Institutional capture and grooming has been challenged for years and there's debris of women to show for it.

A heap of us, along with the real mutilated bodies of girls. Like a steaming compost heap, fed with that f*cking rainbow, infantilising colours and glitter, turning it into unicorn crap.

That rainbow, with its "QTPOC" (cutie-pok) wedge is a proper 'trigger' now.

The lanyards, the epaulettes, the car resprays, the badges, municipal building flags, Desmond is Amazing, Storytime, lgbTqwerty, Tavistock....ad infinitum...it all makes me physically repulsed, a knot in my stomach reignited from the past of eggshells and fear.

And still my answer remains - NO.

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Yes. The more I hear about the QT Cult, the more uneasy and honestly sickened I feel.

It surely has to implode one day. Soon (fingers crossed).

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I really hear you, Jess.

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Thank you, I am Australian, but your descriptions sound/look familiar, except we have the yearly Gay Mardi Gras, which was and still is one Saturday before International Women's Day

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I have complained about "My Life: When Mum becomes Dad" as follows:

(1) CBBC should not promote the idea of "gender stereotypes" in adults any more than in children. The channel should obey the same restrictions outlined in the Government’s RSE guidance for schools in respect of adults as well as children. Issued in September 2020, the guidance directs that:

“You should not reinforce harmful stereotypes, for instance by suggesting that children might be a different gender based on their personality and interests or the clothes they prefer to wear.”


“teachers should not suggest to a child that their non-compliance with gender stereotypes means that either their personality or their body is wrong and in need of changing, teachers should always seek to treat individual students with sympathy and support.”

Exactly the same guidelines apply to the mental breakdown of a mother, aka "transition", to become another "dad" to her biological children. The programme showed clearly that the biological mother continued to provide the motherly role of day-to-day care of the children, ferrying them to and from school, liaising with teachers, organising after school and birthday activities. Why is this some "special" state? The CBBC is promoting a "stereotype" of what it is to be a mother. Actually "Dad Jack" was, is and will always be the child's mother.

(2) It is child abuse to pretend to a child that their mother can change their biological sex. The BBC should not promote the scientifically wrong idea that human beings can change their biological sex.

(3) The children are far too young to understand the subtle distinction between sex - a biological reality - and "gender" which is a social construct.

(4) The BBC should not be promoting "Gender identity" ideology which is a disturbing and deeply destructive belief which promotes "gender" stereotypes, which impact much more adversely on women and girls.

If the BBC were a school, scenes from ‘When my Mum becomes Dad’ would warrant a report to Ofsted for destroying mental health.

You are all welcome to copy and paste - but please change a few words to disguise the origins.

Thank you, Graham, for bringing the various programmes together. You know professionally how and why this is done. Thank you.

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Graham, this is some of your finest work. Outstanding.

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"Stonewall was groomed by Challenor, and men like him, and Girlguiding* was groomed by Stonewall, and organisations like it."

*all media, police, judiciary, academia, medical professions, etc.

And the founder of Drag Queen Story Hour was quoted as saying ~ "We're *queering* the next generation".

"Jimmy Saville is online and he is connected with every other Jimmy Saville in the world."

⬆️ These are genius 👏👊💪💥💣💡🔥🎯

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Am also very pleased to that the correct biologically based pronoun was used for Challenor.

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A further topic under this heading must be the rush by every major publisher of books for children to issue beautifully presented, age appropriate trans propaganda indistinguishable from other children's story books.

I asked my local Safeguarding Children Partnership why they had GIRES / Mermaids nonsense as "guidance" for children and "professionals" and was told they had been asked for their advice on the subject by children and parents. These are senior Health, Police and Social Care professionals utterly failing to give responsible advice to confused families.

Eg they had a section heading "we know you're not gay"; they repeat the intersex twaddle; they discuss children who don't conform to "gender norms" as though decades of equal opps never happened... And of course they give a list of identities such as third sex, skoliosexual, questioning, gender queer...

You know they don't believe a word of it and their spineless refusal to take a stand makes a mockery of their professional responsibility.

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The influence in govt schools in Australia was probably the effect of the misunderstanding that what was important for LGBTQ, given its revolutionary image, was by definition important in school education..................

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I try to take some optimism in these events. It's the catch 22 of this nonsense (I refuse, out of respect to call it "trans rights"). The more they gain power, the more attention is drawn to these issues, the more the public rejects them, and the less power they have. I keep the faith in this.

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I should also note every single person I've breached this topic with (everyone close to me) has given no pushback and has seemed realized and or openly "duh" about my stance. The world is not on their side. Male/female realities are too foundational and obvious to brush aside.

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Sorry, third, unrelated point that I'm embarrassed to ask for. So, would it be possible, idk, to put together some sort of clip list of Graham lineham greatest hits...? I know, I know, but I'm a youngish America who literally had no idea who this was til googling. Thought he was a political figure. I've never heard of father ted. Call me all the names, I'm sure theres american culture you might know. Would love to see some fans views of best clips. I really respect his dedication and views and would love to.dive into his work!

