Well written article. I'm sure everyone realises by now that " transing " children who are gender non conforming and may grow up to be gay ,IS conversion therapy and Stonewall probably know this ,but as usual they're hiding their agenda behind LGB people. Recruitment to the Trans cult is all important !! Evil beyond imagining.👎👎👎
A 25 minute initial assessment session with Dr. Hakeem, without any kind of deep psychological probing or discussion, left this teenager with panic attacks, repressed memories of the session, shaking and crying whenever she reads his name, and in her own words -- vulnerable, disempowered, shocked, angry, and scared.
I'm not buying it, not one bit. Yes, this is a disturbed young girl, but her emotional upheaval certainly cannot be attributed to this short introductory session. What she's really so upset about is Doctor Hakeem not immediately affirming her "gender" as a male. And how could he have possibly done that? It would have been highly unethical for him to do so.
I agree, the timing of this article is highly suspicious. Stonewall went fishing, and found this young women. If her account is what they're calling 'conversion therapy', they've got nothing. Their fishing expedition failed massively. Seems the only thing they stuck their vicious hook into -- is their reputation. Again.
Reading Lyles story, Lyle sounds like a typical teenager- still prone to tantrums if they don't get their own way, howls of no one understands me and screaming oppression what questioned about anything they say or do. At 17, Lyle has an excuse fir this becaviour, unlike the adult TRAs who behave in rmthe exact same way.
Even at 17, that type of behaviour isn't inevitable. Lyle needs to learn that the world does not revolve around her. She is demanding an unobtainable fantasy - regardless of the root causes. That a person has not "affirmed" her delusion had sent her into a stroppy toddler trantrum which is unedifying in Teenagers.
It proves that she is not at all mature mentally to go through any form of "transition".
This is so maddening in part because (in the US anyway) gay conversion therapy is a religious practice and the equivalent for gender is not talk therapy for people presenting with gender dysphoria but rather transition - transgenderism is also a religious sect. Banning conversion therapy should mean banning medical “transition” yet it is constantly presented by stonewall here and abroad as the opposite. It is difficult to talk/argue about because of this. Of course, I think many of the gender borg know this and are arguing in terribly bad faith but then what else is new.
"Trans" is not a shiny new third sex. "Trans" identifying individuals ARE female or male - there is no other SEX - homosexuals, heterosexuals or bisexuals, like all other human beings on the planet, except they FEEL they are and WANT to be of the opposite sex. There is nothing wrong with that, except that "gender" self-identification is about requiring OTHERS to identify you as a member of the sex YOU claim to be.
This feeling, this desire - that you are not of your own sex and to want to be of the opposite sex - is a mental disorder called gender dysphoria. It can be treated by helping people come to terms with and accept their own bodies, but with hormones and plastic surgery, "trans" identifying individuals can transform this feeling into their own "living reality".
Homosexuals ARE homosexuals and homosexuality (and bisexuality) will not be changed, by hormones, prayers, plastic surgery, or psychotherapy. "Trans" identifying individuals WANT to be of the opposite sex and this desire can be fulfilled through medical intervention. And there is nothing wrong with that (in the case of persons of legal age). Except, there is a significant difference between BEingand WANTing . It is not the role of the state to fulfill the wants and desires of certain social groups at the expense of taxpayers.
It should be called sexed body dysmorphia. Not "gender" as there is nothing in or on the body that is "gender". That language does need to be changed. But until the wider medical professional bodies and authorities wake up and stop pandering to the ideologists and their sexual fantasies (which it is from the ones pushing this ideology) this will not stop.
NHS/medical professionals should NOT be using any opposite sexed terms for people delusional about their sex, or acting out their sexual fetishes in the public square. Every person is male or female and this cannot change. Pandering to a person's delusions is unhealthy and harmful to the individual and to society as a whole - as we are seeing daily.
I'm glad Dr Hakeem is treating this with the contempt it deserves but WTAF - another professional maligned in the same way they went after Sonia Appleby, Rachel Meade, Allison Bailey, James Esses and so many more teachers, guide leaders, social workers, psychotherapists trying to protect and safeguard children. It's terrifying.
Good to see Dennis back on form though - I miss him on twitter.
There was an episode of Star Trek where an individualised Borg drone was being interviewed by Picard to try to assess the reality of his individuality/ humanity: so, whether he could be trusted with freedom on the ship. Picard repeats the mantra of the Borg to him ‘ Resistance is futile’. The boy replies ‘Resistance is never futile ‘. The exchange made a deep impression on me, as an assertion of one of the bases of humanity.
Gay "conversion practices" (probably a more accurate term than "therapy") consisted of physical bullying and violence, mental bullying, chemical castration (see poor Alan Turing) and lobotomies - surgical operations!
These all should be rightly banned.
NONE of these are being used on children/teens/vulnerable adults who have a disconnect with their sexed body and their "identity" (as dictated to them from grooming adults with an agenda).
(note: the term "gender" dysmorphia is a nonsense. It would imply the patient does not like their "gender" whatever that means. No, its a dislike of their sexed body so its just BODY dysmorphia - using THAT language would go a long way to resolving this problem)
Yet, we see the gender ideologists such as Kelley and many others, encouraging, aiding, abetting the actual "conversion" of probably LGB by.....
- arrest of sexual maturity
- chemical castration
- surgical removal of healthy body parts.
This is LGB conversion practices. Its clear as day!
A bloody woman too! Referring to herself as 'cis'. What an asshole. Still, fair play to the old Daily Mail. Trans activists' abuses keep cropping up in their pages and they're siding with lesbians and gays. They've come a long way here.
