Wes Sreeting signalled a major shift in the Labour Party’s attitude towards the gender issue by stating, somewhat admirably, that JK Rowling shouldn’t have pipe bomb threats delivered to her by Twitter and real threats turning up at her door, but he tipped his hand when he laid the blame for abuse on “both sides”.
You are spot on graham - it is not good enough. Just like when MP's support wars etc then turn around and say 'we did not know the truth, we believed the lies'.
Why didn't they know - we all knew , we all saw it . Sorry, I am having a bit of a blood boiling moment thinking about all the shit that has been flung at courageous, honest, principled people, and thinking about the sniveling tide who are quietly deleting their tweets and covering their arses and pretending they were never part of the mob.
Yes, I asked my representatives how I could know the truth about the Iraq invasion living in rural Maine and they didn't when working in DC and having access. Gee, none of them ever answered. Just as I am not receiving any answers from my governor on my gender identity queries.
I note now that public figures asked to speak on this subject say that it is “complex”. Actually it is not. It is very simple. Men with a variety of fetishes and mental disturbances want to be women or at the very least to pretend and make us all acquiesce. I know to come out speaking the truth is to invite trolling but to keep lying or placating these fools is to damage us all.
I lent my copy of Trans to my 80 yr old neighbour who reads a lot of political books. He gave it back to me and said something like 'She didn't need to write a whole book when one sentence would have done. If you've got a cock and balls you're a man. It's that simple.' Made me laugh but I think most people would agree - not that I'm not very grateful for Helen Joyce's book!
This is the word that's a giveaway. It seems a political tactic, to buy time and shift responsibility and accountability. I too noticed that anything or any duty anyone or any service wants to get out of, they label it 'complex'. It happens with almost everything. It's often a sign it will never be resolved and people have given up trying. Oh we need another meeting with no defined outcome as it's 'too complex' to decide now. That's any simple yet important decision, task, or one about a child, someone vulnerable, ill, or a need for social care and who will pay. Decision-making paralysis. Multi-agency. Delay long enough and the problem disappears. Contract it out.
I really dislike the term now as it's become just a way to 'signpost' people and issues round and round to other anonymous 'services'. One human being can keep collecting labels and is sunk under the weight of them. We can't tell what's genuinely complex if everything is. And no one needs to address it or provide anything. Things are being made complex in so many areas. It's disgraceful.
That's how those with learning disabilities 'end' up being incarcerated in effectively privately run prisons for decades. Once they fell into the 'complex' gap everyone could signpost responsibility. No one's fault you see; it was 'complex'.
The flip side of this is a child questioning or needing support being set on a 'simple' path as the 'simple' answer is 'obviously' they're the 'right sex trapped in the wrong body'.
Complex issues being simplified to the wrong answer and simple issues complicated to the point of becoming insoluble. So kick it into the long grass for the next electoral cycle.
And decisions are removed from parents and carers. I have been shocked at the growth in removing decision-making and hiding what's been taught in schools. If only parents, families and children were consulted, supported and were working together. And mental health issues were addressed in plain sight.
It's a good way to get someone to stop asking questions if you say the 'experts' (like Stonewall) say 'it's complex'. Ooh and we have the snake oil simple answer.
People whose minds don't work very well will take a straightfoward subject and make it "complex" which is just a cheap way out for unintelligent cowards.
They also take a fairly complex thing and over simplify it - like gender dysphoria is complex and has varied reasons behind it. I think stupidity is not understanding stuff generally and the mind doesn't cope and stuffs it into the shape that suits their agenda
I agree. It is basically ignorance (or in some cases wilful ignorance where they could understand but chose not to). It's the Dunning-Kruger effect. They know very little so think they know everything (the peak of Mt. Stupid), and then usually try adn lecture people far more knowledgeable than them. Also, when someone learns something new they try and fit it into their perception of the world. If it doesn't fit they usually reject it as being false. It is why if we want people to accept new information that does not agree with what they think they know (their "truth") you have to disprove that view first to replace it with the new information. However, in cases of beliefs and where something is core to someone's identity, that view can be particularly tenacious.
And in the case of cults in particular, beliefs cannot be countered nor shifted by facts. A cult's "alternative facts" are always superior to anything in the public domain, especially if provided or endorsed by mainstream media: which, characterised as always and only telling lies, is readily dismissed (and anyone who believes MSM "facts" is ridiculed as stupid and gullible) from within the hermetically sealed bubble of the cult's alternative reality.
