Also, look who’s giving advice to AppleCoreKatie!
Norfolk police might like to know that Tony/Steven/Stephanie himself was behind the first complaint and we are currently pursuing him for costs after his case against me was unceremoniously struck out. They may also like to know that the second complaint came from his friend Adrian Harrop, who has just received a month’s suspension for his sadistic behaviour on social media.
Finally, a quick note to say sorry I can’t be in Newport for the protest tomorrow. I’ll be there in spirit, and will be banging the drum for Jennifer until she and the women she represents get the official apology they have coming.
I am annoyed that these TRAs are not labelled as vexatious by the police and treated as such. They waste police time and tax payer money. After all the police seem very willing to ignore women.
"Adult Human Feline" and cat ears is beyond on the nose. One of those guys that's only in it for the trolling.
100% wouldn't even be trans if twitter didn't exist because no one in his village would give a shit either way.