The mentally unwell man in that clip has the same illness - it’s called misogyny- as Robin Ince et al, albeit in more florid form, and that’s why he’ll never get the mental health care he so obviously needs. We’ve normalised misogyny to the point where the ‘mainstream’ version is so widespread that the more overt and frightening forms are allowed to flourish in plain sight 🤷🏻♀️
Stonewall and the others did this. They created this feeling of victimhood and righteous anger in already vulnerable and unstable people. They never once, not once, acknowledged threats and aggression towards women, let alone condemned it.
I agree. Pink News too, The Guardian, Jones, Freddy The Seahorse, all complicit, as are all the TV stations, especially ITV, who've given these folks air-time to spread their foul spinning of truth...and The BBC for making endless documentaries, trying to get children into transworld asap.
Was thinking about the BBC as I read about the Sonia Appleby win vs Tavistock GIDS. Her managers took umbrage about her mentioning Saville in the context of safeguarding being overlooked at GIDS. Well we have the good old BBC also 'doing a Saville' AGAIN through their decision to take a propagandist stance to even the smallest kids via CBeebies, CBBC, BBC3, web content and schools materials. I am appalled by them.
Wish aa could join in but stopped watchin telly 20 years ago. Aa wolud love to see a mass non-payment of the license fee. Btw a substantial number of folk in Scotland stopped payin the fee due to BBC bias.
Exactly. And the individuals. I mean they have made the topic so polarized and aggressive, can any of us here imagine Owen Jones, for example, just once saying “oh hang on a minute, this isn’t good, I’ll put aside my beliefs and be honest and call this situation out”? None of them will do that. None want to admit they were wrong about Wi Spa, despite how bloody obvious it was that it wasn’t a damn hoax. And not to mention the horrendous case of Chris Chan, which can not be brushed under the rug.
There is a really good video that Lisa Muggeridge (Idge of Reason) did about Aimee Challenor after Lucas wrote that article for the Guardian defending Challenor. It's entitled "Why It Matters That Aimee Challenor is Trans". Speaking about Aimee as a very damaged individual and the effect of othere's hagiography in Aimee becoming dangerous.
Learned of her on Mumsnet some years ago, but not in the last year or two. She had terrible trouble with stalking and doxxing at one point. Ex-social worker. Knows her safeguarding onions.
I love Lisa Muggeridge, I found her videos ages ago before the Challenor stuff came out. She has such insight on this whole debate and has sudfered such awful abuse.
They've closed down so many of the mental health hospitals...turned them into luxury apartments (!!!). Once, such folks were looked after, 24/7, in secure accommodation, keeping them safe, keeping everyone else safe. Now, 'care in the community' madness reigns and all are suffering, especially women and children at present.
I'm glad these huge mental institutions have gone but not in the manner they were shut down. It was a cynical cost cutting exercise with no plan for the people who needed safe places of retreat. Reliance on drugs and a revolvin door to closed locked wards policy between underfunded community care.
And used as an excuse. Mental Illness, if he even really has one, might be a reason but it is never an excuse.
Stonewall, etc., are encouraging learned helplessness and violence by telling these people to invent excuses...and I'd feel sorry for them but change is a choice they are not making.
A quick look on his Twitter shows him using his disabilities and gender identity as a reason to complain and threaten people, even ex-friends. One of those perma-victims. He probably doesn't really have autism anyway, or if he does, it's the variation diagnosed by Dr Tumblr.
Well done to him for having Peak Transed MASSES of people who've been silent and tried to look the other way. This is what we need, more and more nutty behaviour, to show women just who will be 'peeing next to them', or in our hospital wards, public showers/changing rooms, prisons, rape refuges, etc. Imagine lying, helpless in a hospital ward, unable to move, dressed in your nightie, and he's put next to you, then, the nurses all go out, back down the corridor to the Nurses' station, leaving you alone with him......Bring back Nightingle Wards, whilst we're at it, where nurses are slap bang in the middle of the large, long wards, able to see all their patients...and ensure they're ALL single SEX wards only. He made me feel physically sick..and huge respect to that dear lassie for staying so calm. He should be arrested for breathing so hard right next to her face in these pandemic times....
