I've had osteoporosis. I had it age 11. Its incredibly rare in children unless there are external factors causing it or serious malnutrition. In my case, there weren't. After weeks and weeks on crutches, weakness in one leg that was the worst affected, muscle wastage, circulation affected (blue, freezing cold leg is a red flag), and the NHS ignoring it all, we went private.

The private doctor found I had osteoporosis. He was confident that with puberty around the corner, this would reverse, in the meantime high doses of calcium needed and gentle weight bearing exercise.

He was right. It did reverse. PUBERTY was the key....to build the bone density that is vital for a mature adult body.

Post menopause, I need to be very careful it doesn't come back. My risk is higher than average. I suspect I will need hrt to limit that risk when the time comes.

It is criminal that anyone, especially a doctor or ANY medical body, is advocating for medicating children and teens which raises and causes this disease.

Those who have had precocious puberty (below age 8/9) are finding in their 20s and 30s, that they DO have osteoporosis. They find themselves in wheelchairs with serious bone weakness, with high risk to spontaneous fractures.

It is common got post menopausal women in the 70, 80s and 90s, to have spontaneous fractures due to them having osteoporosis.

It is not a mild condition. It can cause death indirectly due to a fracture not being found and then turning septic.

Webberley needs to be jailed for advocating, aiding and abetting young vulnerable children like this.

She is causing such conditions in otherwise healthy young people.

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Hi, Felicity, try to avoid HRT or so-called osteoporosis drugs. Take sufficient calcium, magnesium, and Vitamin D -- please do your research -- and do weight-bearing exercise, and you can be fine as you age. I used to have a rebounder (little trampoline); jumping and horseback riding are the very best exercises for your bones. Paul Campos in The Obesity Myth writes about the sizable number of women in Britain who die from osteoporosis; one would think that the NHS would have some interest in preventing this.

And Webberley doesn't seem to understand the difference between bone density and length of bones. That's a medical doctor for you, the dumbest shits on earth.

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I imagine they're hoping it goes away quietly.

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It never seems to occur to these people that threatening suicide if one doesn't get one's way is not a sign that someone should be catered to.

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Thanks for this, that went under the radar, surprise surprise

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thanks, it's about time the bbc had a rethink, and looked at exactly what is on its online empire.

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"just because they dress like one" 🤣😂🤣

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I am thinking about the above and those surgeons who will mutilate young people with surgery.

Remember the photo of this person.

"Mr Inglefield will always see a market opportunity. 'Transgender health care' AKA removing young women's breasts is just part of the cosmetic surgery industry"


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I remember a photo doing the rounds on Twitter with a young girl - who'd just had a double mastectomy - and a grinning surgeon posing for a selfie.

How can this evil be happening in plain sight?

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Taryn De Vere is such an AGP name. Does anyone know if Taryn is actually a woman?

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Yes, she's a mother to a few kids, one of whom is trans/gender blah-blah.

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Thanks. So depressing. She has stopped her child developing, sterilised him or her and put them on the road to mutilating surgeries. Now enthusiastically doing the same to other people's children.

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I think they all have the same kind of brain patterns....I'm sure this entire Cult is down to the same brain pattern, let by it, followed by it, unable to care about others, only about themselves..and they see *anyone* who even *remotely* disagrees with them as The Enemy, as bigots and fascists.

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'let by it' should be 'lead by it'

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55 days seems really long. That would be long for most murder trials- is it normal for this type of hearing, or is it just that much evidence against her? Or is the defense so well funded they’re making it that long?

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If it's been a four year investigation, I expect that the volume of evidence against her must be massive.

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Danial is very fair to Webberley in saying she's not knowingly evil.

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Too fair, imho.

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"And I wept again." "I was in such despair..." lol. Ok.

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This is very disturbing. Thank you for this, Graham.

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Very powerful piece, thanks.

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Prison is the only place for her and anyone involved. I so hope these damaged kids take legal action.

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We are approaching The Right Moment to remind the public about the scandalous abuse of pregnant horses to make some (not all) HRT therapies (Premarin, etc.)

While "bioidentical" hormones are now synthesized from soy and yam, it's my understanding horses are still being factory farmed for hormones for the pharmaceutical industry that operates outside the "first world" (as well a few left in the USA/etc).

The Western world has mostly abandoned this practice due to public outcry, but people DIYing it/buying HRT from online pharmacies may be obtaining "tortured horse" pills. If misgendering is violence, how bad is torturing animals? 🤔

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Step 1: these drugs are dangerous, let's talk about it in the public square

Step 2: quit prescribing these drugs to minors: they're dangerous and minors can't consent. (Keira Bell decision)

Step 3: if you won't stop prescribing these drugs to minors we'll come after your license to practice medicine (Webberley. We are here.)

Step 4: let's talk about where some of these dangerous drugs come from/how they're sourced. (Time to tee this up.)

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Many thanks, Club Sauce! The Amish did a lot of this in Canada, and now what they're doing is keeping large horses in confinement and stuffing them full of food, then shipping them to Japan to be slaughtered. And I had to listen to Robert Jensen (GC) say kind words about the Amish who brutalize women, children, and animals.

By the way, when I awoke from surgery I said NO PREMARIN and they got me estradiol. And when I got a decent practitioner she took me off pills and put me on hormone cream. And when my hypothyroidism was treated I didn't need any supplemental estrogen.

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Why have a gay son when you can have a straight daughter?

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I’d prefer a healthy gay son than a medicalised butchered straight daughter - these people are beyond contempt

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I can't say who is attracted to conventional medicine in the U.K.; only you all know about that. But I can say who is attracted to conventional medicine in the U.S., and it's people who should not be working as caregivers or practitioners. Every doctor I have ever met is emotionally dysfunctional and most of them are lazy conformists. The joke goes, "Who got Ds all through med school?" and the answer is, "Your doctor!" They care nothing for people's actual health; they care for the piles of money they receive, they do not educate themselves, they cause great harm. If there is any group of people I would like to vent my rage upon it's probably doctors.

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That is deeply disturbing. I mean, having a priest as a character reference should tell you everything…

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I had not seen this before. How disturbing.

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WTF. Perhaps I shouldn't be surprised but I am, I'm ashamed to read that. Thankfully justice, or a form of it, seems to have been done. Hopefully he spent the actual 7 years in jail.

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