I'm a heterosexual woman but this makes me want to cry. Misogyny is off the scale at the moment, and it sometimes seems we can't do anything about it......

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Misogynists have found a perfect home for their discrimination, it's not just protected, it's become virtuous. Homophobia is so okay that police can remove lesbians from a Pride march, so they don't upset heterosexual men. I hope as many people as possible see this and it gets a reaction that isn't apathy.

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yup it doesnt look good. eedjits gone too far. This policeman misogynist bully who thinks he knowsitall is hardly a martyr.

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Aug 27, 2022·edited Aug 27, 2022

I’m a middle aged straight bloke. This is pure insanity. How can people like me -but who got addicted to porn and/or have severe mental issues - push actual lesbians out of pride. This is so mad no-one will believe it. It’s like trump’s tactics of being so crazy no-one cares have been weaponised by the men.

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Aug 27, 2022·edited Aug 27, 2022

We friggin can - cleverclogs at Fair Cop, Sex Matters and if can just mention LGB Alliance has a pretty darn brilliant barrister knows wot a lesbian is and just might have a dossier ready compiled with recent case law about the problem with following Stonewall guidance/training. This little bully know-all peaked hat police blokey got a big think coming .... as too does their diversity and inclusion regional officer. Whoops.

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Same here

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nah they did a good protest those lesbians at Pride - proper pride when they get the police to note the point is valid n legal.

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I hope the big newspapers pick this up--this is bonkers! It's clear discrimination.

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I wouldn’t hold your breath. Take a look at the organisations virtue signalling their support- the ones paid for by us all seem to be patting progress pride on the back. Ones I remember include the ambulance service, United Welsh Housing, BBC, red arrows. Also Mark Drakeford taking a photo opportunity at Stonewall’s stand. This is the establishment

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Theyve basked in the sun too long ..... police are at worst reputation for vast majority of ppl living in the real world.

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You mean the same big newspapers that have been virtue signaling this issue all this time? Those big newspapers?

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It’s being reported in the Mail on Sunday! Some good comments.

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Police telling lesbians (or "whatever they are" - too uncomfortable for you was it so you had to deal with the cognitive dissonance by not naming them properly, huh?), that they must be removed because their presence at a Pride march is causing confrontation is just madness. Why are women always blamed for the poor behaviour of men? Remove the people that are causing the poor behaviour! So by this logic, if there is a rapist in town, should women be locked up "for their safety" just in case they cause rape?

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The answer of course, is that the police recommended exactly this in the 1970's when the Yorkshire Ripper was at large - they told women to stay indoors at night for their own safety and so the "Reclaim the night" protests were held. And let's not forget they also assumed that all the victims were prostitutes when there was no evidence that most of them were. Seems the police have not changed their attitude in the 40+ years since then.

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This is exactly what occurred to me when I saw lesbians had been removed from the PRIDE March by the police because of the threat of confrontation from men. Men threaten violence against women, the police identify the problem: and tell women to go home! I was at Leeds University in the early 80s and I agree with this comment so hard: why can’t they do their fucking job and deal with the aggressor instead of reinforcing the same values that the aggressor holds.

Having said that, this copper has been put in an egregious position by the political stance taken by his employer. He can’t claim to be unbiased, removing a small group of counter protesters against the main march, when the police are blaring out about transphobic hate non-crime all the time. It’s clear that they support a side. The side of men, as it turns out.

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I recently saw a programme about Sutcliffe's crimes. In it the police described a young woman he murdered who wasn't a prostiture as his first 'innocent victim'. Not the prostitue women though, they didn't just invite rape but murder too. The Police are a fucking disgrace, wrapping themselves in the Pride flag, painting their cars in Pride colours, etc, and then threatening lesbians at a Pride event. Forget the LGB, they don't give a shit.

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Aug 27, 2022·edited Aug 27, 2022

I watched a programme on Sutcliffe last year too. The majority of his victims were not prostitutes but because the women were out at night on their own or had been to a pub or club, they were still described as prostitutes or having low morals. I strongly suspect that it's any women they don't give a shit about, unless they have penises.

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So, basically most of Sutcliffe's victims were women who didn't behave like it was the 1950s'? As for women with penises, based on their attitude and behaviour, that sounds about right. They don't regard men who claim to be trans as women, any more than the lesbians they harass do.