Ah, Matthew Hopkins' dark,dark soul, must be smiling, in hell...
Onward and Upward, O Ye Witches All until The Devils have been defeated, forever and some sense of normality returns once again.
Been there, done that. I am a woman who is fed up with nutty behaviour. Witnessed many incidents over the past five years in triage, assessment, female bays, general wards and areas of my local hospital. I witnessed a severely mentally ill person, with learning disabilities in the acute assessment unit I was in, out of nowhere rush over and attack the young and very confused young girl with bright blue hair next to me (who'd already admitted to me she'd tried to kill herself and really needed someone to talk to as she couldn't tell her parents who kept telling her she was nuts). I rang my bell before this happened, then I screamed as it unfolded as there was nothing else I could physically do as I couldn't walk or get up from the bed quickly enough or at all. It took a group of security staff to pull her off. Then the suits came down over the next few hours and I asked one what the hell was happening. Nothing had happened, just a minor incident. Nothing to see here. Complain if you like. I wrote, and they apologised for my distress.
Another time, after days of harassment from the men's bay and visitors, homeless people, and an incendiary atmosphere in a gastro ward I had to call 999 as the staff scarpered and left a man threatening me with a knife. I shouted for help as I was cornered and was ignored. I was advised by the call handler to try to walk to the corridor and the stairs to escape. Erm. Afterwards I was thanked, and was interviewed, with the support of the chaplain, and the police thanked me too. Never saw anything in the press. I even called a friend, ahem, from the ward, who has a husband who, ahem, writes for the Maily Dail, who said he doesn't write on personal issues. Move along, nothing to see here.
Did I mention the person with a bad wig, that other female patients warned me was on section, hence the staff member glued to their side, who called me a fake woman, was truly vile, criticised my appearance and my very existence for a few hours before being transferred? The man who followed another female patient everywhere until she had a breakdown? The constant violence? The frightened staff hiding in offices? The time we were on lockdown as young men were stabbing each other in A&E? The older, dying woman whose family removed her so she could die at home in peace? Who grabbed hold of my hand as she walked past my bed, and told me to be strong and get out of there soon?
Why do you think hospitals have been in crisis and we can't recruit staff? Move along, nothing to see here. Fund mental health care.
It sounds like hospitals in the U.K. are at least as bad as hospitals in the U.S. The emergency departments are the worst, but floor nursing can be hell as well. My husband -- and it is very good to have male nurses on hand to deal with abusive male patients -- recounted many instances of violent behavior, often directed towards the nurse's aides. In these cases, where people are obviously out of control, security needs to be present at all times.
People, mostly male but not all, seem to be having fewer and fewer boundaries and limits, and I do not chalk it up to covid.
Yes. When the language is so twisted, all it takes is a video and some audio.
Slightly off-topic, because I am not for one minute comparing him to that fella, in terms of behaviour, but I watched a little snippet of RMW (barrister for Stonewall against Allison Bailey; pops in to patronise women on Mumsnet periodically). All it takes is to hear that man voice or see that man walk, or man behaviour and the edifice starts to crumble. No wonder they don't want a debate. It isn't just they haven't got the words - it's what seeing them and hearing them reveals.
Too many people read 'she' and have Blair White in their head. This ideology have played a blinder - they have got a way with it for so long.
Once we start having demonstrations here (U.S.) it would be good for someone such as myself -- severely disabled -- to deal with the subject of this thread. Does he even need that walker? (zimmer frame) We have criminals going to court using them for the sympathy factor.
Oh Susan, many of us will look forward to hearing that. Knowing I can't really hit back or run to safety now is a very hard thing to admit as it was always in my bag of self-defence tricks if needed.
Could you link to the other clips please? While we experience him as a pretty vile individual, and protecting women from him is tip priority, he seems from superficial viewing plus the ‘testimony’, volatile and vulnerable to abuse / manipulation himself from criminals and abusers .
I've seen other posts saying the guy in the red checked shirt has assaulted a woman before - not sure if that's true but he looks to be directing this unstable individual. This is the danger with extreme views - mix them with someone vulnerable like this and you've got a very dangerous situation.
