The media handwringing is hilarious to behold. Somehow, equal treatment of all groups is a threat to good order.

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Very good point made in the Spectator today though. With arrival of Musk in Twitter the ‘progressives’ (both in centrist parties & in leftist ones ) are now trying to stop or control alternative views on Trans etc by bringing in more subtle ‘hate speech’ laws (Ireland bring a case in point) and regulations (designed to prevent ‘hurt’) which will allow media regulators take over the censorship role previously carried out by progressives in Silicon Valley.

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Big love to you from Scotland- hope you're doing okay x

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I advise to create sensible posts, with the credible studies: Dr. Stephen B. Levine, Dr. Michael Laidlaw, Oxford sociologist Michael Biggs, Dr. Az Hakeem.

On my blog, I post about them and movement sequences to combat anxiety, with awareness of the vagus nerve.


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Hope this is so. Good luck. Twitter GC's need you.

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Trans ain't funny, can't act and are in places they should not be

Better get the glinner back, he's funny

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Hope they reinstate you soon!

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Reinstating free speech is not the only thing Elon should do: he should also fund court cases brought by notable individuals who have had their important voices curtailed on Twitter. Every queer theorising, porn-addled incel who has ever wielded the red pen of the censor should be taken to court and sued to high heaven. What a complete set of cocks.

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Totally agree. I wonder if people will be allowed to say that trans women are men!?

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Indeed. 🙂

Though it's "transwomen" -- compound word like "crayfish" which ain't.

A particularly useful construction since it gets the knickers of TRAs in a twist: 😉

"However, ['transwoman'] is often associated with views (notably gender-critical feminism) that hold that transgender women are not women, and thus require a separate word from woman to describe them. For this reason many transgender people find 'transwoman' offensive."


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Wow, thanks!

Transwomen it is... or we could shorten it to "men" and just say it's less syllables? 🤣

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🙂 You might have a point there with just "men".

Though maybe some reason to differentiate between we the run-of-the-mill variety, and those who play-act being women ... 😉. I figure it's either "transwomen" or "male transvestites" -- at least those still with their nuts attached, "sexless eunuchs" if they don't. Truth in advertising ...

But if some guys want to turn themselves into the latter -- for economic reasons as in Imperial China, or to be able to "dish with the girls over nail polishes", as seems to have been Jenner's motivation -- then I guess that's their choice. But I don't think that should oblige the rest of us to play along with any who are so deluded as to claim that they've actually changed sex.


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Fake women. Love it! 😂 I quite like "blokes", because it's so unfeminine!

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I prefer 'transgender man'. All innocent, like.

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🙂 Anything other than something that even suggests that they're any subset of "woman", i.e., "adult human females". Like "tall women" or "short women" or "young women" or "old women".

That's the benefit of "transwoman" -- as a compound word it more or less completely rejects any and all claims to being an actual woman:


Probably why many transwomen get their knickers in a twist over its use. Seems like a particularly good reason to use it ... 😉

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Dinnae ken if ye've seen this... it's fae a site Gender Apostates an was written by a transwoman. http://genderapostates.com/cissexism-and-you/

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I took exception to my son calling me a cis woman, when he asked how he could then differentiate between me and transgender women, I told him to call me a woman and them transgender women!

I am the One, they are the other!

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Thanks; hadn't seen that one before, though I've read several by Yardley, one of which I think I've quoted and linked to here recently. Nice to know that there are, in fact, some more or less rational transwomen floating about -- few and far between. 😉

But generally a very useful site -- ICYMI, a separate blog by one of the authors (Sass) there:


However, one thing I sort of object to is their assertion (in their About) that they are "working together towards the abolition of gender". The problem there is that there is some merit to the concept of gender itself -- at least as a rough synonym for personalities and personality types that are, in part, based on fundamental bedrock differences between human males and females (AKA, men & women ... 😉).

A larger part of the problem is that pretty much everyone has a different concept and definition for "gender" in mind which tends to preclude much in the way of rational discussion. Biologist Colin Wright had a decent synopsis of that problem some 2 years ago:


"1/ Most confusion about 'gender' results from people not defining it. Many definitions are in circulation:

1. Synonym for sex (male/female)

2. A subjective feeling in relation to one's sex

3. Societal sex-based roles/expectations

4. Sex-related behavior

5. Personality traits"

ICYMI, I've sort of tried to "bring some balance to those forces" ...😉 by a very preliminary attempt to define a "rationalized concept of gender" than everyone can agree with, at least as a starting point:


Don't think we're going to resolve the transgender clusterfuck without some greater agreement on exactly what we mean by those terms, both "sex" and "gender".

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My brain always comes out with trans men. Because, they’re men, innit?

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I can sympathize. But "transman" generally refers to women who want to "transition" to men (no one changes sex - except to "sexless").

Part of the problem with the whole transgender clusterfuck is pretty much everyone using inconsistent or self-serving terminology, most often to pander to the delusional, envious transwomen in particular. Transwomen are more accurately called male transvestites if they still have their nuts, and sexless eunuchs if they don't -- truth in advertising... 😉

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Looking forward to it!

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022

Yay! Hope the new management is an improvement that lasts a while! 🎊🥳🎉

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Yep, I hear he's done some sackings! :D

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Yahoo!! Comedy *and* feminism, hopefully :)

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Great news (if I read that right!)

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Please please please. That would/will be so great.

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I hope so. I've tweeted Elon...so he's bound to see it. Well...we can live in hope.

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I hope so ✌🏻

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Ooooo! 🥳🥳🥳

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God let's hope so. Woke comedy isn't funny at all

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I really hope so. You so deserve it. Good luck

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How you doing Mum Fighting Back? Sorry about the utterly appalling news yesterday. I thought of you x

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We had a pretty low day, there’s has been a lot of those over past few years. But then last night had the best night in a long time when our dd decided to come join us for dinner and actually stayed and had a conversation. Just about music etc but first time in quite a while. I can only try to remain positive, hope that she realises this is all just a cult and wake up one day and say “I’m back” I live in hope

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That's nice about dinner and a chat.

Trailer for a new documentary coming out in the next 3 or so weeks:


Not sure if it might be any help in changing her mind and you may already know about it. I think I'm right in saying that it will be free on YouTube.

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Thanks so much. I actually hadn’t seen anything about this. I’ll definitely check it out. Thanks for thinking of us

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It's supposedly coming out in mid-November. It's looks like a real exposé. Hopefully you can reach her ♥️

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Oh, that's wonderful! I hope you will still send us Glinner's Twitter so that those of us choosing not to be on Twitter can keep up with you!

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