Well written article. I'm sure everyone realises by now that " transing " children who are gender non conforming and may grow up to be gay ,IS conversion therapy and Stonewall probably know this ,but as usual they're hiding their agenda behind LGB people. Recruitment to the Trans cult is all important !! Evil beyond imagining.👎👎👎
A 25 minute initial assessment session with Dr. Hakeem, without any kind of deep psychological probing or discussion, left this teenager with panic attacks, repressed memories of the session, shaking and crying whenever she reads his name, and in her own words -- vulnerable, disempowered, shocked, angry, and scared.
I'm not buying it, not one bit. Yes, this is a disturbed young girl, but her emotional upheaval certainly cannot be attributed to this short introductory session. What she's really so upset about is Doctor Hakeem not immediately affirming her "gender" as a male. And how could he have possibly done that? It would have been highly unethical for him to do so.
I agree, the timing of this article is highly suspicious. Stonewall went fishing, and found this young women. If her account is what they're calling 'conversion therapy', they've got nothing. Their fishing expedition failed massively. Seems the only thing they stuck their vicious hook into -- is their reputation. Again.
Reading Lyles story, Lyle sounds like a typical teenager- still prone to tantrums if they don't get their own way, howls of no one understands me and screaming oppression what questioned about anything they say or do. At 17, Lyle has an excuse fir this becaviour, unlike the adult TRAs who behave in rmthe exact same way.
Even at 17, that type of behaviour isn't inevitable. Lyle needs to learn that the world does not revolve around her. She is demanding an unobtainable fantasy - regardless of the root causes. That a person has not "affirmed" her delusion had sent her into a stroppy toddler trantrum which is unedifying in Teenagers.
It proves that she is not at all mature mentally to go through any form of "transition".
Stonewall- “Rather unwise” + “Somewhat eccentric” lolz brilliant read.
This is so maddening in part because (in the US anyway) gay conversion therapy is a religious practice and the equivalent for gender is not talk therapy for people presenting with gender dysphoria but rather transition - transgenderism is also a religious sect. Banning conversion therapy should mean banning medical “transition” yet it is constantly presented by stonewall here and abroad as the opposite. It is difficult to talk/argue about because of this. Of course, I think many of the gender borg know this and are arguing in terribly bad faith but then what else is new.
"Trans" is not a shiny new third sex. "Trans" identifying individuals ARE female or male - there is no other SEX - homosexuals, heterosexuals or bisexuals, like all other human beings on the planet, except they FEEL they are and WANT to be of the opposite sex. There is nothing wrong with that, except that "gender" self-identification is about requiring OTHERS to identify you as a member of the sex YOU claim to be.
This feeling, this desire - that you are not of your own sex and to want to be of the opposite sex - is a mental disorder called gender dysphoria. It can be treated by helping people come to terms with and accept their own bodies, but with hormones and plastic surgery, "trans" identifying individuals can transform this feeling into their own "living reality".
Homosexuals ARE homosexuals and homosexuality (and bisexuality) will not be changed, by hormones, prayers, plastic surgery, or psychotherapy. "Trans" identifying individuals WANT to be of the opposite sex and this desire can be fulfilled through medical intervention. And there is nothing wrong with that (in the case of persons of legal age). Except, there is a significant difference between BEingand WANTing . It is not the role of the state to fulfill the wants and desires of certain social groups at the expense of taxpayers.
It should be called sexed body dysmorphia. Not "gender" as there is nothing in or on the body that is "gender". That language does need to be changed. But until the wider medical professional bodies and authorities wake up and stop pandering to the ideologists and their sexual fantasies (which it is from the ones pushing this ideology) this will not stop.
NHS/medical professionals should NOT be using any opposite sexed terms for people delusional about their sex, or acting out their sexual fetishes in the public square. Every person is male or female and this cannot change. Pandering to a person's delusions is unhealthy and harmful to the individual and to society as a whole - as we are seeing daily.
I’ve been wondering about the human desire for taboos.
I'm glad Dr Hakeem is treating this with the contempt it deserves but WTAF - another professional maligned in the same way they went after Sonia Appleby, Rachel Meade, Allison Bailey, James Esses and so many more teachers, guide leaders, social workers, psychotherapists trying to protect and safeguard children. It's terrifying.
Good to see Dennis back on form though - I miss him on twitter.
‘Résistance is never futile’
There was an episode of Star Trek where an individualised Borg drone was being interviewed by Picard to try to assess the reality of his individuality/ humanity: so, whether he could be trusted with freedom on the ship. Picard repeats the mantra of the Borg to him ‘ Resistance is futile’. The boy replies ‘Resistance is never futile ‘. The exchange made a deep impression on me, as an assertion of one of the bases of humanity.
‘Thèse fragments have I shored against my ruin’.
Gay "conversion practices" (probably a more accurate term than "therapy") consisted of physical bullying and violence, mental bullying, chemical castration (see poor Alan Turing) and lobotomies - surgical operations!
These all should be rightly banned.
NONE of these are being used on children/teens/vulnerable adults who have a disconnect with their sexed body and their "identity" (as dictated to them from grooming adults with an agenda).
(note: the term "gender" dysmorphia is a nonsense. It would imply the patient does not like their "gender" whatever that means. No, its a dislike of their sexed body so its just BODY dysmorphia - using THAT language would go a long way to resolving this problem)
Yet, we see the gender ideologists such as Kelley and many others, encouraging, aiding, abetting the actual "conversion" of probably LGB by.....
- arrest of sexual maturity
- chemical castration
- surgical removal of healthy body parts.
This is LGB conversion practices. Its clear as day!
A bloody woman too! Referring to herself as 'cis'. What an asshole. Still, fair play to the old Daily Mail. Trans activists' abuses keep cropping up in their pages and they're siding with lesbians and gays. They've come a long way here.
It's another Stephen Lawrence moment for the Mail - they do occasionally end up on the right side of history.
Gosh, yes. I remember. They were terrific there too.