I clicked on the NHS rainbow profile page and the bio says "🏳️‍🌈 NHS Badge Project, Phase 2 run by @LGBTfdn @stonewalluk @LGBTSwitchboard @LGBTConsortium @GLADDUK on behalf of

@NHSEngland". This is a perfect example of what happens when managers outsource their thinking and their work. I expect the budget holders and managers aren't even on Twitter and haven't a clue about what's being tweeted in their name.

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Similar not similar, can't give to much detail but in Scotland there are numerous moneymakers where the NHS allow the use of there badge... It should have a disclaimer along with it...

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They need to make it their business to know. Ignorance is no defence. They bloody get paid enough.

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Tweet has been deleted it seems

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Isnt she in court today?

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It's been put back yet again until 1st November.

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JFC! what are they playing at

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This is a common practice, at least here in the U.S., when our overlords don't really have a case. They keep postponing and postponing -- I don't know if they think eventually everyone will just forget about the so-called crime. I don't know much about the legal system across the pond, but I would guess they're using the technique in much the same way.

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They are also probably waiting to see the lie of the land because of that poor wee lassie Sarah Everard being murdered by the cop...

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Years ago, feminists suggested that men not be allowed out at night unless accompanied by a woman.

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yes most likely - the justice system is its own domain stuffed full of entitled privileged publicly paid unworldly twonks - maybe 25% are human not sure

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Cat and Mouse - like Lloyd George & the Suffragettes.

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I'm thinking of asking family to donate to Marions fundraiser instead of buying me a Christmas gift. I'd like to be able to tell them the details of the charges against her but can only find relatively vague references online. Does anyone know the specifics?


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Hi Graham, I have received a response from the New Zealand govt based on the GRA is there any way I can send you the response, I gave a true acct of a situation but they want me to change the paragraph that relates to a issue, remove references and language, the piece I posted to them I don't think is that valid with out the graphic detail of a true situation of what happened to someone I know, in Scotland.... Wouldn't mind letting you see it, to protect identities don't really want to post but unsure how to reword it though they have given me until weds to resubmit could you help please...

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Does anyone know if Marion got the money donated via GiveWP?

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Donated .

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Richly ironic when women are supposed to refer to men as “she”, lesbians supposed to include rapey blokes in their dating pool, and gay men getting called homophobic slurs for not wanting to shag women.

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Nobody is asking you to refer to men as "she". Trans women are not men. Trans men are men.

You need to stop fantasising about gay mens sex lives.

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This is literally what TRAs want us compelled to do: calling men women.

But oh, you're banned.

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Trans women are not women, trans men are not men. No one in history has ever changed sex.

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"Nobody is asking you to refer to men as "she"." They are though.

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Hahahahahahahah. Ok: perfectly happy to stop doing something I’ve never once done in my 61 years on this planet as a bisexual woman.

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To be clear, that was specifically a response to the advice I “stop fantasising about gay men”. Very droll.

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I don't know why any dude would imagine women fantasizing about gay men except the sickos who are female and want to pretend they are gay men. Or the television show Mom in which all the women act like men.

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You literally just did. Are you OK?

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Did you have to like your own comment in order to get two likes?

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Oct 4, 2021
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I've never used the words transman or tranwoman, never will. Compelled speech is how anti women's rights activists made inroads into women's human rights, and it's deliberately confusing. Have always, will always say man who identifies as trans or woman who identifies as trans. Neither of those phases are remotely controversial or offensive despite the squeals of fury from anti women's rights activists. No amount of using their confusing terms will ever appease them anyway, and If misogynists don't like the language you're doing it right :)

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You mean the T community. You've suppressed the rest of the alphabet.

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No it's not a slur- it means Telling Evolutionary Real Facts. Proud to be a TERF

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Gee, I wish Bobby Doodle would pay me to argue with him.

Why you so special, Graham?

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