You cannot include men in the category of women - full stop. All this discussion on testosterone and fairness is tedious. We want no men in women's sport and that's that. We shouldn't have to justify that with any other reason that men are not women.

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Totally agree, Stroppysaurus! Just saying "No" should be enough.

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No. Duh! 🤣 (Please excuse the fact that the U.K. and the U.S.A. are two countries divided by a common tongue.) “Tedious” is a word my best friend from Germany often uses here in California to describe this cult’s demand for language conformity. He thinks rather similarly to the German language *authority* in the U.K. who (referenced in this very newsletter) referred to the “inclusionary” language of gender ideology as “abuse” of the language. “Tedious” hits it exactly, as it in fact abuses languages that are not object gender-neutral. So, to call it “abuse” of language (or “the” language) is entirely correct. Damned *tedious* to be required to logically conclude such, when currently understood spoken language is understandable. This gender ideology political lobby *abuses* language generally. I smell gaslighting.

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My two boys played rugby and I was terrified at times

In no way shape or form would I have allowed them to play on a girls team , even if it was going to hurt their feelz

I should point out that none of this shite was around at the time

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I'm sure your lads have more respect for women than that! (With you as their mum, how could they not??)

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How ironic that 'Julieanne' doesn't like gay men who parade their homosexuality, but..... he wants to parade his fake womanhood!!! Don't they hear themselves, these appropriators of womanhood? Stonewall is not fit for purpose and needs to have it's funding removed. We know they're only forging ahead with the T+ because there's money involved. I hate all these people riding roughshod over women in the name of male inclusivity. No punishment will be enough for them.

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Yes, I agree... follow the money. I think Stonewall, having achieved many of its aims, cunningly and consciously added the T in order to protect the exec's huge salaries.

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I think it's a cynical position they're adopting under the guise of compassion. Money. Jennifer Bilek is like a bloodhound following the money.

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Thanks JL and Graham! When speaking to people who aren't that aware of the issues with gender ideology then this topic, contact sports, is always a no no. A lot of people may go along with the pronouns but this is such an obvious piss take. I hope this gets more attention. Hats off to the people who have donated to this joker's crowd funding campaign for the purpose of getting this nonsense settled once and for all.

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Stonewall are literally campaigning for the rights of heterosexual men. ✔️

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i can’t believe that the developed world needs to employ scientists to answer these questions. Generation fuckwit

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"Specialist subject?"

"The bleedin' obvious"

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They don’t need to but it’s big big money

Stinks but it’s true

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The woman the rugby dude wants to be is a man with a lot of boyfriends. Very homo-social despite his homophobia. Twisted male on a circular illogical merry go round...

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Dainty little Julie Anne Curtiss is not sitting in a chair. Those are her dainty lady rugby hips.

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I'm guessing he's a prop!

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Great piece, JL.

As a rugby fan, and aside from the utterly conclusive science, you just need to look at the Six Nations teams men's and women's sides to realise the enormous difference and how not only unfair but also very dangerous (in a sport that can already be dangerous) including men in women's teams would be. Stonewall are a laughing stock and I only wonder why they still have charitable status.

It makes me so angry when they just spout the same garbage in the face of all the evidence of how unfair this would be. W word!!!!! That should be in the alphabet soup. Grrr

Will cross post this later.


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Couldn't agree more, Dusty. I'm also a huge rugby fan (union, obviously!). Much as I love the Red Roses and think them a phenomenal team, there's no way they'd stand a chance against he men. They'd get crushed! (Though I'm sure the men on the team would be far too gentlemanly than to play against women!)

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Thanks,JL. Albeit I’m an Irish fan, the Red Roses are amazing..but, as you say, would be crushed by a men’s team. Best of luck to them in the World Cup 😎 Dusty

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Thank you, Dusty! I think they've got a brilliant chance of bringing home the silverware! Btw, Ireland are my second team! Always had a bit of crush on Brian O'Driscoll... ;-)

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Good old, Brian! When he came off before the end in his last game they had to pause the game as the crowd gave him a five minute standing ovation!


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I remember! I had a wee tear in my eye!

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Imagine being a heterosexual man in a women’s scrum. Little doubt why they don’t want their own classification.

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The bizarre merry-go-round continues to spin as the “scientific” pedantry crawls along at a snail’s pace (caused by hobbling at every corner) to ooze a little closer, then a little further away, then a little closer ........ to the bleeding obvious that could be seen from a mile away by anyone not intellectually bludgeoned by the trans catechism.

So let’s spend more money, let’s keep on raiding that helpless public purse, to contribute to more and more peer reviewed articles that sway this way, then that, to address the issue of whether men are men or really women or maybe neither exists as a penis isn’t necessarily male etc. etc. etc.

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Let's hope that World Rugby and other sports bodies hold their nerve and fight back against the nonsensensical, science-denying fantasy that TIMs and their enablers are trying to roll out. It's so painfully obvious that men, regardless of what they call themselves, should not participate in women's and girls' sport. Safety, fairness and the integrity of women's sport are paramount. If a stand isn't taken now then we'll end up with two sports classes both of which will be men's classes.

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I posted these yesterday but they got lost at the end of the thread , posting again as they’re important

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Heartbreaking article and the book in the other link sounds interesting. Thanks for the links.

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Welcome ,I’m not very pc savvy , and I don’t do social media

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Reading this ,I can scarcely believe my eyes ,even although we've all seen the demands of the " trans" movement becoming more and more extreme and outrageous over the years. Their pure misogyny is getting worse by the day and their thirst for blood is insatiable , especially when the victims are women and children. How any rational person can support this is totally beyond all understanding and yet they're being pandered to by all sectors of society ! I would like them to explain to us exactly how a muscular 6ft man weighing 200+lbs is " the most vulnerable " in the world ,while the bodies of murdered women are piling up everywhere. Everything their supporters and enablers say is a lie and I hope they choke on them. My heart breaks for the victims ie the confused children and young people who've been indoctrinated into this toxic cult. As for the men who claim to be women in order to access women's spaces ,words can't describe how I feel about them 🤮😭. Thanks once again ,JL x

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Thank you Graham for another incisive and revealing posting. While "prestigious" groups like the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry might endorse carcinogenic hormones and surgery that destroys healthy organs and tissue we must remember that these "official" influential organizations also endorsed prefrontal lobotomies, massive electric shock treatments, carcinogenic birth control hormones, and also, in the case of the AMA, fought viciously against Universal Health Care because it might curb some of its most egregious profiteering. As far as pediatric associations are to be trusted and respectable arbiters of children we need only be reminded of the former president of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, William H Ayers, who was convicted on eight counts of child molestation or we might recall the Boston Children's Hospital where Dr. Melvin Levine, Head of Emergency Services for many years, sexually abused hundreds of child patients and was protected by his colleagues for decades. I could cite hundreds of others (like pediatrician Dr. Earl Brian Bradley). So why should we not be critical, or at least suspicious, of these organizations who claim to know what's best for children?

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Thanks for this brilliantly written piece. Any way of getting it printed in the mainstream media? The Daily Telegraph might be willing.

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Thanks so much for your kind words! Glad you like the article. (Not sure about getting it printed elsewhere but I'll mention it to Graham!)

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