
"This is a well-founded concern, as until recently the organisation GLADD had a current trustee of Mermaids as their Trans Rep - Dr Katie McDowell."

- Trans Rep?


Do other groups have a 'Rep'? Is there an 'Atheist Rep'? Is there a 'Marxist Rep'? Is there a 'Non-Stamp Collector' Rep?

If not, why not?

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by mole at the counter, Rebecca Says No

I thought of you when I saw the Lego figures on the Rainbow Badge post!

I could just imagine the Batman figure recoloured in baby pink and blue and the other figures replaced by black balaclava clad / masked activists! (Lego actually do a black clad ninjago figure called Cole who has a suitable glare)

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Or even a rep to look out for the interests of biological women? Though in today's NHS such a position would probably go to a trans ...

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by mole at the counter, Rebecca Says No

Rainbow lanyards and badges are everywhere in my workplace. One person wears a badge dictating his pronouns. No neutrality in thinking that is essential in delivering health care.

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by mole at the counter

"The Trust was found to not have enough LGBT+ inclusive posters visible to patients, only 5% of patient respondents were asked their pronouns when receiving care and less than 50% of patient respondents were asked to confirm their gender"

This is the scene in "Office Space" where Stan wants Joanna to wear more flair, except it takes place in a gulag.

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by mole at the counter

It's an explosion of Cluster B personality disorders in the public sphere. We're living in a Cluster B world. Welcome to the Fun Fair where the bearded lady is the star and you can get lost in the hall of mirrors.

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Nov 23, 2023·edited Nov 23, 2023Liked by Rebecca Says No

This cult needs to be stamped out of the NHS and wider civil service. The civil service is supposed to be impartial but instead it is ideologically captured. Action needs to be taken against these lobby groups. A good start (and saving for the tax payer) would be to get rid of the EDI posts and just put in place effective policies making sure people are treated equitably and fairly no matter what protected attribute they possess. I am utterly sick of the phrase "bring your authentic self to work". When I go to the NHS for treatment I don't want their authenticity, I just want their professionalism and that means knowing the difference between men and women and the reality of biological sex.

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They tend to say ‘Bring your whole self to work’, which is worse..

The problem is that some of the EDI roles affecting the NHS are in universities (the medical schools) rather than in the NHS. So it is up to the universities whether they keep them or not. Unfortunately, they are unlikely to get rid of these roles because a lot of universities are competing for (you guessed it) Bronze, Silver or Gold awards from yet another gender identity-pushing charity: Advance HE.

The government really needs to start actually leading on this and doing something about the gender ideology capture of society by these unelected charities/lobby groups.

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by mole at the counter, Rebecca Says No

Excellent post Rebecca.

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Ps, look at the eyes, it's always in the eyes. Dr Michael Wotsit, head of the alphabet mafia badge patrol in the NHS, look at his eyes. Stark staring mad. The fevered glint of the fanatic. These people are very dangerous and we should all be very afraid of them. They are what they say they are.

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Those gleaming sanpaku eyes are the tell of a cultie. He seriously gives off Susan Atkins vibes.

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Rebecca Says No

As a retired midwife , I thank God that I reached retirement age before all this nonsense started !! I spent almost 50 years of my lfe in the NHS and I'm APPALLED at how captured it now seems to be. Medicine is about biology,after all ,not unscientific ideologies !! I would probably be sacked for my " views " now. Well said ,Mole xx

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The internet-age cult model is SO different to most people's idea of the seventies notional concept of cults; whereby people were taken to a level of indoctrination and "brainwashing" before being bundled into a ropy old cadillac and whisked off to some fenced compound in Utah, run by a megalomaniac. These days, cults don't require a single, charismatic figurehead to oversee everything they preside over. More specifically, the cult of transgenderism operates with multiple influencers (often key individuals with professional or social power within organisations)who all worship this gender ideology and sex denialism. The ideological capture of the NHS, and its grooming by Stonewall and others is the perfect example of how this works. When we allow these key individuals free access, unchallenged, their behaviour and actions mirror exactly how grooming works on an individual-to-individual basis. In our daughters case, her stealthy transition took her from hairstyle, to chest binding, to feeling "non binary", to social transition, to testosterone, to double mastectomy, to erasure and denial of parents, to full-on gender radicalisation. A lot of the early stuff happened behind our backs - everyone was so busy being kind, people just waved it through, believing HER narrative that she came from a neglectful and abusive family - because that's the lazy, orthodox view on such things. The medical establishment did precisely ZERO, to challenge the script(ure) she turned up with. Instant access to a gender-affirming doctor to prescribe cross-sex hormones, mental health and comorbidities ignored and bypassed, a surgeon and team cut her breasts off because they were given the power to do so, by the NHS. As Jennifer Bilek always reminds us #followthemoney

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I remain amazed at the ignorance and hypocrisy of those who claim that the state of "authenticity" can only be claimed through the lifelong purchase of this through artifice (clever or cunning devices or expedients, especially as used to trick or deceive others). According to the dictionary authentic is "being actually and exactly what is claimed", which none of these people are, however many modifications they may make to their bodies.

"Gender identity" is the only delusional state that is supported fully by health professionals. Anorexia, nope, suicidality (from any cause), nope, belief in self as the new Messiah, nope, but hey if you want to play pretend about your sex, well you do you and if there are any objections, it's those bigots who will be punished.

It took several centuries for modern medicine to rely on physical facts about human biology, rather than relying on bad air, a vengeful God or some other source of our ill health, but the profits to be made by turning full circle back to feelings and beliefs of this latest cult is not going to improve the lives of anyone going forward. https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/religion-cult-whatever

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I’m not especially concerned about the medical profession; doctors are generally able to speak for themselves. I’m much more concerned about all the other clinicians and the non-clinical staff, those with much less power and who traditionally have relied on their unions to speak for them. Those organisations have been captured by trans activists leaving no where for people who adhere to evidence based practice to turn to when the TRAs come calling.

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So Katie has cut her breasts off, and now says she is trans AND non binary, ignoring the obvious dichotomy that trans is about thinking you are physically on the ‘wrong’ side of the binary sex divide, and non binary means you don’t believe there is a binary sex divide ( at least not for very special you).

This is very muddled thinking. Probably okay if you are selling hand knits on Etsy, not so good it you are in a position of power over children.

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"why has the government allowed these fanatical activists to hold this power over the NHS, when the vast majority of the British public reject both them and their absurd ideas?"


Needless medicalisation of our bodies is the new frontier of an ailing capitalism. Children and adults are being groomed to want this 'treatment' in large numbers so as to feed this emerging market. It's another way of getting money out of ordinary people's pockets, either from their own accounts or via personal insurance or taxation, and into the hands of the corporate and higher-status professional class.

Jennifer Bilek's work is key to understanding the forces behind these trends, and should always be considered when asking "why is this happening?". For example, removal of the word 'mother' is essential in de-sexing our understanding of our bodies in preparing us for the marketing of synthetic sex identities.

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