Sep 1, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Wouldn't it be wonderful if everyone who made statement that puberty blockers were harmless and reversible were liable to pay compensation to the victims?

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

I'd rather have them all forced to take puberty blockers for two or three years, just to see how harmless they are.

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Definitely! Years ago I read testimony from adult women who had been prescribed Lupron and they all said taking it was horrific, that they still had bad effects years after taking ONE dose.

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I went to school in the noughties and don't recall any single girl taking puberty blocking hormones for heavy periods, probably because no girls ever did that. There are, however, women my age detransitioning and trying to warn others about the effects of these drugs. Presumably these individuals are "bigoted anti-vaxxers", according to certain middle aged men with an agenda to make £££, and all of the above are in it for the fame and publicity. There's not a bit of integrity between them.

I would add Emma Watson to the list too, because she calls herself a feminist and yet supports the medical abuse of gender non conforming girls whilst stabbing actual feminists, like JK Rowling, right in the back.

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I was going to ask, all the girls were on puberty blockers in the 90s.... oh, SURE!

Also, this whole thing about "bigoted anti-vaxxers", can someone explain to me the politics of this please? Are they supposed to be right/left wing? My friend is vaccinated but refuses to get her 6 year old son vaccinated, which I think is absolutely fair enough given the short data history etc etc. Would she be considered an anti-vaxxer? I'm quite "up" on trans politics but the anti-vaxxer thing has passed me by. Who are they shaming now? I've been too distracted with all the woke child abuse, women and LGB people getting treated like sh*t!

Oh don't get me started on Emma Watson! Have you seen this? "I'm here for all the witches" https://merchify.me/mermaids/ - Congratulations Mermaids, pandering to woke celebrities whilst capturing children in an echochamber of bullsh*t and sending them off to the Tavi...

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Anti-vaxxer is a cheap smear used to denigrate people who don't fall into line. Conspiracy theorist is another one. I literally stop reading anything once someone uses these slurs because it is clear that I am not reading something by someone with critical capabilities. Robert Kennedy is called an anti-vaxxer because he is critical of vaccine safety; he calls himself an anti-UNSAFE vaccine advocate. If people knew how the covid vaccines were "tested," I think most would be shocked.

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Sep 2, 2022·edited Sep 2, 2022

Ah thank you. It seems wild to me that they are judged for not wanting to take such a new vaccine. I mean, I really do believe that it is up to individuals (not really sure how I feel if it's a requirement for a job... bit more complex?) but generally speaking, I can understand how they feel. Is this the elitist left judging everyone again? Not the classic left, this new, unhinged version...

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I would call them elitist progressives. They seem to sign onto everything the government promotes, from transgenderism to forcing people to be vaccinated. They certainly have no leftist analysis or viewpoint, no class consciousness, just a lot of virtue-signalling. I have begun to comprehend why right-wingers hate liberals so much!

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Elite regressives, maybe? Nothing progressive about them, I'd argue.

Yes, I agree about right wingers. I had a hard time explaining why I also disagreed with Drag Queen Story Hour without sounding like the alt right. People REALLY don't seem to know about us lot. The liberal, centre, centre/left + right people who are furious! I suppose we are doing what is genuinely best though. Working behind the scenes and challenging the decision-makers. I just find it frustrating because I want to scream from the rooftops!

Full marks to Glinner and others who are fronting this pushback!

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Having been a radical feminist since the second wave -- radical feminism was carefully never mentioned in the MSM -- it is important to the powers-that-be to smear any resistance to their foul agenda and to try to brainwash the public that such resistance is only engaged in by people they dislike.

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As far as I'm aware, puberty blockers are not given to control the severity of periods.

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 2, 2022

I recall many years ago, girls suffering with their periods were prescribed the contraceptive pill. Those Rogue Gallery Grifters like inventing lies ....

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Yup. That was me. 13 years old and on the pill! And that mucked up my reproductive system... If only they had investigated properly!!

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They're not. It's yet another lie. These people don't know how to tell the truth !

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I've heard elsewhere that they were/are used for 'precocious' puberty.

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Yes ,they are but only until their natural puberty is ready to start so their actual puberty progresses as normal. However ,there have been some reports by the food and drug administration of blindness in some children who have received them.💔😭

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Blindness. What next!

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Yes. Apparently it happened to 6 children ,all of them girls. 5 of them were on the puberty blockers for precocious puberty ,and 1 for " "gender transition ". It was in the US and I saw it on a Karen Davis YouTube video !

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And yet they are 'perfectly safe' and 'entirely reversible.' Bloody hell.

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Puberty blockers are used for precocious puberty which can happen to children under 10. This is what they are made for. To stop 5 year old girls getting breasts and having periods. Once the girls and sometimes boys reach 12 - 14 they stop taking the meds and go through puberty as if this had been their body's plan all along. They have never been used for heavy periods!

