By using your image they may have broken GDRP rules and by using it on a video called tackling transphobia they've called you transphobic. I'd suggest you seek legal representation, I'd happily put some money towards a crowdfunder.

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I'd chip in too. It's defamation of character and it would be very interesting to see what they argue is 'transphobic' in court.

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I'd donate too.

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Yep. I’d chip in too. Even if it was just to get a well-informed opinion from a top-notch barrister with expert data protection and privacy knowledge.

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Me too, also ex labour

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As an ex-Labour member I’ll happily chip in.

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Me too. This is disgraceful.

(Hi, Peak, nice to see you.)

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I love her writing - its not a journalists or writers take- its completely her real and very funny - she says everything that needs to be said and she says it in the way we all understand - 'emperors nob is on show' totally nails it - Labour and Starmer deserve nothing but our contempt.

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I was a member of the Labour Party for 25 years. Since I was a teenager in young Labour under John Smith.

I ended my membership after all this time, due to this issue.

The sense of betrayal is so accute it feels physical.

This party was part of my history, background and culture more than anything I can think of.

From the Huyton PM Harold Wilson, who met both my scouse grandmothers, and was their personal hero.

To my ardent socialist mum, who loathes Tories with all her heart.

This was the party i campaigned for, even as a teenager, went to conferences, was mentored to be a councillor.

All that has gone. I cannot support them. They don’t support women. They actively do women harm.

I believe Labour will never recover from the post modernist invasion. It’s rotted the party to its core.

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"The sense of betrayal is so accute it feels physical." I feel this too. I've wiped out every supportive word I once wrote about Corbyn, and I'd written many thousands...It's making me ill, to be honest, this constant war against women, this hatred of us. I've had 6YRS without my State Pension, so I know full well how much ALL Parties hate women, but this, on top of that..it overwhelms. And, that they would not only bring in Self ID but would do all they could to put as many children as they could onto puberty blockers...and probably seek to use the NHS for Trans surgery too, when people are already dying from cancer, heart disease, etc...so long are the waiting lists. I feel utter despair at times, I truly do. I have, however, tied Suffragette Coloured Ribbons to my 'shepherd's walking stick', and I'm also going to add 'Adult Human Female ribbon to it too, which is the lanyard from Posie's site, which I removed the 'join' from, turning it into ribbon, so that everywhere I go, people can see it and some may stop and ask.

NEVER upset a 66 year ol' lassie with a tall walking stick! lol

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I was thinking about it earlier - the NHS aspect. The idea that the health service would prioritise dysphoric people, over other illnesses - particularly mental health would anger me. While I agree that trans people need better care than they currently have, why should dysphoria take precedence over any other mental disorder? Get in line and wait with the rest of us.

And as for cosmetic surgery taking priority over cancer surgeries (as I heard many TRAs demanding during the pandemic) - all I say to them is "F*ck off you selfish bastards!"

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Dysphoria appears to take precedence over everything.

Not to anger you, but if you haven't, check the archive on here about the NHS and what's been happening about policies and 'inclusion'. There were two huge spats on the Health Service Journal (HSJ) recently when someone (now retired). called Kate (a woman and how dare she a lesbian woman at that) dared to voice caution about Stonewall. For some reason the person they chose to write a piece in reponse is a transjournalist who has openly written some vile, misoynistic guff (also featured here). Think it's someone called NotCursedE. People electing and demanding to do serious damage to their healthy bodies at the cost of many thousands is hard to justify with backlogs and extended length of stays reducing hospital capacity as social care is failing (still/again/more so). All in the run up to Winter too.

There are many lived experience and personal accounts of the sexual harassment that happens in mental health facilities, NHS and private providers, despite them already having specific requirements to protect based on your sex (no, not gender).

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I really liked your comment. It needs sending to the leadership. Not that it would be taken on board...

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SO many women have expressed similar visceral betrayal and declared they were having to leave Labour. Yet where's the coverage of this? Has anyone seen it mentioned in MSM?

Where are the surveys asking those who've left Labour specifically WHY they left, or what might have to change for them to wish to return? It seems as though no news sources or journalists have cited WOMEN leaving for these kinds of WOMANY reasons as even a factor in declining support for Labour. Or have I missed something?

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John Smith's death was a tragedy for the party as well as a personal one, I really believe that.

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Yes. I agree.

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Great article, Rebekah. Demonstrates the very real and pervasive misogyny in the Labour party and made me laugh about it for once - and it is risible when you think about it, the contortions and denial they have to go through to enthusiastically support transmania while avoiding talking about the very obvious anti-women's rights implications of the whole crazy ideology. I left the Labour Party because of this. How many women have to leave before Labour address this? When the tide finally turns, how are they going to explain themselves?