And unfortunately it seems to me that the majority of people only learn, and sometimes not even then, from experience. For example, we have an Emmaeus center near us, a place that helps people find homes (including building them), has daycare, a shop where people can sell their handicrafts, etc. They went to Harlem to visit the center there and along went a man who belonged to the KKK in Maine. Did that experience totally change his point of view!
I think in the cases we discuss here it will be very hard to change people's minds unless they get out of their bunker and see what is actually happening in the world.
The way I view it is that many people are little besides their dearly held beliefs. They have never developed a core self, they're not sure who they are (it takes a lot of work to find out!), and when you suggest that their beliefs are perhaps wrong or shaky, it threatens them profoundly. I got lectured by a "journalist" about the meaning of trans and cis, which I had obviously spent a lot more time reading and thinking about than she had, and it was obvious my thoughts were worrisome to her belief system. (I confess that I keep sending her things such as Mr Menno's take on cis, and I never read her replies because she thinks she is far smarter than I am.)
It's going to take a lot of wheedling and whining to come back from the 'grow your own cervix', 'dinosaurs hoarding rights', 'a woman with a penis is a woman in every sense' and all the other gender bollix Labour have been spouting recently. If they think we'll just forget this utter betrayal, they can think again. I will be drawing a cock and balls on my ballot paper with Woman=Adult Human Female scrawled across it.
Yes, and all those statements came after YEARS of women warning them; trying to speak to them. Starmers 'get off the fence statement; was on the day the Forstater verdict was released, and in Pink News. I don't think I could have been more angry at that point.
You are so right. Every time I see David Lammy I think what a cheek he has to appear in public after saying a man could grow a cervix if he took hormones!
Tempting. I understand that this is a very common traditional response, like on school books, desks and walls. How about some more (anatomically correct) female diagrams? Some Jess De Wahls big swinging ovaries?
There are some in the UK in May but I think we need people to update here on what's happening in their local areas and get the word out. Members of the Green Party of England and Wales (I think) are voting online for officers in the next few days (see posts here about it).
Turning up and spoiling your ballot or doing so online is still voting, and I think that needs reiterating. Declaring 'none of the above' is a legitimate view. It helps to have (pre)election day events, offers of lifts or meet-ups if it helps to encourage or remind people. I'm ultimately less bothered who votes for what, but am very keen to get people to at least make the effort to be involved, by engaging. It's made very easy to and around other commitments - apart from shenanigans with members prevented from voting online as the Green Party recently did, electoral roll errors or boundary changes. It's a habit though and many are apathetic. It's hard for me to listen to those mouthing off about politicians when they then admit they never bother voting.
Watching the patient queues to vote in the post-Apartheid South Africa is something I think of whenever it's election time and I'm thinking if it's really worth it to drag myself there or click on a link.
Brilliant work; thank you. I suppose the attempt at plausible deniability is that Dan Mayhew added him to the group without his knowledge or consent. That wouldn't look good either. It seems there are some who are merely activists for hire and they dip and dive whichever way suits. I am so disillusioned with Labour and most of the former left leaning parties.
I have met or been around many of these people at the same events, and it's always useful to be standing anonymously at the reception or coat-check and see how they act when they don't know they're around other thinking human beings who also have eyes and other senses at their disposal. You can be remarkably invisible if you're not seen as useful for a particular task.
Please ask questions, please act and spoil your votes if you cannot stomach the candidates on offer!
I wonder if the returning officers see the question 'who has a cervix?' scrawled or neatly written across thousands of ballots will they start to pick up on the message. Or we should just set up the 'monster raving cervix or prostate party'. Labour, Conservative, Liberal, Green all welcome. And throughout the UK. Those who wish self-determination. Men and Women. And those who openly acknowledge they can't change their sex.
I don't see how any informed woman can vote for Labour. If Labour doesn't alter its policies I will actively canvassing against them at the next election. I may even buy my own dinosaur outfit. The TRAs would like to silence us but they cannot take away our votes and that is how we will beat this. All those politicians who think this this is not going to be an issue at the next election may be in for a surprise.
I thought of a way to explain what's happening that might help clarify it to people that haven't a clue.
Think of it geographically. If a bunch of people called "women" lived in a geographical area and woke up one day to people from elsewhere called "men" walking all over the place. They are biologically different, bigger and have more resources and power. The "men" have started to dress like the "women" and say they are "women". All "women" are now threatened into agreeing. Positions of power and authority start going to these "men", they start speaking for the people of "women", start trying to shut down and stop "women" even meeting up.