This is actually pretty scary because with all the hateful TERFS rhetoric that gets whipped up, people like this could cause real harm to someone. He is twice the size of the women he’s screaming at. And despite the obvious issue here there are still people on Twitter saying that it’s ‘both sides’ and you can understand his anger. Like with domestic violence do the authorities have to wait until a women is killed before they intervene?
I hope I’m wrong but I really do think that a woman is going to get seriously hurt or killed by a TRA. And where will all the ‘both sides’ hand wringers be then? Why, blaming us women of course.
Or a very pissed off gender critical man or woman, or group, more likely boy, who isn't being heard and wants to be. Someone angry who's conflating grievances. This is the same echo chamber of online radicalisation. Well done Stonewall and antisocial media, well done.
I honestly think there is far more danger from the other side. They have been lied to so much about being in danger from “TERFs” that some of them are genuinely terrified while others feel morally justified in attacking women in “defence” of trans people.
I went to a public meeting about Women’s Rights. On Facebook there were people going witless with fear alleging it was a secret meeting about plans to hunt down and lynch trans people.
It was surreal and terrifying to know that terror was being stoked up in young people by “trans organisers” who did not turn up themselves to picket the meeting. They had convinced those who did turn up that they were protesting, believe this, in the UK, a meeting of female KKK members. They literally said that.
Of course, I do believe you. I am so sorry you experienced and were witness to that. This movement is like tying a firework to a cat's tail in a crowd. I wonder what the Facebook stats look like and how they filter, monitor or track who sees what. That would be an interesting FOI. And how they are sharing with police.
I think this one person at the protest above has typified a lot of what we see online and in the press. I've noticed how many of the protesters/counterprotesters have self-harm scars, or disordered eating, an obsession with 80s eyeshadow and obviously poor mental health. They are likely vulnerable and obviously so - and they signal this constantly. They signal that they are signalling. They perform it. And use it like a shield. You can't touch them, they've got a sunflower lanyard, they're protected and special. Bystanders and vulnerable people get dragged in to serve the purpose. The marginal become the centred and they love it. I wondered what the police footage from that day was.
I have dealt with any innate female vulnerability in different ways, not wallowing in my most oppressed status and growing it into an obsession. This is how they appear. It is a very male view of what a woman must be and what our lived experience is. You mean a man might rape us at any moment. How could we live with this knowledge of the potential threat?! Poor weak us! It's terrifying! Nasty men! We must live in constant fear and threateningly demand our rights! Is that what they thought we have been doing? How they view feminism? So we women now fulfil the position of dominant attacker (man) and they are the poor oppressed (woman).
We saw this - a 'vulnerable' and socially isolated person (a man) attacks another vulnerable person (a woman). That's why their obsession with 'vulnerability' and 'oppression' with fake stats on who murders who gets chilling - their imagined vulnerability takes precedence over women's or other men's real vulnerability and reality. How many young boys were stabbed by other boys in the UK that day? Can't we focus on them? They have deliberately overrepresented their risk and deliberately underestimated ours. This protest was another illustration of a 'vulnerable' man/transwoman physically looming over and acting in such a threatening manner the police had to intervene. Only another male could stop this male behaviour, as they only listen to other men - it was the taller, male, officer that approached, warned him back and to stop. And the moment he passed by he started up again. The much physically smaller woman under attack looked bemused and even smiling. Is this really happening?
It's another creative layer of TRA self-delusion that so many people are appropriating words like lynching and accusations of membership of the KKK. The nerve of it. It seems a whole generation have got everything back-to-front and are groomed to know 'for a fact' that women are the lucky focus of every hatred in history, somehow we're the nazis, the fascists, the bigots, colonialist slave-owners and white supremacists. Marxism? They are clueless, clearly motivated by an ideology so strong it pulls logic inside-out and back again.
Remember the guy at Brunel University posing with guns on Twitter? Wonder what happened to him? That was the first time I felt that this radicalisation could lead to a serious assault.
Whether this man has a mental health condition or any other medical condition, it does not give him carte blanche/free pass to behave in this way.