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Lie after lie after lie. They must have originated from somewhere and that is where we will find who is criminally responsible.

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It's from Stonewall and other lobby groups, who have their own 'research' to fall back on.

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The Great Reckoning begins. Thank you to the brave souls who fought back -- especially to Graham.

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And to Moley too, of course! How could we possibly cope without him?

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Ah, thank you for eventually tagging my name on at the end there... 👀 😉

Ha! Seriously, thank you! 🙂

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Haha — yer welcome — was kinda hoping you wouldn’t notice …

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Graham Linehan, mole at the counter

Moloch cultists. the lot of them

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You're so right. Child sacrifice on behalf of those 'gender' gods -- the agp fetishists who are themselves the false image. They are the cult leaders pulling the strings. Fear and cowardice are their minions.

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I feel so sorry for old school transsexuals who know they aren't women and have decent relationships with women, for the most part. This isn't a movement to protect them. It's a movement for perverts and sex offenders to thrive, and for children's boundaries to be violated, both sexually and medically. Susie Green though, I don't get the impression she is politically motivated (at least not at first?) I think she's motivated by trying to talk her way out of trouble. Am I wrong?

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

A ghastly ghoul's gallery, God damn every last one of them.

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Each one is a genuine accurate quote from their own Tweets.

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What shocks me is how recently the PB lies were from many of them when the evidence has been out there for a long time now.

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Graham Linehan

I’ve just had a look at the NHS’s website (https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/gender-dysphoria/treatment/) to see what it says about puberty blockers and it’s pretty difficult to understand why, just on the basis of the NHS’s concerns, they would prescribe them to children. Here’s what it says:

Puberty blockers (gonadotrophin-releasing hormone analogues) pause the physical changes of puberty, such as breast development or facial hair.

Little is known about the long-term side effects of hormone or puberty blockers in children with gender dysphoria.

Although GIDS advises this is a physically reversible treatment if stopped, it is not known what the psychological effects may be.

It's also not known whether hormone blockers affect the development of the teenage brain or children's bones. Side effects may also include hot flushes, fatigue and mood alterations.

From the age of 16, teenagers who've been on hormone blockers for at least 12 months may be given cross-sex hormones, also known as gender-affirming hormones.

These hormones cause some irreversible changes, such as:

* breast development (caused by taking oestrogen)

* breaking or deepening of the voice (caused by taking testosterone)

Long-term cross-sex hormone treatment may cause temporary or even permanent infertility.

However, as cross-sex hormones affect people differently, they should not be considered a reliable form of contraception.

There is some uncertainty about the risks of long-term cross-sex hormone treatment.

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So, in summary, "we don't know all the effects but those we do know - like sterilisation and early onset menopause - are mindblowingly awful". But, remember kids, if you point out what is contained on the NHS' own website, you're an antivaxxing bigot!

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Also, 'There is some uncertainty about the risks of long-term cross-sex hormone treatment.'

One of the darker examples of English understatement.

Deplorable arse-covering.

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022

This all sounds totally fine to me, it doesn't matter about the long term effects, as long it makes them feel happy in the short term. Otherwise, they might commit SUICIDE! (child suicide about as rare as flying pigs).

And anyway, they're only children. Children are just toys for us to play with! Come on, lighten up, it's all just a bit of a laugh, like Drag Queen Story Hour! He's just a guy reading a story! Nothing untoward.............

Doesn't it just drive you mad? I was just about to say that I'm speechless, but I had to laugh at myself. I don't shut up!

I honestly think that as long as child abuse comes from the left, it's fine and dandy. If the far right tried this, there would be absolute outcry!

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022

In 1985 my mother banned me from eating most sweets because she was worried about the ill effect the various E numbers in them might have on me.

At the time, I thought that was terrible (but of course motivated by my mother’s desire to ensure I wasn’t consuming dangerous chemicals). Now I pity the poor children whose parents think giving them powerful drugs with dangerous and unknown side effects is appropriate.

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022

Absolutely. Why does any parent think they have the right to do this? I really think it's the "children are toys for us to play" kind of culture that has resulted in this.

Also, for parents of young children who they socially transition, does it not make them think twice about the child's emotional maturity when the child says he/she is opposite sex, but also wants to fly to the moon on a paper plane?

It's so unbelievably stupid but the will to believe in all of this is clearly strong! I keep telling a friend of mine but she won't trust her own judgement and even say she simply doesn't understand it (even if she won't go against it). There is definite fear of being a right wing bigot.

