Wonderful to see. Such a range of informed and intelligent views. Meanwhile my Irish niece has defriended me after I posted a very moderate article on women's sport and my Irish sister in law, who voted No to abortion rights, is all rainbowed up at a pride march. So the cat's most definitely out the bag but still a way to go for Ireland to shake off the new orthodoxy.. Still this is incredibly heartening and lovely to see those words from your Mum Graham.

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Absolutely amazing. If the politicians ignore this they deserve everything they get.

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Alas Irish politicians, both left and so-called ‘right’ (but in reality all pale imitations of the Lib Dems) are all low-grade, thicko types in thrall to the EU and globalist multinationals... Some, like Simon Harris, former Minister for Health and now Min for Higher Education, never had a proper job, just went straight from college into working for a political party. Others, like our Justice Minister Helen McEntee ‘inherited’ their seat - in her case her father was a politician who died and she took over.

They have all swallowed the Trans bullshit soup and passed a gender self-i.d. without a thought for women. McEntee is now working on hate crime/speech law and allegedly is being helped by Trans NGOs and Amnesty.

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A heartening read. Chatting to daughters BF today, works with the police. He told me if it helps, that similar discussions are had amongst police officers.He told me many know its nonsense and are scared to say anything.It did help to know dissent exists within the police.

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It's so heartening to see the good people of Ireland speak openly and honestly about this issue but sad that so many of them had to withhold their identities for fear of reprisal.

It's also equally sad that we've had to relearn, the hard way, that it only takes a few bad actors to poison a community and institute a culture of fear.

Roughly thirty years ago another repressive reign of pedophiles, child abusers and rapists hiding within the Roman Catholic Church started to crumble, and it only took 20-25 years for something equally toxic to try to take its place. They also used hate, shame and fear to silence people.

Graham has my eternal respect in taking a stand against that onslaught, he's paid a heavy price but I hope in time he'll see it's end.

"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance" ~Anon

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This is glorious! This is what everyone thinks in all countries, not just Ireland.

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Few believe this b.s., but many know how dangerous gender zealots are. Thanks for posting in full. Someone lovely tweeted a photo of the letters spread and I've been squinting at it all morning.

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I dont understand why the teachers arent banding together and saying NO we are not teaching this ideology that is homophobic and sexist? and although i agree with every single letter there is one that wants More debate which personally is exactly what we dont want as its a circular argument that goes nowhere - what we must have now are people willing to say NO MORE.

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Some teachers are! My old primary school friend is a teacher and I peaked her. They were due to have Stonewall go into their school and she went to her head and persuaded them to not allow them in.

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Hurrah! It's astonishing isn't it. Stopping this tide really is about one person talking to another, who talks to another. And the flip side - it's just a few cankers spoiling the life of entire teams and communities. They're like sunken cankers and we need to know what we're looking at.

I remember my mum very worried when she was a teacher and going on strike as she would lose pay. But it was something you had to do - and we were taught that.

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The problem is that in unions and representative groups everywhere extremists and nuts get into positions of authority because sensible, ordinary folk have their own lives to live and don’t want to spend their time after work plotting and scheming on committees etc.

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I don’t believe my union would support me at all in any of this sadly.

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I found the same when I was in a union years ago (I’m now retired). They are great at representing large numbers but any minority group or an individual that isn’t trendy or PC are/is ignored. It never serves any purpose in making yourself a martyr etc- your sacrifice or stand is forgotten the next day. Only people with access to the media or ‘those whose time has come’ have a chance of success.

Best wishes.

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This is so wonderful to read. If only UK media would allow this kind of debate.

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Actually it’s the British media (especially the Daily Mail and the London Times - God bless Janice Turner & Melanie Philips - which are on sale here and the Spectator which some people, incl myself, subscribe to) that spread the word here in Ireland first as all the media were either afraid to expose the Trans scandal or had signed up to it.

I am an Anglophile so I follow English political affairs etc closely. Most Irish people also have relatives in GB so get to hear what is going on over there.

We also get the GB TV stations here on cable. Stella O’Malley appeared on Channel 4 warning about the Trans scandal long before she was allowed on RTE over here.

So thank you (some) British media, and thank you Graham and all those in GB who opened doors for us here

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I love what Andrea King wrote about the definition of 'marginalised'.