It really concerns me that someone like this, whose behaviour clearly shown in his own tweets as well as through video footage and therefore is showing huge red flags that he is a danger to all in society, is sort of being allowed to get away with it because he *may* have a "mental health condition".
Its insulting to those who do have mental health conditions and are getting them treated appropriately and not using them as a "get out of jail free" card to behave in this kind of way with impunity.
I do not care if he is being "directed". He is STILL making a choice. If he is out in the world in this way, he is MAKING A CHOICE to behave like this. To be influenced in whatever way *because he agrees* with it.
Lets stop using "mental health" as an excuse. Its far too close to "lets be kind". No, Thankyou.
Call it what it is. A man, demanding with menaces, to be treated in a specific way that impacts a specific group of people. It is criminal behaviour.
Keep the kindness for those who do have mental and/or physical health conditions and do not use them to hurt others.
Graham, did you read all the lovely things we said about you below the Times Scotland article? I am there under a different name. Please do read them. .
Why would anyone go into politics now? You need to be a multimillionaire to even consider it, so you can't be cancelled metaphorically or literally, and your own private, gated, home and private security. And the hide of a rhino. And no family or friends to protect.
I know, isn't that weird? They can't stand our bodies or our minds or our speaking out, but they want to pretend to be us. And every gesture, every shout, every mimicking, makes it clear they are not in the least feminine in any way whatsoever. (Using feminine in the positive sense of sympathetic, nurturing, warm.)
I’m not excusing his behaviour but I understand he’s severely autistic. He needs help but instead his behaviour is validated by others who should know better.
I don't think he's severely autistic. A friend told me years ago that severely autistic people are normally severely retarded; she even doubted many diagnoses because people would prefer their children be labeled autistic rather than retarded. I think he's severely entitled.
I would have more sympathy for him if he wasn’t lunging towards women, shouting in their faces without a mask (I spot the lanyard, it’s the action I’m criticising) at a time of a pandemic. He’s wished death on Liz Truss. It’s him and his ilk that are going to be responsible for a woman or women getting hurt/injured if something isn’t done to dial this down.
This I find so disturbing. The person has Cerebral Palsy, Autism, I believe has no capacity, PTSD, and seems to suffer from delusion or some sort of psychosis. It's clear the person is being egged on by a TRA. And where is the safeguarding? Not from SNP, not from TRA, no idea where carer/social worker is and when the genuinely concerned TERF-witches try to speak out the thugs in the Parliament and trans support groups will silence us. Because CLEARLY all this person needs is to self id.
I wonder if the TRA was egging on to try and incite a violent or aggressive response from us. Disgraceful. I was directly to the left of the woman being hounded and it was clear this person needed help. I've subsequently learned the extent of the help needed.
I’m sorry you had to go through that. These confrontations aren’t pleasant or safe. Much respect from me to you for being there Susan. We will need to start fundraising for security to deter violence at these events. I’m in the US and private security is becoming standard at any protest the radicals threaten to sabotage.
The mentally unwell man in that clip has the same illness - it’s called misogyny- as Robin Ince et al, albeit in more florid form, and that’s why he’ll never get the mental health care he so obviously needs. We’ve normalised misogyny to the point where the ‘mainstream’ version is so widespread that the more overt and frightening forms are allowed to flourish in plain sight 🤷🏻♀️
That is really well said.
This is disturbing and more disturbing is it is being enabled and encouraged instead of treated.
Stonewall and the others did this. They created this feeling of victimhood and righteous anger in already vulnerable and unstable people. They never once, not once, acknowledged threats and aggression towards women, let alone condemned it.
I agree. Pink News too, The Guardian, Jones, Freddy The Seahorse, all complicit, as are all the TV stations, especially ITV, who've given these folks air-time to spread their foul spinning of truth...and The BBC for making endless documentaries, trying to get children into transworld asap.
Was thinking about the BBC as I read about the Sonia Appleby win vs Tavistock GIDS. Her managers took umbrage about her mentioning Saville in the context of safeguarding being overlooked at GIDS. Well we have the good old BBC also 'doing a Saville' AGAIN through their decision to take a propagandist stance to even the smallest kids via CBeebies, CBBC, BBC3, web content and schools materials. I am appalled by them.