I think Holly Willoughby and Philip Schofield from This Morning are 50% to blame for all of this, for praising idiot parents on television. It's all so irresistible, to imagine this is the right thing to do, to make a child happy in the moment. We'll never make up for how we treated gay kids/people back in the day, we certainly won't do it by conflating 2 completely separate issues (1 real, 1 mythical). Let's not overcompensate by reinforcing a dangerous delusion with a medical pathway.

p.s. when I say mythical, I know gender dysphoria is real and trans people exist etc, I mean gender ideology specifically and its inherent sexism/homophobia.

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

The Jamila one still makes me guffaw. I am fairly certain she's gotten purberty blockers mixed up with ritalin for adhd, not periods!... the last one's image makes me fill ill.

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Me too. 😩

I made it my mission to find somewhat unflattering photos of all of these people. (There are lot more of these historical Tweet graphics to come by the way) There are some good ones. (All un-retouched, I should stress)

But I could not find a particularly unflattering one of Levine. And you know why?

Because he looks like a rancid potato in a bad wig in every single picture.

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

oh my, you've hit the nail on the head there with the rancid potato vibes. RARRR!

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MR. POTATO HEAD! Somewhere an actual Mr Potato Head is expecting an apology.

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A rancid potato who never brushes his teeth!

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Sep 3, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

we can only hope the rotting of his teeth will slowly poison him too

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I reckon the cockroaches will scatter under the fridge when the lights are turned on for good. Nice to have framed, dated statements to document this horrific period in history. Good thing the internet is permanent.

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No doubt they will but we've got the reciepts .....

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They should ALL hang their heads in shame, but of course, they won't. Horrid, horrid people.

Coppola, one of the most cruel women I've ever come across, who regularly attacked we 1950s women, robbed of 6yrs of our State Pension, most of us not even informed. She called us the most terrible things, amongst the things she said 'greedy, grasping bitches', for wanting our SPs at 60, as we'd lived our lives expecting that, making plans based on that. She's part of the private pensions/financial industry and loves to hop aboard anything that's Big News, to get attention for herself.

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Every one of them should now be prosecuted for advocating child abuse.

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Jameela J seems to be confusing the contraceptive pill with puberty blockers.

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I was a (female) GP for over 30 years and did not prescribe these to girls - ever!

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- not even when a certain online gender doctor demanded it!

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Like Lammy thinks males can get a cervix now, with modern medicine and what-all ..

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It still astonishes me that people spout such rubbish from a basis of zero knowledge. But I suppose being an utter narcissist allows them to do that. Doesn't seem to have held either Lammy or Jameela back in any way. Unfortunately.

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Jameela what’s it confuses everything she’s a total twat

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Or perhaps she was given them by mistake when she was at school..might account for her peculiar views on the gender woo...brain damage😉😏🥴

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Jesus creepy Christ!

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I'm not convinced they will believe any of the latest published evidence. They are glued to all the woowoo and addicted to the kool aid to the extent that they are programmed beyond the possibility to change. Narcissism does not allow for admissions of being wrong!!

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Isn't that the truth. Narcissism is everywhere these days. Oh what a joy social media is 🤢

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You don't need to be medically trained to know that denying the problems of messing with the pituitary gland at puberty and adolescence, with the use of blockers, is insane. The mayo clinic's online information is an absolute contradiction in its own explanation on this issue.

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022Liked by Graham Linehan

They're reiterating how safe and reversible puberty blockers are, but they don't really care whether that's true or not. If they did, they'd do more research as opposed to sticking to the script advocates of puberty blockers have written. The confidence they have in the medical and pharmaceutical professions is remarkable, despite their only treating and prescribing puberty blockers and 'gender affirming hormones' to children and young people for less than 3 decades. But they seem to be contented not to ask questions. I'd like to know if the clinics and medical professionals prescribing these drugs are alerting people to possible dangers and side effects, things that are associated with all drugs.

Medical literature portrays puberty blockers as a treatment that behaves precisely the way the patient wants, with absolutely no cost to them. If they begin puberty blockade treatment then change their minds and want their puberty to go on just as it was, they can. And 'bodies with testicles' and 'bodies with ovaries', can simply cease being treated and resume development.

They do this whilst adding that research into how safe puberty blockers are isn't finished, so there might be some risks doctor's aren't aware of yet. But they're going to prescribe them anyway, without bothering to find out why vulnerable adolescent girls and boys, not bodies with ovaries and testicles, are unable to tolerate, or are told they're unable to tolerate a normal puberty.

Any clinic or individual treating children with puberty blockers in this way is not fit to have responsibility for anyone's health. And I hope that eventually, they will have to account for their actions and pay for their actions in several ways. By losing their careers, their assets and perhaps their freedom..

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From what I have seen, doctors in the U.S. rarely have to answer for anything. They can just claim "We followed protocol" and that's the end of it.

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