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Also in the 70s, there was a spate of rapes in Israel and some male politicians proposed a curfew on women as the solution, but fair play to Golda Meir (Israel's PM at the time) she said no, a curfew on men, - they are the problem.

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It's funny how it took a woman to correctly name the cause of the problem and propose a solution to deal with the cause and not blame the victims.

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I cannot believe it, but it's much more recent than the 70s and hasn't got much better. That's exactly the advice we were given. Those of us in the East of England in 2006 were warned not to be out on our own and my then employer called all the women in the office in to give us a briefing. The sense of fear and anger was palpable. We had to go through loneworking polices, personal alarms, go through everything and every element of how we went about our lives. We were allowed to go home when it was dark or do endless risk assessments - so working hours were curtailed.

This was an employer in the Midlands - hundreds of miles away. I spoke about this to someone in Ipswich years later - he knew the father of one of the women murdered and he didn't understand how I knew so much living so far away or why it was memorable. I am a woman - we all knew. Fear does that to you and feeling like a target.

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Aug 28, 2022·edited Aug 28, 2022

"Fear does that to you and feeling like a target" - exactly. Just because of our sex. It is something men will never really 'get'. It's why women are fearful of walking around on their own late at night. It's why they carry their keys in their hand, It's why they phone someone their whereabouts. It's why women in walking groups plan lone walks, even in day light. It's why single sex spaces are such a huge deal. It gives us the opportunity to call out those that would enter them for predatory purposes. Now we are supposed to accept being filmed in those spaces, men fiddling with themselves in those spaces, potentially being attacked in those spaces and we cannot even ask whey they are there. Our first defence is being able to call these people out and it has been taken from women.

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Put up and shut up was a thing we're still reacting to and dealing with in my generation from the generation above ours. The societal apportioning of blame and automatically blaming someone when bad things are done to them and how to stay safe yet sane. How so many of us have dealt with such things like assaults and much worse. How common and accepted this has been. Does every generation of women (and men) face this?

I talked about this today with a relative. When you then see your own daughters being ogled by old men in the street you want to yell 'she's ten!' at them, 'stop it just stop it!' and 'when does this ever end?'. We talked about at what age you talk to them about this, and how and you need to keep them safe, yet not fearful of their own shadow. Not restricted and wary. Anyone still deluded about this reality down through generations needs a word with themselves. And no, we're not hiding in our homes, not avoiding walking alone in the streets or curtailing our every damn need to suit men's and individual selfishness. We don't need chaperones, we need to be free to not be attacked.

Others can 'not get this' and '#BeKind' or 'not realise' or demand you 'be inclusive' in their own deluded worlds, meantime we still need to set and defend our boundaries. Those in the police who decide to turn up and do the right thing I'll welcome but not rely on. And I'll not give my consent when they threaten to arrest us for daring to venture out into the public realm.

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Orwellian! Expelling the victims of threats for their "safety," all whilst coddling belligerent men for threatening women.

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yeah well they did give a drink of water to that Extinction Rebellion bloke who'd handcuffed 'himself to something or other stopping traffic. I mean, you're on a march and you can't defend a group of lesbians from anti-free speech violence ... in the name of erm hate speech .. on a erm 'Pride' march. Definitely not a prideful moment for PC Plod.

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So the Lesbians upset the High Priestesses of the Police’s new Religion. Of course they got removed. When I was young, I was one of those that would smile and nod at passing coppers. If I needed directions I would approach them. If I ever felt unsafe, I would look out for a policeman. Now, aged 59, I won’t let them in my property without a warrant. I feel threatened when they are around, and I wouldn’t ever seek them out unless it was a 999. Even then, I’d be afraid of them. This is 2022. It is absolutely tragic.

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I know what you mean KDefinitelyKaren.

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South Wales Police


Aug 27

We are aware of the situation that has arisen during the #PrideCymru march through Cardiff City Centre earlier on today.

You can read our statement on the matter below or on our website:


some replies

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No one believes you.