It’s colonisation, forcing us to accept ‘their’ version of ourselves. I could weep, except I know an awful lot of people are turning against this, and even more waking up to it and saying no.
It's patriarchy re-establishing its dominance rights as women get too uppity: still aspiring absurdly to equality! That's so much more easily squashed when males claiming to be women occupy women's hard-won positions of power, forcing them out again. And identity theft is such a clever way of doing it.
More than one "side" can make a list. Any Truth and Reconciliation process needs the facts, and the facts require a list, and this list will not be compiled covertly -- but in sunlight.
Keep going, Graham! You are doing amazing work - and at great personal cost, as we all know. You will get your knighthood / sainthood / free coffee / whatevs when the world gets its sense back. In particular, I love your Good News Supplements, they make me realise that, actually, there are still good people in the world, and you are one of them.
And he should look at the responses he's got from his own side' too to making these anodyne statements. It will never be enough for them. One 'side' is rational and the other is not.
You’re not wrong, Graham. When the following generation calls BS on this, there will be enough reverse ferrets to fill drainpipes everywhere but you will be able to hold your head high.
Thanks to JL for helping me with this one!
The investigative journalism here is a sight to behold. Thank you JL and Graham.
You’re right bring on more investigative journalism in 2022. Don’t forget the big employers and the part they have played
You are spot on graham - it is not good enough. Just like when MP's support wars etc then turn around and say 'we did not know the truth, we believed the lies'.
Why didn't they know - we all knew , we all saw it . Sorry, I am having a bit of a blood boiling moment thinking about all the shit that has been flung at courageous, honest, principled people, and thinking about the sniveling tide who are quietly deleting their tweets and covering their arses and pretending they were never part of the mob.
No need to apologise for having a rational, human reaction to abuse of power.
Yes, I asked my representatives how I could know the truth about the Iraq invasion living in rural Maine and they didn't when working in DC and having access. Gee, none of them ever answered. Just as I am not receiving any answers from my governor on my gender identity queries.
I note now that public figures asked to speak on this subject say that it is “complex”. Actually it is not. It is very simple. Men with a variety of fetishes and mental disturbances want to be women or at the very least to pretend and make us all acquiesce. I know to come out speaking the truth is to invite trolling but to keep lying or placating these fools is to damage us all.
I lent my copy of Trans to my 80 yr old neighbour who reads a lot of political books. He gave it back to me and said something like 'She didn't need to write a whole book when one sentence would have done. If you've got a cock and balls you're a man. It's that simple.' Made me laugh but I think most people would agree - not that I'm not very grateful for Helen Joyce's book!
I’m going to send your post to friends and daughters. I like straight talking.
This is the word that's a giveaway. It seems a political tactic, to buy time and shift responsibility and accountability. I too noticed that anything or any duty anyone or any service wants to get out of, they label it 'complex'. It happens with almost everything. It's often a sign it will never be resolved and people have given up trying. Oh we need another meeting with no defined outcome as it's 'too complex' to decide now. That's any simple yet important decision, task, or one about a child, someone vulnerable, ill, or a need for social care and who will pay. Decision-making paralysis. Multi-agency. Delay long enough and the problem disappears. Contract it out.
I really dislike the term now as it's become just a way to 'signpost' people and issues round and round to other anonymous 'services'. One human being can keep collecting labels and is sunk under the weight of them. We can't tell what's genuinely complex if everything is. And no one needs to address it or provide anything. Things are being made complex in so many areas. It's disgraceful.
That's how those with learning disabilities 'end' up being incarcerated in effectively privately run prisons for decades. Once they fell into the 'complex' gap everyone could signpost responsibility. No one's fault you see; it was 'complex'.
The flip side of this is a child questioning or needing support being set on a 'simple' path as the 'simple' answer is 'obviously' they're the 'right sex trapped in the wrong body'.
Complex issues being simplified to the wrong answer and simple issues complicated to the point of becoming insoluble. So kick it into the long grass for the next electoral cycle.
And decisions are removed from parents and carers. I have been shocked at the growth in removing decision-making and hiding what's been taught in schools. If only parents, families and children were consulted, supported and were working together. And mental health issues were addressed in plain sight.
It's a good way to get someone to stop asking questions if you say the 'experts' (like Stonewall) say 'it's complex'. Ooh and we have the snake oil simple answer.
I've written a short, very emotional poem about this. And the horrible fallout. I'm going to start putting them up on my substack.
