Bad writer?? Oh that's got my dander up. You're a bloody brilliant writer. And also an absolute hero. There will be statues. (Tall ones.)

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Mar 25, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

I’m not a journalist but have emailed your list of stories to the editors of several mainstream media outlets as a reminder of their job. The more fresh air that this gets the better... every bit of MSM coverage seems to do ten times the work of social media. Graham—you could stop campaigning now and you would have done more than most... please mind yourself!

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Mar 25, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

You're doing an amazing job. That comment really annoyed me. He's a coward and a fence-sitter. Stay strong, Graham. We appreciate you!

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Immense gratitude to you Graham for all the work you do. Sincerely. I actually find the last line quite profound "All you have to do is your fucking jobs." Because if the entire world were doing their fucking jobs PROPERLY, this kind of horrific shit wouldn't/shouldn't be happening in the first place! Eugh. Hugs to all of us x

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Mar 25, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Thank you for your work in this. Its exhausting and draining just being on the sidelines in comparison.

I do wonder what the threshold will be though where you, personally, can step back from it? I feel we're closing in on a moment where this gains greater mainstream traction and I really wish that you can be unburdened by this madness.

And not only for the selfish reasons of getting you back in the Sitcom School seat!

Again, thank you. Thank you for the work done and the voices amplified.

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You are a gifted writer and investigative journalist. You should be winning awards for these bullletins. Thank you so much for all you do for women and girls, you absolute hero.

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Thanks for you continuing heroic fight, some of us appreciate it.

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Graham, thank you for standing in this place at this time. We are all so very, very grateful. You are making a difference, and you are giving so many of us hope that the tide will turn!

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'Thank you' seems too small to fit these circumstances

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Imagine this..a world where journos actually did their jobs and a writer of fantastic comedies was able to concentrate on his..

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I bet it is exhausting! I hope you get a chance for a break one day soon; fingers crossed. Looking forward to next weeks Mess

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You’re amazing. These ***** are bullies. Keyboard warriors are weak, dim and poorly informed. They deliberately conflate issues to align to a nonsense narrative and after all that they remain in their echo chamber of hate. The truth will out- stay strong. Their bullying demonstrates to me that you rattle them.

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Abso-fucking-lutely! 👏

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You have been immensely brave and you're right to be angry with MSM and others. I've seen articles by Matthew D'Ancona amongst others tentatively putting a toe in this water, even the Guardian seems to be backtracking slightly (they've still got a long way to go). I think the tide is turning and the more people see of what is going on, the quicker things will change.

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Exhausting ugly stuff all right. The only comfort I refer myself to is the abuse, control and death suffragettes suffered in their fight and our institutions, here at least, have not adapted since then. I fear we have still a pedophile adjacent, misogynistic bureaucracy and Governance in general still who are utterly determined to deprive women (and therefore the children) of their legal and human rights to benefit men and make use of anything they can to cover up literal crimes against women and children. I distinctly recall hearing another women had died on hunger strike here not so long ago. You are right the media need to start doing their job and demanding transparency from Governments on these issues and highlighting them because it’s only going to get worse for the most vulnerable in the current economic conditions and more psychopaths and sadistic sociopaths will emerge and prosper everywhere consequently. One man and a merry band of dissenters will not turn the tide we need an army of right thinking adults.

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I fucking love you Graham.

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