Looking forward to the mass non-payment of TV Licenses. . . I AM IN!
Wish aa could join in but stopped watchin telly 20 years ago. Aa wolud love to see a mass non-payment of the license fee. Btw a substantial number of folk in Scotland stopped payin the fee due to BBC bias.
Exactly. And the individuals. I mean they have made the topic so polarized and aggressive, can any of us here imagine Owen Jones, for example, just once saying “oh hang on a minute, this isn’t good, I’ll put aside my beliefs and be honest and call this situation out”? None of them will do that. None want to admit they were wrong about Wi Spa, despite how bloody obvious it was that it wasn’t a damn hoax. And not to mention the horrendous case of Chris Chan, which can not be brushed under the rug.
There is a really good video that Lisa Muggeridge (Idge of Reason) did about Aimee Challenor after Lucas wrote that article for the Guardian defending Challenor. It's entitled "Why It Matters That Aimee Challenor is Trans". Speaking about Aimee as a very damaged individual and the effect of othere's hagiography in Aimee becoming dangerous.
Is this it? Thanks for directing me to this.
Superb statement! She is who needs to be helping young people, not vicious predators who want them to damage their bodies and their developing selves.
Thanks, great video. I somehow had never heard of Lisa Muggeridge.
Learned of her on Mumsnet some years ago, but not in the last year or two. She had terrible trouble with stalking and doxxing at one point. Ex-social worker. Knows her safeguarding onions.
I love Lisa Muggeridge, I found her videos ages ago before the Challenor stuff came out. She has such insight on this whole debate and has sudfered such awful abuse.
They've closed down so many of the mental health hospitals...turned them into luxury apartments (!!!). Once, such folks were looked after, 24/7, in secure accommodation, keeping them safe, keeping everyone else safe. Now, 'care in the community' madness reigns and all are suffering, especially women and children at present.
Absolutely. Wider safeguarding is meaningless, as the first or only point of contact for many people is now absent. We're all affected by that.
I'm glad these huge mental institutions have gone but not in the manner they were shut down. It was a cynical cost cutting exercise with no plan for the people who needed safe places of retreat. Reliance on drugs and a revolvin door to closed locked wards policy between underfunded community care.
I was just thinking ‘care in the community’ -
And used as an excuse. Mental Illness, if he even really has one, might be a reason but it is never an excuse.
Stonewall, etc., are encouraging learned helplessness and violence by telling these people to invent excuses...and I'd feel sorry for them but change is a choice they are not making.
These men hate us so much that even murdering us will not be enough to make them happy. Look at this guy: he's a psychotic monster.
Vichy feminists know this behaviour is occurring and have willingly directed it toward their fellow women, for which I will never forgive them.
Nor will I
A quick look on his Twitter shows him using his disabilities and gender identity as a reason to complain and threaten people, even ex-friends. One of those perma-victims. He probably doesn't really have autism anyway, or if he does, it's the variation diagnosed by Dr Tumblr.
It gave me Yaniv flashbacks.
Well done to him for having Peak Transed MASSES of people who've been silent and tried to look the other way. This is what we need, more and more nutty behaviour, to show women just who will be 'peeing next to them', or in our hospital wards, public showers/changing rooms, prisons, rape refuges, etc. Imagine lying, helpless in a hospital ward, unable to move, dressed in your nightie, and he's put next to you, then, the nurses all go out, back down the corridor to the Nurses' station, leaving you alone with him......Bring back Nightingle Wards, whilst we're at it, where nurses are slap bang in the middle of the large, long wards, able to see all their patients...and ensure they're ALL single SEX wards only. He made me feel physically sick..and huge respect to that dear lassie for staying so calm. He should be arrested for breathing so hard right next to her face in these pandemic times....
Ah, Matthew Hopkins' dark,dark soul, must be smiling, in hell...
Onward and Upward, O Ye Witches All until The Devils have been defeated, forever and some sense of normality returns once again.