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Echoing The IT Crowd. As an IT person (and female) over 20 years, it resonates so well with me. Thanks @Glinner for that series.

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Oh my god you have so much wonderfulness ahead of you!! Also check out IT crowd!!!

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You could dive into any box set at any point and be delighted with the pure comedy. My husband had to stop the car yesterday to finish laughing and listening to a radio episode of Count Arthur Strong

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I prefer the telly version!

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I found this piece from 2018, offering an overview of his brilliant comedic talent: https://thescriptlab.com/features/screenwriting-101/9817-great-television-writers-part-9-graham-linehan/

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David bowie's "young american" now in head, but humor me.

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there is little optimism when in an australian feminist meeting about 'the future of feminism' we were presented with this topic of transgender as if it is solely a lesbian one, so that a woman in the audience in tears asked what she could do with a young teen daughter, who wants to trans to a boy (while we all knew and know that entails not just hormones but mutilation of the female body), no-one had any idea what to suggest to her............

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4th Wave Now! A website set up by a woman whose lesbian daughter thought about transitioning (which panicked her mother, needless to say).

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Excellent, just brilliant. This is it completely - we are all being groomed, from politicians to parents at Drag Queen story time.

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It’s funny I was just thinking about this last night - it really is a pincer movement. The Men in charge of it “become women” to gain the power from the top and then lower down the ladder they work on everyone else to “become Male” because that’s really what it’s all about - eradicating females as much as possible

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Please stop saying that only "straight white men" are behind this movement and doing the grooming, and that the spell is mostly affecting "privileged, always-online, white middle-class kids."

Maybe where you live it looks like that is the case, but in the US where I am, many black men who ID as trans are prominent TRAs in powerful positions, and a lot of black kids from various socioeconomic backgrounds are drinking the kool-aid.

Many black people in the US are very religious, hewing to a conservative Christianity, and they're extremely homophobic too. As a result, many gay black boys are going trans, as are large numbers of American black girls and young women who otherwise would either be lesbians or just ordinary women who don't give a toss about femininity - which used to be a large segment of the female population no matter what our sexual orientation.

Same thing is apparently going on with indigenous youth in both the US and Canada. In British Columbia, Canada, a doctor who cares for kids in state care - most of whom are of First Nations heritage - has bragged that half of them are trans.

Many "trans kids" and young adults in the US and Canada are from very troubled, disadvantaged family backgrounds and communities. Many have spent time in state care or supervision by social services. Many have histories of being severely abused by adults, mental illness, homelessness, running away from home, dropping out of and not finishing school, drug & alcohol abuse, crime, incarceration, etc. Many have spent time in residential mental health facilities.

These kids are varied racially and ethnically - like especially the US is. But they are not all middle-class and privileged. Far from it.

In the UK, doesn't Keira Bell contradict the picture you're painting. Her background sounds very troubled and disadvantaged - daughter of a severely alcoholic single mother whose teenage struggles and mental health problems seem related to her distinct lack of privilege and a cushy middle-class upbringing. I don't know what Keira Bell's race or ethnicity is - never thought much about it - but it seems she might not mixed race, not what's usually considered "white" in countries like the UK and Ireland.

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Since there's no edit button, I'm just gonna add that the latest grooming project by TRAs is "Transanta," which is the brainchild of two people who are not heterosexual white men - trans actor Indya Moore from "Pose," a black gay male, and trans ACLU attorney Chase Strangio, a white female.

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That should read "she might be mixed race, not what's usually considered 'white' "...

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sorry, just reported what was on the 'independent' Australian govt funded TV called ABC

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I see what you're saying, but the only black kids I've seen on the media were two boys who were obviously playing trans in order to win girls' track championships and hence college scholarships. They were clearly middle-class with parents who lacked any basic sense of ethics, but that's not unusual here in the United Sociopaths of America.

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Below is a salient passage from the the expert witness statement submitted to several US state legislatures & in at least one court case in 2020 by Stephen Levine, MD, a specialist in this area since the 1970s. In the 1990s Levine was head of the WPATH committee tasked with establishing the "standards of care," but he ended up resigning from that post & from WPATH altogether when in his view WPATH abandoned scientific principles & medical ethics in order to placate trans activists.

"In considering the appropriate response to gender dysphoria, it is important to know that certain groups of children have an increased prevalence and incidence of trans identities. These include: children of color,4 children with mental developmental disabilities,5 including children on the autistic spectrum (at a rate more than 7x the general population),6 children residing in foster care homes, adopted children (at a rate more than 3x the general population),7 children with a prior history ofpsychiatric illness,8 and more recently adolescent girls (in a large recent study, at a rate more than 2x that ofboys). (G. Rider at 4.)"

Pdf transcripts of Levine entire testimony are available online. I can't link directly, but just search "stephen levine md testimony trans" & it'll come up.

