I saw that post and thought she was on mushrooms or drunk - they have done zero to help any Afghans just virtue signalling cos the empty headed will believe anything..

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Excellent, nutmeg! 👍👍 Me thinks Stonewall/Uk is 🤥 lying, biiiigtime!

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It is very strange indeed that they haven't released any details of their work helping people to leave Afghanistan and are refusing to answer anyone's questions. If they were genuinely helping people I'd be applauding their work.

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I can see why they chose the name "Stonewall". "Stubborn Cash Goblins" just doesn't have the same ring to it.

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Good call nutmeg! It’s almost as if they’re virtue signallers desperate for cash.

I’d be glad if the existence of LGB Alliance actually spurred Stonewall to do something good for LGB. I kind of doubt it though.

Meanwhile, Baroness Nicholson is working (actually working) to get women judges out of Afghanistan. Some of them have made it & are safe.

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Bit odd.Last weekend was a bit late seeing as the British cleared out Saturday night?

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The walls of secrecy/smoke & mirrors are collapsing around them. People are on to them and they know it

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This is mortifyingly embarrassing. How could anyone possibly capitalize on such a tragic situation? 😞

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Show me the MONEY 💰

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Nice one nutmeg. We can't let them get away with bullshitting us.

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Stonewall has done sweet fuck all to help anyone but themselves. Happy to be proved wrong, but I'll donate £100 immediately if they can offer credible evidence they have done anything other than make noise inside their own echo chamber networks about 'siblings'. The grift is up. Pivoting to international humanitarian aid comes over as opportunistic, self-serving brand management, and we see it for what it is. I'm appalled and upset at the plight of women and LGBT people in countries like Afghanistan, but I'll direct my money to organisations with the infrastructure and personnel who can actually help them.

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Oh not GB news. They're so awful!!

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