Incredibly terse statement. She's been dumped.

Titanic, deckchairs

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I absolutely love that joke about how if Titanic happened now the transwomen would be jumping into the life boats first. 😄

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Women and perverts first

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It's no joke! They would, the bloody cheek of them 🤣🤣🤣

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It's a proper celebration now you're here ha!

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I'm on a night out and am totally distracted by this news!


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Youtube wouldn't let me reply to your comment about Dr Az! I wanted to say you can be my Bridesmaid. 😄

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What about the bit where they ask if anyone has got any reason why this couple should not be married? You'd have to slap duct tape on me to shut me up 🤣 p.s. it's 90% about the arms for me. I'm an arm girl 🤣

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KFP i like the idea of a fireman bravely re entering a burning building because ‘they’ are still inside.

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Not a doubt in my mind!

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I'm guessing this story is the iceberg... there's a lot more below the surface that we can't see (yet!). But then I'm not an expert... ;-)

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I hope that wink means you've heard major news is soon to be revealed!

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Oh I'm sure there's a big story brewing! But I'm afraid I don't have any info - the wink was just to signal my 'not an expert' reference. It was the excuse used by Mermaid's witnesses when they were in court against the LGB Alliance. And I think we're going to see a lot more of the "I'm not an expert" defence in the coming weeks!

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Susie interviewed on a Mermaids (as in the magical creature) podcast, and it's full of red flags coming out of her own mouth - seriously an urgent listen.


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Yes, got the I'm not an expert reference ha.

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Bet you've skimmed the Cass Review though, JL!

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Well, even thought I DON'T work at a charity dealing with dysphoric children, I've actually managed to read it in its entirety!

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Me too. Amazing how we've managed that, and that's without the pressure of a ridiculous tribunal!

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Incredible isn't it? Maybe we are experts, after all...

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lettuce hope this is beginning of the end!

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It looks panic stricken at any rate.

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Gah sorry I forgot to say that observation on the tone came from a subscriber. Didn't want to claim credit for it.

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Top Ten advert ideas for the new CEO:

1. 25 years supporting dysphoric youth, 10 years making them conform to stereotypes.

2. There's no such thing as a sporty girl

3. Safeguarding is for pussies

4. Jobs for Paedophiles

5. The only taboo is biological reality

6. A boy that likes ballet? Mermaids & bullies agree, call him she/her.

7. We won't let your kid grow up to be gay.

8. If in doubt, change the sex of the child.

9. Like Samaritans, but for homophobes

10. Sorry, we fucked up

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but you did already

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Oh ffs so I did

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Oh and Susie, girls who'll be watching that match aren't in fact men.

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I'm not even joking - autocorrect just changed Susie Green to Suspect Green. 😄

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😁 autocorrect knows

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WOW!!! I guess that LGB Alliance court case backfired, didn't it Susie?

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Spectacularly 👍

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I’m not an expert but

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Now for six years in prison.

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6? How about 60?

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Parents must do jail time here in the UK for FGM [of their children]. Do they!?

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Whoever came up with FTM=FGM deserves a round of applause.

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You did!? 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

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Hahaha, not one of mine. I bet Dr Az can clap real good with those strong arms and hands. 😄

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Oh I blushed 🤣

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In keeping with the mermaids theme, and because of your 'lettuce' erm joke haha - Why did the lobster blush? Because the seaweed!

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Next stop prison

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Jailhouse rock 🤣

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“everything she has done … to build ‘Mermaids’ into the organisation it is today.”

Setting the bitch up here, methinks/hopes.

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Reads like Step #1 of “we had no idea“ + “she lied to us” + “if we’d known the truth we never would have ______” defense prep

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Spot on.

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To keep on the football theme, the case against LGB Alliance was definitely an own goal.

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So Susie Green 'supported' 'trans, 'non-binary', and 'gender diverse' young people. What the hell is in the 'gender diverse' label that isn't already covered by the all-encompassing 'trans' descriptor? For that matter, according the ideology's ridiculous rules, 'non-binary' is under the 'trans' umbrella also. Nutters. None of it makes any sense. Hope the sparkly rainbow Mermaids door hits her so hard in the ass she ends up catapulted into a criminal court case. My compassion goes to all the children she damaged, especially her son.

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Start at 17 seconds-lasts about a minute- as one young MtF discusses realizing how homophobia led to transition:


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This is so sad to watch. What are we doing to young people? I cannot wait til wider society wakes up to the truth about the raging homophobia of this movement. Thanks, Sand Piper.

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SG would score in the minus numbers, if we were to rate her on making sense.

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Will she get a job at Pink News?

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' And now over too our homophobic child mutilation correspondent Susie Green '

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They've posted an article about her, and in it make out chest binders are harmless.

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Kink News 😂

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So awful of them to bury wonderful news on a Friday!

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Ding dong the child abusing homophobic witch is gone.

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Unfortunately not the only one

A long battle is ahead

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Near all my old friends are still captured and half are gay and lesbian and over 60 and still going as nutty coo-coo and mumbo-jumbled as ever. I always wondered what would come after--- "the new age". Now I know.

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yeah...the Age of Aquarius sure got hijacked by a load of perverts.

I'll never get over the shock of learning how many people in society are sheeple and the Greens will never get my vote again till the day I die and I wish I never had to find out who Matt Walsh is.