This is amazing news. Gives me hope.

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Yes. Wonder what the women of Tallaght think when they hear their TD, Paul Murphy, describing middle class men like Carol Baxter (Assistant Secretary in the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth) and Dee Forbes (Director General of RTE) as the most marginalise women in Ireland.

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They're men?

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Yes indeedy. Baxter was a married man working in the Equality Commission. Marriage bar never got him fired. Took a turn to womanhood late in life and was able to influence policy.

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Honestly I am finding this all too crazy and all too much. Embedding 'trans' people - of the male variety - in the heart of all institutions and government. And therefore this new version of a twisted genderology ideology is slap bang centre and centered. Everywhere. And all under the silent guise of 'inclusion'. Swapping one lunatic philosophy that had a stranglehold on society for another.

Counter-terrorism must be learning something from this surely? It's astonishing. How to turn your whole society a few degrees then a few degrees more with all opposition muffled.

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Links to Athena Swan. It's that mention of 'gender' again. I've just seen a site with 'Womens Suffrage' as a nice header then lots of tosh about gender. Oh doh I forgot, anyone can be a woman now according to the gender experts. Identify into my sex to oppress me some more and pretend you have my life experiences.

I hate looking at anyone with a sinking realisation that I'm trying to work out if it's a man in a bad wig and an artfully thrown scarf saying he's fighting for my rights in the most dishonest way he can. Just stop all the lying. Men and women should look however they like - not in any stereotypical way and it's breaking my heart that these men are playing at us like this.

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Is Dee Forbes one as well? I have noticed that reference is sometimes made to her ‘partner’ but we are never told who/what/it is. I assumed she was a lesbian but then if she was I assume we would have been told.

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Pretty sure he is.

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I wonder should we write into Dee Forbes in RTE and ask her/him/they/it to clarify matters? 🤣🤣🤣

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Brilliant ,Graham. It's wonderful to see the Irish finally waking up to the dangers of this ideology . Thank God people are now becoming brave enough to speak about it. Well done to the journalist and the newspaper who exposed this. Wish more newspapers and journalists in the UK had the courage to do the same.! After all

the words "Transphobe" and " bigot have been rendered meaningless because everything is " transphobic ",according to the mob. TERF is now a badge of honour and includes some truly wonderful , courageous people.and I'm proud to class myself ,in my own small way ,as one of them. Hill to die on , truthfully Thanks ,Graham👍♥️

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Props to your mum!

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Wow! That’s pretty strong stuff!

Underlines what a scandal it is that so many institutions have implemented policies that pretend everyone believes this utter nonsense.

And good on your Mum, Graham!

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Graham is just a chip of the old block obviously 👏

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Good to see free speech and common sense which surely represents the people of Ireland - in a democracy gender ideology has no legitimacy when no one voted for it. Can only agree with your Mum Glinner!

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Glorious. Scottish Parliament have another one of their laughable "evidence" sessions tomorrow where a load of people on their payroll tell them what they want to hear. I hope they've seen this. Well said people of Ireland + big love to Mrs Linehan. 👏

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Interesting that the majority of letter writers are women old enough to remember the toxic abortion and divorce referenda which blighted Ireland during the 80s and 90s. These women understand what it was like to have magazines which included UK addresses for Marie Stopes censored or banned.We remember the catholic church having a hissy fit because RTE were prepared to air an episode of Dallas where Lucy Ewing had an abortion. We remember the anger when a 14 year old rape victim was prevented from leaving the country to obtain an abortion and the fearful realisation that that could be any of us one day. We remember that the until 1985, condoms could only be purchased with a prescription and that was only given if it was for bona fida family planning, bascially preventing access for unmarried people. We remember that the marriage bar for women was only fully lifted in 1977 and even then, it was at the insistence of the EU, EEC as was. This new generation of trans handmaid's have no memory of what it is to be truly oppressed because you are a woman. They are happy to throw all the achievements of previous generations away with both hands so long as they are perceived as being oh so liberal. One oppressive women hating religion has been replaced by another.

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People seem to prefer to have dogma, ideas and slogans handed down to them rather than think for themselves.

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They are so wonderfully refreshing, intelligent, brave and open minded - but not so open minded that their brains fall out (to quote the late Magdalen Berns). More and more people are beginning to understand what is happening and the implications of what they are losing.

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