Been there, done that. I am a woman who is fed up with nutty behaviour. Witnessed many incidents over the past five years in triage, assessment, female bays, general wards and areas of my local hospital. I witnessed a severely mentally ill person, with learning disabilities in the acute assessment unit I was in, out of nowhere rush over and attack the young and very confused young girl with bright blue hair next to me (who'd already admitted to me she'd tried to kill herself and really needed someone to talk to as she couldn't tell her parents who kept telling her she was nuts). I rang my bell before this happened, then I screamed as it unfolded as there was nothing else I could physically do as I couldn't walk or get up from the bed quickly enough or at all. It took a group of security staff to pull her off. Then the suits came down over the next few hours and I asked one what the hell was happening. Nothing had happened, just a minor incident. Nothing to see here. Complain if you like. I wrote, and they apologised for my distress.
Another time, after days of harassment from the men's bay and visitors, homeless people, and an incendiary atmosphere in a gastro ward I had to call 999 as the staff scarpered and left a man threatening me with a knife. I shouted for help as I was cornered and was ignored. I was advised by the call handler to try to walk to the corridor and the stairs to escape. Erm. Afterwards I was thanked, and was interviewed, with the support of the chaplain, and the police thanked me too. Never saw anything in the press. I even called a friend, ahem, from the ward, who has a husband who, ahem, writes for the Maily Dail, who said he doesn't write on personal issues. Move along, nothing to see here.
Did I mention the person with a bad wig, that other female patients warned me was on section, hence the staff member glued to their side, who called me a fake woman, was truly vile, criticised my appearance and my very existence for a few hours before being transferred? The man who followed another female patient everywhere until she had a breakdown? The constant violence? The frightened staff hiding in offices? The time we were on lockdown as young men were stabbing each other in A&E? The older, dying woman whose family removed her so she could die at home in peace? Who grabbed hold of my hand as she walked past my bed, and told me to be strong and get out of there soon?
Why do you think hospitals have been in crisis and we can't recruit staff? Move along, nothing to see here. Fund mental health care.
It sounds like hospitals in the U.K. are at least as bad as hospitals in the U.S. The emergency departments are the worst, but floor nursing can be hell as well. My husband -- and it is very good to have male nurses on hand to deal with abusive male patients -- recounted many instances of violent behavior, often directed towards the nurse's aides. In these cases, where people are obviously out of control, security needs to be present at all times.
People, mostly male but not all, seem to be having fewer and fewer boundaries and limits, and I do not chalk it up to covid.
Well said! Sorry you had such a heavy load to carry.
Yes. When the language is so twisted, all it takes is a video and some audio.
Slightly off-topic, because I am not for one minute comparing him to that fella, in terms of behaviour, but I watched a little snippet of RMW (barrister for Stonewall against Allison Bailey; pops in to patronise women on Mumsnet periodically). All it takes is to hear that man voice or see that man walk, or man behaviour and the edifice starts to crumble. No wonder they don't want a debate. It isn't just they haven't got the words - it's what seeing them and hearing them reveals.
Too many people read 'she' and have Blair White in their head. This ideology have played a blinder - they have got a way with it for so long.
P.S. I don't care how nice they are. Men don't belong in spaces set aside for women and girls.
No, we don't.
Thing is: good men know that.
And some fetishists know that too, and that’s the thrill they get from being there.
We also need the media to wake the F up and show these on mainstream news. That would certainly peak more people.
Whilst its being kept secret and restricted to certain areas, no one will know. And the modern day Hopkins will get their demands put into law.
Once we start having demonstrations here (U.S.) it would be good for someone such as myself -- severely disabled -- to deal with the subject of this thread. Does he even need that walker? (zimmer frame) We have criminals going to court using them for the sympathy factor.
Oh Susan, many of us will look forward to hearing that. Knowing I can't really hit back or run to safety now is a very hard thing to admit as it was always in my bag of self-defence tricks if needed.
A very disturbed individual whom is seen being told what to do in other clips.
Handwritten notes he wrote...saying he believes in God and is divinely approved as being a girl...and many churches have rejected him.
Mix that up with
"had a violent sensory overload...would of pummelled over" a women housing officer.
Red flags everywhere...get help son.