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Oh, yes. O, yes, o, yes. Yes yes yes.

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I find it surprising when older LGB people are into this gender woo. Surely they are more aware of the original gay rights struggle than young people are?

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The exact opposite with me, I don’t know a single person who believes this BS.

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IF - and that's a big if - this is owed to something yet to emerge, this house of cards could collapse very fast. Mermaids is one of the most prominent organisations for "transrights" internationally, its ruin would make a whole lot of people investigate the rest. But let's not hold our breath now.

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Do you think people will turn of the LGBTQIA+ "community" overall? You know, glitz and glam and sequins? Will people understand that it's not just corruption in one corner, but that this can attributed to the whole movement / gender as an industry?

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IF Mermaids actually comes tumbling down, and IF the other scandals such as in Iceland gain wider publicity, I'd expect the transgender movement to collapse and transgender industry to come unter intense scrutiny, hopefully to the point where it gets shut down. And of course, some of the movement's loudest parrots will have a lot to answer for. (Why does the name Owen Jones come to mind all of a sudden?)

I hope there won't be any fallout for gays and lesbians, or indeed transpeople as such. I tend to avoid the term community for members of these groups because they are not really a community in any meaningful sense of the word. They are many individuals, some organized, most not, with different levels of attachment and sense of belonging to a group. And while LGB people do share interests, the rest of the alphabet people emphatically do not, plus the I don't really want to belong to said "community". We have a range of widely divergent demographics whom queer ideologues just arbitrarily lumped together and told them to feel as part of one and the same.

Mind, I also avoid the term community for most other groups, because usually the members of these groups have no or very few structures, find themselves in very different situations, have very widely different ideas about any number of things, and are often quite divided into a number of sub-demographics.

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Yes.. no counting the chickens yet.

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Not yet....only from Mermaids.

I would much rather this was not the last heard of her....she eeds to face criminal charges and be found guilty...abuse, harm, incitement to self harm.

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Not only her , there’s a long long list

Beginning with the fm of Scotland

Perverted bastards each and every one of them

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Feel so concerned for her son/daughter! Also always concerned for all the children who have been likewise affected. Her going is great but her legacy still an issue!

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Apparently all of Jack(ie) Green's Tweets have been deleted. All the way back to 2014. Can't help but wonder why.

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Wonder is there some criminal or financial investigation coming down the pike?

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Something is definitely afoot.

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That speaks, or rather roars something is deeply wrong.

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Don't know why they'd bother appointing an interim CEO.

Last person out, turn off the lights, you're done mermaids

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Drowned mermaids 🧜‍♀️

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Had the exact same thought.

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These ‘transed’ kids -- like Susie Green’s son -- are going to need so much love and compassion and support. They will be further and further devastated as they see the wind systematically and systemically removed from the ‘gender’ sails. They’ll gradually see how duped they were by the ‘trans’ cult. They’ll see the tremendous psychic and physical damage inflicted upon them — lifelong damage from which there is no coming back — physically anyway. They’ll need help building psychological support networks. They’ll need help to convince them that life is still worth living.

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As I've stated previously, the groomers cannot be involved in providing those future services.

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Fer sure! You're right -- they'll want to of course. That's the nature of perpetrators -- take advantage of any situation, insert yourself into any and every opportunity --- no matter the outcome.

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Shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near them - or any other child

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I'm so ready to crowdfund and petition if that happens.

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Yes. I am very worried what is going to happen to these thousands of kids. Most of all about Susie Green's son and the "I am Jazz" boy. They have had the most exposure, so for them the crash will be the hardest.

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Both mothers are on film joking about the impact of blockers.

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It's going to be so strange for the likes of Jazz Jennings. But a lot of these kids are now trans activists / advocates for medicalisation. I think it's quite likely that they will still believe all the nonsense, not least because the alternative is so dire. I don't know though. It's hard to imagine the response.

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It will be easier if doing a 'my retransition' series is pitched to some TV execs. It's all grotesque but they might be looking for their new schlock horror ratings winner. All those who tuned in every episode (weekly?) to see a little boy's abuse and medically-induced illnesses will presumably love it. The Kardashian Jenners tried it for a while (might still be I have no idea).

I had no idea there was a link between the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and the Kardashians through Bruce Jenner and it's all the same kind of confected reality. I once stayed in an odd place and every house was owned by a 'famous plastic surgeon' and every wife was 'done'.

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I love your term 'confected reality'. Might have to steal that one once in a while.

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Those not in it due to AGP, are the ones serioualy harmed. My worry is that once the rose colured spectacles put on by all the idiot adults/experts who should have known better have fallen off, we could see a genuine epidemic of suicides. That is terrifying and scary.

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That would be blamed on transphobia.

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Once transideology has lost momentum, that charge will be largely meaningless. Sure, hardcore disciples will convince themselves that the suicide wave we will be seeing one way or another is a result of "transphobia". Outside those circles the victims will be seen as people who have been made to sacrifice their healthy bodies over casually made promises that could never be fulfilled.

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Even AGP is a serious mental health issue. Normalizing it certainly hasn't helped, what with all the rather obvious sissy porn stuff and all. It's not like men with AGP solely act out of their own choice. So while it is men from that group who mostly drive this movement and have radicalized it, they are also its victims.

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