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I had the privilege of meeting Rebekah in Glasgow we conversed for age's. She really is fantastic. Brilliant article and they really did pick on the wrong Woman.

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"fauxhemian ... emperor's nob ... Wokeback mountain" 🤣 No, Labour Party transvestites (dunno his deadname but it was probably Kevin, Tom, DICK or Hairy), you do not take on a REAL woman with a turn of phrase like this unless you're an utter eejit 🙄🤣

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At a Constituency Labour Party not a million miles from you, Graham, some concerned women asked for the Labour Women’s Declaration to be circulated for discussion. This was not done. Apparently it was vetoed by *someone* - at least, that’s the story - but nobody seems to know who.

Meanwhile, 18 of the CLPs that HAVE been allowed to discuss it have voted for it to be presented to conference. Goodness knows how many might have done, if they’d been permitted.

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Ok, so if it is being deliberately sunk from the inside, as it looks like, this can't be happening. Why are the mysterious string-pullers getting away with this? Will it be spiked before/at/sidelined at Conference? Are the 18 enough to ensure it gets proper open debate?

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I don’t know if 18 are enough. It was something like third on the list.

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Good for you Rebekah. It is a shame that no Labour or left wing media cover this.

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Brilliant speech from Rebekah and I ,as well as countless numbers of other WOMEN all over the world ,agree with every word she said. As an ex Labour voter, having voted Labour all my life ,I wish I had joined the Labour party years ago ,just for the sheer pleasure of terminating my membership now. Labour are a disgrace and no longer represent me ( or indeed any WOMAN in this country.) Sadly ,the same can be said for the Lib Dems ,the Greens and the SNP !! MISOGYNY writ LARGE

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Great article. Go you for remaining string - and even being able to be funny - in the light of this ridiculous smearing.

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*strong, obviously

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hehe just noticed 'string' ...

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[snark]I am still amazed to this day that Corbyn and Labour lost the last election after having told us their pronouns.[/snark]

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Bravo. A magnificent stirring piece. What a woman! If just half the Labour Women who agree would likewise speak up we'd be three quarters of the way to getting this pestilence put back in the box

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I've been a Labour Party member for 30 years and have campaigned for Labour in numerous elections but I just don't know what to do now. Do we stay and fight to preserve the party I know and love or is it too late?

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It might be time to form a third party if you really can't stomach going over to the Tories.

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I'd rather cut my leg off than vote for that bunch of corrupt, inept fools. If Sharar Ali gets the Green leadership then I'll switch to them but it's fairly unlikely.

This was one of his tweets today:

Research by Women’s Resource Centre


found that women who had used women-only services greatly valued this support. Poll of 1,000 women across UK found 97% of those interviewed thought a female rape victim should have the choice of accessing a women-only support service.

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I understand. As a lifelong Democrat in the US I would sooner don a tri-tip wetsuit, slather myself in chum and dive head first into a tank full of sharks and piranhas while simultaneously setting my hair on fire and washing my eyes out with bleach before I would be a Republican.

I may be exaggerating a bit for dramatic license.

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I'm with you there, but really, the Democrats aren't much better. All the little apparatchiks (thank you, Russia, for such a great word) have discarded Medicare for All, did you know? I'm watching the People's Party but don't hope for much regarding women's rights even though they have a women's rights plank in their platform.

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They're a damn sight better than the Republicans - who are *worse* than TRAs.

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You really think so? I'm surrounded by Republican neighbors (one of whom was obviously deranged, but he moved to Florida and they are welcome to him), but none of them has threatened to rape me with a chainsaw or burn me alive. I see them as traumatized individuals who grew up in very unpleasant families where they were not treated with empathy or understanding. My aunt taught me a lot about this: Her mother beat her (NOT my grandmother, my grandpa's second wife) and her oldest sister pushed her stroller down the cellar steps with her in it. She then was habitually sexually harassed at work in the Ohio Statehouse and chose to identify with abusers rather than other victims. I feel very bad that she never got any help, but of course she thinks she's perfectly okay.

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Same re: Tories.. prob not the fire bit though 😉

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Some of us are staying in the hope of better. Not sure it will come.

There is zero chance of a third party (what: another one?) getting any traction in Westminster.

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This is great! Nails it. Just checking it’s ok to share on Twitter?

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Excellent piece of writing: funny passionate and to the point. As a poster said below, if you crowdfund I will donate. I too was a labour party member who left in disgust because of thr rampant misogyny.

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