Could you link to the other clips please? While we experience him as a pretty vile individual, and protecting women from him is tip priority, he seems from superficial viewing plus the ‘testimony’, volatile and vulnerable to abuse / manipulation himself from criminals and abusers .
If you are on Twitter loads of information in this thread.
Looks like he may have some kind of schizophrenia...
He needs help...a troubled unstable man. with violent proclivities.
I've seen other posts saying the guy in the red checked shirt has assaulted a woman before - not sure if that's true but he looks to be directing this unstable individual. This is the danger with extreme views - mix them with someone vulnerable like this and you've got a very dangerous situation.
This is actually pretty scary because with all the hateful TERFS rhetoric that gets whipped up, people like this could cause real harm to someone. He is twice the size of the women he’s screaming at. And despite the obvious issue here there are still people on Twitter saying that it’s ‘both sides’ and you can understand his anger. Like with domestic violence do the authorities have to wait until a women is killed before they intervene?
I hope I’m wrong but I really do think that a woman is going to get seriously hurt or killed by a TRA. And where will all the ‘both sides’ hand wringers be then? Why, blaming us women of course.
Or a very pissed off gender critical man or woman, or group, more likely boy, who isn't being heard and wants to be. Someone angry who's conflating grievances. This is the same echo chamber of online radicalisation. Well done Stonewall and antisocial media, well done.
I honestly think there is far more danger from the other side. They have been lied to so much about being in danger from “TERFs” that some of them are genuinely terrified while others feel morally justified in attacking women in “defence” of trans people.
I went to a public meeting about Women’s Rights. On Facebook there were people going witless with fear alleging it was a secret meeting about plans to hunt down and lynch trans people.
It was surreal and terrifying to know that terror was being stoked up in young people by “trans organisers” who did not turn up themselves to picket the meeting. They had convinced those who did turn up that they were protesting, believe this, in the UK, a meeting of female KKK members. They literally said that.
Of course, I do believe you. I am so sorry you experienced and were witness to that. This movement is like tying a firework to a cat's tail in a crowd. I wonder what the Facebook stats look like and how they filter, monitor or track who sees what. That would be an interesting FOI. And how they are sharing with police.
I think this one person at the protest above has typified a lot of what we see online and in the press. I've noticed how many of the protesters/counterprotesters have self-harm scars, or disordered eating, an obsession with 80s eyeshadow and obviously poor mental health. They are likely vulnerable and obviously so - and they signal this constantly. They signal that they are signalling. They perform it. And use it like a shield. You can't touch them, they've got a sunflower lanyard, they're protected and special. Bystanders and vulnerable people get dragged in to serve the purpose. The marginal become the centred and they love it. I wondered what the police footage from that day was.
I have dealt with any innate female vulnerability in different ways, not wallowing in my most oppressed status and growing it into an obsession. This is how they appear. It is a very male view of what a woman must be and what our lived experience is. You mean a man might rape us at any moment. How could we live with this knowledge of the potential threat?! Poor weak us! It's terrifying! Nasty men! We must live in constant fear and threateningly demand our rights! Is that what they thought we have been doing? How they view feminism? So we women now fulfil the position of dominant attacker (man) and they are the poor oppressed (woman).
We saw this - a 'vulnerable' and socially isolated person (a man) attacks another vulnerable person (a woman). That's why their obsession with 'vulnerability' and 'oppression' with fake stats on who murders who gets chilling - their imagined vulnerability takes precedence over women's or other men's real vulnerability and reality. How many young boys were stabbed by other boys in the UK that day? Can't we focus on them? They have deliberately overrepresented their risk and deliberately underestimated ours. This protest was another illustration of a 'vulnerable' man/transwoman physically looming over and acting in such a threatening manner the police had to intervene. Only another male could stop this male behaviour, as they only listen to other men - it was the taller, male, officer that approached, warned him back and to stop. And the moment he passed by he started up again. The much physically smaller woman under attack looked bemused and even smiling. Is this really happening?
It's another creative layer of TRA self-delusion that so many people are appropriating words like lynching and accusations of membership of the KKK. The nerve of it. It seems a whole generation have got everything back-to-front and are groomed to know 'for a fact' that women are the lucky focus of every hatred in history, somehow we're the nazis, the fascists, the bigots, colonialist slave-owners and white supremacists. Marxism? They are clueless, clearly motivated by an ideology so strong it pulls logic inside-out and back again.
