
Thanks to everyone who helped out with this one!

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Dara! Dara! What a ship's cat he turned out as. Mwah.

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To show that the earth is not a thousand years old you have to show plenty but sometimes complicated evidence, like carbon dating, archeology, fossils, theory of the big bang and more, But to show there is only female and male, just look who has the eggs and who has the sperm. I definitely do not agree that the earth is thousand years old, but the alphabet gang is much more stupid than Mr. Poots when they say gender is a construct and utter pure garbage as in non binary sex.

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I was really disturbed to find out they are trying to get it to where they are teaching elementary schoolers tha some boys have vagina's and some girls have penises. That is child abuse, and gaslighting. How will these kids feel about their teachers and mentors when they realize they've been lied to...it is so sick and insane. Has anyone here done that kind of activism where you find out what's being taught and do activism against it? I have no kids so I don't even know how to find out? Who to ask, what to say, where to file a complaint, etc...

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It isn't only that, but in the future you can expect a massive lowering of the age of sexual consent, since the laws regarding sexual consent are not compatible with the laws regarding gender dysphoria. For example, how is it possible that children are not deemed to have enough insight and experience to know whether or not they should have, or even want sexual relationships with adults, yet somehow they are wise enough and have deep insight into the idea of puberty blockers, and sexual reorientation to know they want their genitals irrevocably altered, removed, and replaced by plastic surgery? Is it the case that some sexual perverts have fantasies about co0ntrolling children to that extent in both the question of consent to sexual activity, and the castration of boys and the sterilisation of girls along with plastic surgery that lasts forever? Politicians always take the easy way out. Soon, I dare say, consent laws all over Europe and the English speaking world will lower the age

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Over my dead body. We all know that's what they are trying to get done, but lay down and 'expect' it? Hell to the naw. In the "Feminist declaration on human rights" they mentioned that and I sent that language to my legislators. Since I stopped wasting my life arguing with sexual predators on social media and making boy psychopath billionaire tech geeks rich I spend that time contacting my elected reps and anyone else who seems vaguely interested. We are half the world, and I can't understand for the life of me why people want to just lay down and let this happen. Sure, when you are online surrounded by idiot 14 year olds it seems like that is plausible. But that is not real life.

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I had not noticed this post before I replied to you ealier, and now I KNOW you're speaking the same language as me. We believed crime doesnt pay, but now we realise it pays a 1000 times better than we got. It would be nice to have the same privilege and money as them but we feel the pressure of the law and want to live within it

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Exactly, i used not to believe in the slippery slope, but now i see it is true. We got to this point because we did not said no when we should had. Sexual ed is the perfect example of this, they said of course we have to teach sex ed to kids, we will teach biology only and nothing bad will happen and now we have this freak show

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When people write that there is an i nternational conspiracy of the elites regarding the paedophile conspiracy. I no longer disbelieve it. Jeffrey Epstein was the living embodiment of pimp to the elite. I wonder how true the stories about dunblane are

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Of course pedophilia is more common among psychopaths, that's what creates psychopathy in the first place, severe childhood trauma. And since uber rich people tend to be psychopathic, more often than not, it stands to reason there would be a child violation problem at the top of society, class and wealth-wise. No rich people who control society really want this known though, they want to weaponize the other teams' pedophilia and use it to defeat their foes. When you see it framed as 'liberals are pedos' or 'conservatives are pedos' you know there is politicization at play. In the one percent that think it's okay to own trillions or billions in wealth and let the world burn, they are all deranged psychopaths, it's not partisan

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Psychopathic or sociopathic - not sure which, but I know youre on the right track. I've led a life trying to obey the laws. I am afraid to drive at more than the legal speed limit. I worry a great deal about whether I should take some sticker off my car incase it invalidates my insurance. I dont steal things, I really am afraid to break rules or break the law, it's true. Yet all around me I see people with more money than me, with less inhibition about breaking rules. I see bankers and stockbrokers who make a ton more money than me and people with houses that cost millions and I just know that if only I broke the rules. If only I could break free of my own prison I could rake in a fortune. It's the law breakers that make all the money. I'm gonna die broke

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try to find the official curriculum of your local school district, it's usually public information on the school website. Don't say anything about trans at first, simply point how sexualized the curriculum is becoming and how this can be damaging for the kids, then work your way up !!

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thanks isabel that is great information, I have wondered for a long time how to find this out. I guess people who have kids know how to do it but I don't.

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What parallels between Mr Poots' creationist beliefs and those of the fundamentalist gender ideologues eh? I’m a citizen of Norn Iron and view the DUP with some antipathy and Poots with rather more than Arlene but here is kind of like redneck America in some ways. Hence the Giant's Causeway having to have a disclaimer notice to appease the Pootses of the province saying that it MIGHT be younger than geologists state...like Dawkins quoting "without comment" that there may be girl brains & boy brains. Such appeasing cowardy custards - the National Trust & Dawkins, they know they’re lying (in Dawkins' case by omission)

Great wee read thanks Graham et al, sharing 👍

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Probably a good moment to introduce myself .