Yes indeed. It's not complex in the least.
It only seems complex to folks that know sweet F.A. about what is really going on, but still feel they can speak about it.
Very well said. In a nutshell
Yes, the 'complex' one really annoys me.
People whose minds don't work very well will take a straightfoward subject and make it "complex" which is just a cheap way out for unintelligent cowards.
Yep. And lazy ones.
Stupid often is lazy, let someone else tell you what to think. Yuck!
They also take a fairly complex thing and over simplify it - like gender dysphoria is complex and has varied reasons behind it. I think stupidity is not understanding stuff generally and the mind doesn't cope and stuffs it into the shape that suits their agenda
I agree. It is basically ignorance (or in some cases wilful ignorance where they could understand but chose not to). It's the Dunning-Kruger effect. They know very little so think they know everything (the peak of Mt. Stupid), and then usually try adn lecture people far more knowledgeable than them. Also, when someone learns something new they try and fit it into their perception of the world. If it doesn't fit they usually reject it as being false. It is why if we want people to accept new information that does not agree with what they think they know (their "truth") you have to disprove that view first to replace it with the new information. However, in cases of beliefs and where something is core to someone's identity, that view can be particularly tenacious.
And in the case of cults in particular, beliefs cannot be countered nor shifted by facts. A cult's "alternative facts" are always superior to anything in the public domain, especially if provided or endorsed by mainstream media: which, characterised as always and only telling lies, is readily dismissed (and anyone who believes MSM "facts" is ridiculed as stupid and gullible) from within the hermetically sealed bubble of the cult's alternative reality.
And unfortunately it seems to me that the majority of people only learn, and sometimes not even then, from experience. For example, we have an Emmaeus center near us, a place that helps people find homes (including building them), has daycare, a shop where people can sell their handicrafts, etc. They went to Harlem to visit the center there and along went a man who belonged to the KKK in Maine. Did that experience totally change his point of view!
I think in the cases we discuss here it will be very hard to change people's minds unless they get out of their bunker and see what is actually happening in the world.
Exactly, people can be very stubborn
The way I view it is that many people are little besides their dearly held beliefs. They have never developed a core self, they're not sure who they are (it takes a lot of work to find out!), and when you suggest that their beliefs are perhaps wrong or shaky, it threatens them profoundly. I got lectured by a "journalist" about the meaning of trans and cis, which I had obviously spent a lot more time reading and thinking about than she had, and it was obvious my thoughts were worrisome to her belief system. (I confess that I keep sending her things such as Mr Menno's take on cis, and I never read her replies because she thinks she is far smarter than I am.)
I completely agree.
A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing...
I finally understand that phrase
Labour is going to lose. Again.
Which is surprising considering they told us their pronouns and everything.
Hahaha! Love this!
This is comedy genius 🤣
I really wonder whether there will ever be a reckoning for all the harm done.
It's going to take a lot of wheedling and whining to come back from the 'grow your own cervix', 'dinosaurs hoarding rights', 'a woman with a penis is a woman in every sense' and all the other gender bollix Labour have been spouting recently. If they think we'll just forget this utter betrayal, they can think again. I will be drawing a cock and balls on my ballot paper with Woman=Adult Human Female scrawled across it.
Yes, and all those statements came after YEARS of women warning them; trying to speak to them. Starmers 'get off the fence statement; was on the day the Forstater verdict was released, and in Pink News. I don't think I could have been more angry at that point.
You are so right. Every time I see David Lammy I think what a cheek he has to appear in public after saying a man could grow a cervix if he took hormones!
We need to mock them about this stuff at every opportunity! Well I feel we do
Tempting. I understand that this is a very common traditional response, like on school books, desks and walls. How about some more (anatomically correct) female diagrams? Some Jess De Wahls big swinging ovaries?
You're right - perhaps the terven should agree what we'll write on our ballots - make it so they can't ignore the message.
It really is. A cohesive rebuttal. Not turning out isn't an option, I can never ignore the vote for it was hard earned, with blood, and lives.
We must agree on a pithy, factual, media friendly (!) spoiler, then PR it after elections.
Oh I am SO behind this.
Um, is there a vote coming up?
I can be slightly dozy tbh...
There are some in the UK in May but I think we need people to update here on what's happening in their local areas and get the word out. Members of the Green Party of England and Wales (I think) are voting online for officers in the next few days (see posts here about it).