Thank you. Really interesting comment.
FOI obviously not covering a private company - but the government departments and agencies that work in this area and liaise with them.
Remember the guy at Brunel University posing with guns on Twitter? Wonder what happened to him? That was the first time I felt that this radicalisation could lead to a serious assault.
Yup. They aren't doing a very good job of reassuring the public though. And funding the services that have been warning them for a while.
I am in awe of that woman's calm. I am livid at the idea of him spitting in her face like that.
Whether this man has a mental health condition or any other medical condition, it does not give him carte blanche/free pass to behave in this way.
It really concerns me that someone like this, whose behaviour clearly shown in his own tweets as well as through video footage and therefore is showing huge red flags that he is a danger to all in society, is sort of being allowed to get away with it because he *may* have a "mental health condition".
Its insulting to those who do have mental health conditions and are getting them treated appropriately and not using them as a "get out of jail free" card to behave in this kind of way with impunity.
I do not care if he is being "directed". He is STILL making a choice. If he is out in the world in this way, he is MAKING A CHOICE to behave like this. To be influenced in whatever way *because he agrees* with it.
Lets stop using "mental health" as an excuse. Its far too close to "lets be kind". No, Thankyou.
Call it what it is. A man, demanding with menaces, to be treated in a specific way that impacts a specific group of people. It is criminal behaviour.
Keep the kindness for those who do have mental and/or physical health conditions and do not use them to hurt others.
Graham, did you read all the lovely things we said about you below the Times Scotland article? I am there under a different name. Please do read them. .
Dear Police Scotland, why haven't you arrested that man for threatening Liz Truss?
Why would anyone go into politics now? You need to be a multimillionaire to even consider it, so you can't be cancelled metaphorically or literally, and your own private, gated, home and private security. And the hide of a rhino. And no family or friends to protect.
Hares woman but wants to be one 🤷🏻♀️
I know, isn't that weird? They can't stand our bodies or our minds or our speaking out, but they want to pretend to be us. And every gesture, every shout, every mimicking, makes it clear they are not in the least feminine in any way whatsoever. (Using feminine in the positive sense of sympathetic, nurturing, warm.)
I’m not excusing his behaviour but I understand he’s severely autistic. He needs help but instead his behaviour is validated by others who should know better.
I don't think he's severely autistic. A friend told me years ago that severely autistic people are normally severely retarded; she even doubted many diagnoses because people would prefer their children be labeled autistic rather than retarded. I think he's severely entitled.
I would have more sympathy for him if he wasn’t lunging towards women, shouting in their faces without a mask (I spot the lanyard, it’s the action I’m criticising) at a time of a pandemic. He’s wished death on Liz Truss. It’s him and his ilk that are going to be responsible for a woman or women getting hurt/injured if something isn’t done to dial this down.
Like I said, I’m not excusing his behaviour in the slightest. It does sicken me though that damaged young people are being manipulated.
This I find so disturbing. The person has Cerebral Palsy, Autism, I believe has no capacity, PTSD, and seems to suffer from delusion or some sort of psychosis. It's clear the person is being egged on by a TRA. And where is the safeguarding? Not from SNP, not from TRA, no idea where carer/social worker is and when the genuinely concerned TERF-witches try to speak out the thugs in the Parliament and trans support groups will silence us. Because CLEARLY all this person needs is to self id.
I wonder if the TRA was egging on to try and incite a violent or aggressive response from us. Disgraceful. I was directly to the left of the woman being hounded and it was clear this person needed help. I've subsequently learned the extent of the help needed.
I’m sorry you had to go through that. These confrontations aren’t pleasant or safe. Much respect from me to you for being there Susan. We will need to start fundraising for security to deter violence at these events. I’m in the US and private security is becoming standard at any protest the radicals threaten to sabotage.
I'm pretty sure I played rugby with this guy 40 years ago . Seems he's a bit faster now using a walker but he remains a right creepy fecker .