I saw the transologists on Twitter having a screeching testerical melt down because Izzard is now flailing around wildly, pointing out that he doesn't think JK Rowling is phobic (rather like pointing out that water is wet) and saying I don't mind if you call me "he" (how very good of you Mr Obviously Male Izzard to allow us the right to use our own language and reality based pronouns).

I am guessing he's trying to have a foot in both camps having swfitly realised he's gone from brave, admired gender non-conforming man to creepy wokesludge harassing women and children in one simple step.

As soon as he started this shite I thought to myself, he should come out in a week or so and say it was all a prank. He could claim he was just showing how ridiculous transology was and how easy it was to steal women's human rights from them by proclaiming "I'm a laaady!" I think that's his only hope of salvation now. Intelligent people would never believe it, but it might offer him enough plausible deniability to somewhat salvage his reputation.

Bet he wishes now he had gone to bed and the phone down instead of drinking and tweeting. I know, I'll get some attention and join the transology party, it'll be a right larf, probably seemed like a good idea after the second bottle of Cab Sauv.

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Wow - "woman can like sport and gaming"! Yes, of course.

Still more of us are fond of using correct syntax and grammar, but I digress...

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Keira Bell needs our help to keep fighting the good fight against the deeply misogynistic transology juggernaut.



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Superb thread on Shitter.


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Yes! I'm glad someone out there is laying out the facts like that.

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I think we require a 5 storey bungalow to keep track and record - "Woke Diaries" with unique name for each chapter like

'Eddie and the new age of Lesbianism" ,

'Page the new Gay Man'

'Monty to Katy , a journey of inverting the pen*is'

'mridul Wadhwan the rapist cares for women in rape centre'

'Aiden, the trans on streets but not in sheet, bull'

'Malcolm, the Misogny muffin baffoon'

'David Paisley, and his army of 12yr old kids'

'GENDER Ideology, Pronouns and Panderers with Misognyst and team'

'stone-wall and the walls of secret , from illegal administration of puberty blockers to harmful hormones'

'freddy the bio mother, and the lost father'

Etc etc etc



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Didn't Benji say she was leaving the mess we're in to focus on her own videos AND a new job? I mean, its completely understandable for a young woman to focus on her career over YouTube videos.... but sure expecting Aido to understand that is a big ask, I guess.

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