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yep - any type of wokism doesnt help anyone let alone black people including children - it's all a scam/religion - can recommend Woke Racism by John McWhorter

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Yes, I knew about autistic children. Apparently, people with ASD just don't get the idea of gender. And it makes perfect sense that children who are already seriously traumatized will buy into further trauma. As you pointed out, there is a lot of homophobia in the African-American community, and this lends itself to transing. There's a wonderful actor/comedian named Claudia Scheer who did a play about all the jobs she had had. One of them was, I think, answering the phone at a brothel with a black man who wanted to be a woman. She saw him again years later and he had accepted the fact that he was male.

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Great piece and great point about the adult “transitioner” being female and the child being a male.

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very interesting Hannah, that you think this is a great point, because as far as I have noticed over several years females who are mothers hardly ever, if at all, transition to become dads......this is again a political tactic, so that feminists have to stay silent, while 9 out of 10 transgenders are male (husbands and fathers), who feel they are a 'woman' and as such threaten the position of the mother/wife and confuse their children

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Its the other way around? Male-to-female (middle aged men) and Female-to-Male (teenage girls).

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That’s the norm yes, but the programs talked about here do the opposite to avoid the difficult talking points, which is the point Glinner made.

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A great piece of writing. If only it could be more widely read. Unfortunately, the big powerful 'grooming' organisations like the BBC and other media outlets have a large and trusting audience so they have more control of the narrative.

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And in the U.S. if you listen to the BBC on the radio or television, you are a superior human being. Ditto, Public Broadcasting Service and National Public Radio. Even my sister-in-law pulled this on us -- "We just watch PBS." Which I like to refer to as Fox News for liberals.

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I do the same from Sydney Australia, but more just via the anti-Trump position, because Fox - or here called - Sky News is for the right-wingers (who, by the way, seem to be more direct about anti-trans, but from a position that 'boys will be boys'

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Great article, thank you for it and all that you do.

Not to be pedantic but I believe that rather than men's sexual rights being placed above women's rights, it's men's sexual fetishes/perversions/demands that are being placed above women's human sex based rights. After all, men as a sex already have all the rights they could possibly need including some they're not at all entitled to. And men's sexual rights (which only amount to the right to pursue consensual sex with willing consenting adults) have never been in the slightest doubt. Just my tuppence worth.

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sorry Alison, men's sexual rights are actually not anything they want or need, and more importantly not just sexual behaviour or practices, but the world is still saturated with the fact that the male sex is the norm of humanity (remember: it was called 'mankind'?)... therefore it is probably better to use the term "phallogocentricity" to describe the rules, regulations, but also the norm of being human as being of the male sex, which define both sexes in what we used to call patriarchy.........one of which actually gives birth to both those (just look at your navel)!

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Once I would have thought a piece like this one was sensationalist, now I know we can’t shout loudly enough because so many have sleepwalked in. And did anyone hear this little piece of propaganda Naturebang from BBC Radio 4 this week? https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m000q3ks

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Hahaha! Maybe we ought to have a look at the reptile kingdom on order to realize how flexible sex can be. (sic) Or maybe we ought to reconsider why it is that we typically consider the reptile stage as an evolutionary one we long since passed on from. Or could it be that with this kind of thinking we actually didn't evolve so far from it?

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Try getting pregnant and giving birth, talking about evolution has always only been a male affair!

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I'll disagree with this. I think understanding evolution is very important. And we are not more evolved than reptiles (I'm thinking here of crocodilians who are much better parents than most humans). I like Richard Leakey's analogy for evolution: Think of it as a tree; we are not at the top, we're at the end of one branch, and so are birds and reptiles and other primates and animals as we know them at this time. And thinking has nothing to do with evolution.

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Very well written

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The ABC TV (govt funded, only non-commercial Australian station) took on the issue of transgender, with using its flagpole program Four Corners a year or so ago for a piece of downright propoganda for this practice by following two girls being deliriously happy being in transition (one mentioning the LGBTQ as her 'home from home', while the 'T' has nothing to do with L, G, or B), the parents also being fine about the new pronouns....For the rest the media in Australia has been totally silent on that station and in the social media. As a radical feminist, who identifies as a lesbian, I can only testify that this indicated the immense influence of the LGBT over the last 30 years in this country (well-known also for gender-choice programming in public school education, viz GIDES and Mermaids), and where we almost had to genuflect to the rainbow flag at public gatherings, treating the issue of the 'victims' of LGBT in the same breath of that of indigenous genocide by white Australia (more outrageous than that is hardly to find)!

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Here in the U.S. we just pretend indigenous people don't exist. I live in a state with several tribes -- one major one not recognized by the U.S. government! -- and there are many people in our largest city who have no idea that they share Maine with native people. What is positive is developing educational programs, discussion of living on stolen land, reparations, seed royalties, etc.

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Thank you for speaking up.

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