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Oh, please ... within a matter of feet of PC "whatever you call yourselves" Plod, a young man was yelling the most appalling abuse at a woman - an out and proud lesbian - and the PCs did nothing to stop him. #WithoutFearOrFavour #DefundStonewall #LetWomenSpeak

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This is untrue and we invite you to correct it. Women were told they would be physically removed using force - several times. Powers under S12 Public Order Act were referenced to back this up. Suggest you retain body worn video and correct this - complaints may be forthcoming

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Thanks for this from those of us who are banned from the bird app for life. In my case I believe this was for sticking up for lesbians, which seems quite apt.

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Aug 27, 2022·edited Aug 27, 2022

Oh fer frigssake! Nothing like a policing without 'fear or favour' - absolutely nothing like. This policeman needs reprimanding obvs. Thanks for highlighting this @nutmeg n Glinner.

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This policeman is a COWARD. He wants to remove women whom he knows will not attack him rather than confronting actual violent men. Why do we all think violent men are allowed to run amok in our societies? Because the people who are supposed to protect the public from them are afraid of them OR are with them.

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Scared of the establishment probably

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Scared of his standing with Stonewall yes. In the absence of any other info, looks like Stonewall Policeman, educated in Stonewall ideologies carrying out Stonewall Policies!

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Think that is the Welsh establishment 🥲

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Yep but you still got the Law of England & Wales & N Ireland. I know women and lesbians are not a protected category but nor are trans.

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Yes well it's not up to him. He is supposed to be a policeman and abide by the law 'without fear or favour'. This is a case for Fair Cop and/or similar organisations to make sure this bloke gets disciplined and measures taken to assure the women at that Pride event that they cannot expect this type of behaviour again.

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This is why police officers should not be dancing the macarena at any Pride march. They lose focus about what they should be doing and start to become political and to take sides. You can clearly see in the video a biological man presenting as a badly dressed woman being violent to another person, but this is ignored. Why? Training in equality and discrimination is needed but only if it is provided by a trainer who actually knows what they are doing.

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Yes, I saw that in the background. The police officers didn't blink an eye.

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"You're going to be removed for your own safety."

So Gender Identity followers can openly threaten someone's safety and get the police to respond by restricting their potential victim's rights. Oh while also claiming the title of 'Most-Victimised' obv.

This is just simply arseholes bullying women and cops being too dense to understand that they're being played. When is there going to be pushback against these bullies? What's it going to take?

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Men pretending to be women trump actual women. Every. Single. Time. Men pretending to be lesbians trump actual lesbians. Every. Single. Time. It's almost as if if men (no matter how bonkers they may be) are more important than women (no matter how reasonable they may be). It has always been thus, only now, the 'gender' cult has brought the power imbalance utterly and completely to the surface.

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Pride! Unless you’re lesbians.

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Not really a surprise though, eh?

Sending homophobic police officers to a Pride March is probably the only way to police such events these days.

Last year, Manchester Pride/Westboro' Baptist Church saw a gay male surrounded by homophobes, and had to be marched out of the area by compliant Police. One bit though wasn't emphasised; some of the attendees fancied visiting Manchester's Gay Village and setting a few venues on fire. Fortunately the idea gained little support.

This year though, the successful effort to combine Manchester Pride with Westboro' Baptist Church has been way for successful. I suspect if the idea is mooted again it will gain a bit more traction this year. I know of one particular LibDem candidate councillor who would be mighty enthusiastic, as she appears to maintain a passion for being present when a gay male is lynched/hung from a street lamp.

Pride is now a pretext for organised, corporate-sponsored homophobia, and each year it persists, particular with the enthusiasm from Pride attendees for Westboro' Baptist Church, it's only going to get worse.

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That last paragraph is sterling!

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"...or whatever you are"!!! How homophobic is that exactly? I am so angry right now. Every small gain we make seems to be wiped out by men like this policeman, never mind the aggressive and deluded rainbow brandishing men. I used to trust the police to do a good job, to uphold the law and act fairly - now I hope never to have to interact with them, especially in counties such as my own in which police misogyny is not only tolerated but encouraged it seems.

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That was disgusting

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Unbelievable. Lesbians are removed from a Pride march to make way for men who pretend to be women so that they can say they're lesbians in order to have sex with women! It's obvious that the many women's right won in the Sixties are now dead in Wales. I wonder how many Stonewall course PC Plodwen has been on.

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Ffs, just when you thought it couldn't get any worse .

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