I’m a Catholic .. not slavishly , but enough to wish to defend it. I’m also ProLife.

But I joined here because of my concern for trans - spaces. Probably would disagree with Glinner on much , but I love Fr Ted.. and enjoy his writings . So here I am !

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Fellow catholic here ! I also do not agree with Mr Glinner on everything but enough to see how right he is and how he is fighting the good fight. I am glad to be supporting him and how he is being a bean of light on the trans religion that allows no one to question their dogma. Also love Father Ted

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I had never been to a Catholic church in my life until I visited a church in Cadaques in Spain, a day or two after the planes flew into the twin towers in NY. I hadn't expected to find a service going on. I just wanted to take some photos. The church was packed, people were even outside the church and it was obvious (even though I dont speak Spanish) the church service was about the love of humans in the face of human aggression. Each time a hymn was sung we all held hands in a huge chain. There were tears strolling down my face as I realised the church had windows designed by Dali. Dali paintings on the walls, and here I was in a glorious moment of human kindness in a catholic church. I promise you, I have often thought of that day and wish I knew how to become a catholic

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I’m sure, to take the Good from any religion, is the right thing to do.

And reject the Bad.

If that makes me, the much derided ‘à la carte’ , then so be it.

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I'm pretty sure, youre going to have thoughtful things to say here. I hope you stay. From what I have seen of the comments section at The Glinner Update, people like having their views challenged and they are accepting of every view point. I'm just a commenter here, I dont know my butt from my elbow compared to the people who write the articles I comment on, but I know one thing, If you werent here there wouldnt be a complete 360 degree range of opinions. The more the merrier. Welcome to here

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Very kind of you. Thank you.

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I was vehemently pro-choice in my younger days until I saw the trauma on about five of my friends lives due to abortion remorse. That's one reason I left the democratic party because they absolutely are not allowed to speak about their pain and regret, which is very real. It's just censorship, pure and simple. I am in the gray area, but a political position that purports to be for and about women shouldn't censor lived experience of women.

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welcome :-)

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Thank you

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I love it! The genderwoo folk really are the equivalent of the flat-earthers, aren't they?

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I’ve enjoyed commenting on these tweets. I used to have an intellectual crush on Dara - sadly no more.

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Same. And I admit to a past crush on Eddie Izzard. And Omid Djalili. AND Owen Jones. Don't hate me. I knew no better back then. Now my crushes are Graham, Helen, Arty and some others of the Terven.

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Stewart Lee once said of Eddie Izzard. "It's easy to make people think that your standup comedy isn't scripted. All you have to do is say "Umm" or "ahh" a lot and it sounds like you're a genius making things up as you go along, Just ask Eddie Izzard"

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"Your enemies used to have science on their side, but now you’re on a level playing field." That made me laugh out loud. So well put. It's a scary time to be alive.

I spent decades of my adult life despising the politicians in my country who are now astonishingly refusing to back down to the exponentially largest and greediest lobby in the US, big pharma and it's child sterilization drive. I mean way, way bigger than the runners up, in orders of magnitude. It feels like the earth pole-shifted or something.

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I can see Jo Swinson's mouth moving..

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To explain why a circular definition doesn’t work without simply giving its definition (which for a lot of these people still doesn’t work), simply prompt them to ask you what a sloot is: “go ahead, ask me what a sloot is.” When they acquiesce to your badgering (no, a sloot is not a badger), say, “a sloot is anything that looks like a sloot.” Then ask them what they have learned about sloots.

If they protest that this is different, roll your eyes and say “fiiine.” Ahem, “a sloot is anyone that thinks they’re a sloot.” Oh wow now we’re getting somewhere- a sloot is a sentient being, quite possibly some type of human! Well, that’s one data point!

Now that they’re clear on the definition of sloot, give them a multiple-choice test on sloots. If they fail, make sure to send them to the sloop jail with which they identify.

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*sloot jail- stupid phone, misslooting sloots!

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The only thing I know about Dara Obriain as that Mock the week used to be funny, It's funnier than Have I got News for you, but I never laugh out loud at it any more. MTW and HIGNFY suffer the same problem. They just arent counter culture enough any more to be funny. I never watch HIGNFY an more and I only watch MTW cos theres nothing better to watch at 2:40 AM.

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I was interested in that line: At least your version of a soul has some history behind it, some higher significance... That made me think a bit. I dont exactly believe in organised religion but a couple of things have happened in my life of great significance to me. They would seem small things easily dismissed by others but even though I believe in science and logic and reason, I know that there is something that requires belief, that can be sought through reason and logic and experience, that is probably god-like if not god. I don't mock anyone for their religious beliefs, just their rather naive view of what god might be and the con behind the religions. I dont think it is that difficult do distinguish a man from a woman. just count ribs and look for non-plastic testicles

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ffs they are offering to trade new priests for old.

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"creationism is a dreamworld, an attempt to keep alive a mode of thought that no longer matches any known reality" Irish times 4th May

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As a human species we have a marvellous capacity to believe in myths in stories. Just goes to show that even those who believe themselves to be intelligent, can still be fooled by a mythical beast.

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Neh neh neh NEH neh!

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