who, what and how we should behave, and accept it ?

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This is completely horrific. Here's the fundamental truth about sexual deception, as assessed by @STILLTish:

“ … the deceit was practiced because the perpetrator knew consent was likely to be withdrawn if the truth about their biological sex was known. Prioritising your own need to be validated, by a third party, in the most intimate of encounters is a violation of the victim’s bodily autonomy.”

This was not consent freely given, because the consent was based on a lie. Preach, sister.

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Nice article. One small thing: unless I've missed something, The Secret Barrister is possibly female (unless something has been clarified elsewhere). Regardless, both SB and Adam Wagner, both of whom I used follow closely, have turned out to be far too credulous in this area. Its a shame - Secret Barrister was the reason I got a Twitter account.

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The BBC hates transgendered people.

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Mar 28, 2022
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This is a great way to get murdered.

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Allow me to qualify this statement:

If there's one thing we straight dudes hate it's surprise dick. The BBC is trying to get trans people killed because when a straight dude finds out she's a he and tried to pull a fast one, that trans person is likely to end up in a world of hurt - or worse.

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I'm not sure "trying to get trans people killed" is the right way of phrasing it, but the BBC have not taken proper care to ensure the safety, either physical or legal, of trans people.

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How else would you describe this?

The BBC is telling trans people sure, go ahead and deceive your potential sex partners.

Does the BBC think that the person who finds out their partner deceived them is going to react calmly to this?

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As I said, it's stupid and dangerous and possibly negligent, but I don't think it crosses into the realm of actively trying to get people killed.

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Unless they’ve gone home with Iggy Pop. I believe he’s not fussy.

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Again the suggestion that homosexuality doesn’t exist. And heterosexuality too. I suppose they would prefer it if everyone was bi. Although that would negate the validating part of the experience for them.

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I am bi and I can't condone this type of behaviour. Also apparently I am not allowed to identify as bi as it is not trans inclusive. If you wish not to be considered a bigot and you're bi you must say your pansexual. But I am not re-labelling myself for anyone.

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Bi is not trans inclusive either? For goodness sake.

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Haven't had enough coffee yet, but didn't understand the Kade story. Says Kade is biological female?

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Yes: a woman who "identifies" as a man. You know... like when a 4-year-old pretends they're a bunny? Except with the cuteness replaced by equal parts danger-to-oneself-and-others and sheer stupidity.

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