Turning up and spoiling your ballot or doing so online is still voting, and I think that needs reiterating. Declaring 'none of the above' is a legitimate view. It helps to have (pre)election day events, offers of lifts or meet-ups if it helps to encourage or remind people. I'm ultimately less bothered who votes for what, but am very keen to get people to at least make the effort to be involved, by engaging. It's made very easy to and around other commitments - apart from shenanigans with members prevented from voting online as the Green Party recently did, electoral roll errors or boundary changes. It's a habit though and many are apathetic. It's hard for me to listen to those mouthing off about politicians when they then admit they never bother voting.
Watching the patient queues to vote in the post-Apartheid South Africa is something I think of whenever it's election time and I'm thinking if it's really worth it to drag myself there or click on a link.
Brilliant work; thank you. I suppose the attempt at plausible deniability is that Dan Mayhew added him to the group without his knowledge or consent. That wouldn't look good either. It seems there are some who are merely activists for hire and they dip and dive whichever way suits. I am so disillusioned with Labour and most of the former left leaning parties.
I have met or been around many of these people at the same events, and it's always useful to be standing anonymously at the reception or coat-check and see how they act when they don't know they're around other thinking human beings who also have eyes and other senses at their disposal. You can be remarkably invisible if you're not seen as useful for a particular task.
Please ask questions, please act and spoil your votes if you cannot stomach the candidates on offer!
I wonder if the returning officers see the question 'who has a cervix?' scrawled or neatly written across thousands of ballots will they start to pick up on the message. Or we should just set up the 'monster raving cervix or prostate party'. Labour, Conservative, Liberal, Green all welcome. And throughout the UK. Those who wish self-determination. Men and Women. And those who openly acknowledge they can't change their sex.
I don't see how any informed woman can vote for Labour. If Labour doesn't alter its policies I will actively canvassing against them at the next election. I may even buy my own dinosaur outfit. The TRAs would like to silence us but they cannot take away our votes and that is how we will beat this. All those politicians who think this this is not going to be an issue at the next election may be in for a surprise.
He's a chancer - hes realising he might be on the wrong side - but he still has to have one foot in the pile of trans crap in case..
Slippery politician
I thought of a way to explain what's happening that might help clarify it to people that haven't a clue.
Think of it geographically. If a bunch of people called "women" lived in a geographical area and woke up one day to people from elsewhere called "men" walking all over the place. They are biologically different, bigger and have more resources and power. The "men" have started to dress like the "women" and say they are "women". All "women" are now threatened into agreeing. Positions of power and authority start going to these "men", they start speaking for the people of "women", start trying to shut down and stop "women" even meeting up.
What would you think of this geographically?
It would be seen as an invasion.
It’s colonisation, forcing us to accept ‘their’ version of ourselves. I could weep, except I know an awful lot of people are turning against this, and even more waking up to it and saying no.
Exactly! And it is helping to see that the comments on twitter are quite often tearing the ideology into bits.
It's patriarchy re-establishing its dominance rights as women get too uppity: still aspiring absurdly to equality! That's so much more easily squashed when males claiming to be women occupy women's hard-won positions of power, forcing them out again. And identity theft is such a clever way of doing it.
He wears a coat of many colours, each one turned. Good old Stonewall, once again.
More than one "side" can make a list. Any Truth and Reconciliation process needs the facts, and the facts require a list, and this list will not be compiled covertly -- but in sunlight.
This list needs to happen. All the politicians, ‘celebrities’, companies, etc. All the betrayers of women, children and LGB.
Sorry for butting in with something else but, from the Telegraph:
Scottish Universities drop Stonewall!!!! https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/01/10/scottish-universities-drop-stonewall-equality-league-tables/?fbclid=IwAR0UYeQR98cltsxgfWZcq9_0RcL0P50YEFbRi9z8qZe8hNjfQYLle4hJomI
Woohoo!! This is great news.
Yay 😃 brilliant!!
Keep going, Graham! You are doing amazing work - and at great personal cost, as we all know. You will get your knighthood / sainthood / free coffee / whatevs when the world gets its sense back. In particular, I love your Good News Supplements, they make me realise that, actually, there are still good people in the world, and you are one of them.
Spot on. The man is a snake; playing politics. Well we see him.
And he should look at the responses he's got from his own side' too to making these anodyne statements. It will never be enough for them. One 'side' is rational and the other is not.
You’re not wrong, Graham. When the following generation calls BS on this, there will be enough reverse ferrets to fill drainpipes everywhere but you will be able to hold your head high.