Do you know Graham, not today.

I am exhausted. All day I have been watching and listening to women and girls sharing their experiences of rape, sexual assault, verbal abuse, harassment, misogyny and generic bullying. From the age of ten. Let that sink in. In school uniforms girls are attacked and abused.

I have been crying most of today, in anger, empathy frustration... for me, my sisters, daughter and all women. And we are the lucky ones, we in the west... my soul has been broken today.

And now to top this, the Scottish parliament have decided that cross dressers need more protection then me, well it has blown my mind. How many cross dressers per week are killed in their own homes? How many.. and let’s broaden this out here, trans and cross dressers are attacked and abused every week (and by abuse let’s be clear I do not include someone put a sticker on a lamppost saying women’s rights are human rights).

My experience today underlines that lawmakers in 2021 place no value on 51% of the population. Or women (adult human female to be clear).

I am broken. A professional women & mother, I have no value.

I can see my sisters on Twitter, but where are the leaders? Where are the political parties, how the fuck can they look at themselves and not squirm. Where the fuck are you?

Open your eyes (yes looking at you SNP, Greens, Labour, Libdems)... it’s a fucking strange world when the only one clinging to our rights is Liz Truss.

Shame on you. Shame on all of you.

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With all due respect this is an immature legislature with a a population of less than one tenth of the United Kingdom. We actually need idiotic fuckups like this to bash at. We will bring hell down on it. These insults grow the army.

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Sorry am raging at the uk in general and then this... so not all aimed at Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

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I spend a good bit of time in Scotland and it was evident there (and elsewhere) that people really struggle with how gender ideology messes with their politics. They assume that the left leaning voices must be the correct ones, and can’t understand how someone they hate like Piers Morgan or Donald Trump or outlets like the Daily Mail can be supporting women and girls’ rights more than the people they usually look to for leadership. It is genuinely hard to get one’s head around and I think it is a real impediment to making progress.

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I agree with you. It's hard to get across that this is not a left v right issue, it's a reality v fantasy issue. If we talk about "institutional capture" we sound like conspiracy theorists.

I honestly don't know what will stop it. I think there will be a wave of detransitioners in the coming years who will hopefully sue for malpractice, and hopefully win. Or when some girls wind up clobbered by men in sports and they sue the school district. The only way to stop this in the US at least is when insurance companies lose money over it.

It's really depressing.

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We are our own leaders in this, come on, look to yourself, look up. Women should quit crying, that's the useless currency of so called "princesses".

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Can you explain this? Are you blaming women? Asking for clarity

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No idea what you are on about.

I dislike crying. I prefer to get on with stuff. I am appalled at a woman on TV this week whose major fucking grievance was which woman made the other woman cry. It's pathetic

Is that "blaming" women? You tell me and I'll think about having a cry about it once you have, or probably not.

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Oh ok well to be clear I now value crying, my crying is not self petty.. or about who made me cry.. but it is valid. I would love a (maybe private) conversation around this because I am absolutely not a spoiled princess who cries for results, I am someone who does not cry (including cancer diagnosis and treatment) in fact like you I suspect I have experience of those who cry to avoid work or accountability. Please do not undermine crying (isn’t that one of the reasons men use?). Crying is not weakness. Crying is humanity.

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Had a message from a friend today who'd listened to a works dial-in on IWD in which she described as 'all hell breaking loose' and resulted in "radical feminists" being blocked off the event, for being very "shocking" and "personal". I haven't found out any more about the event as yet. It was one which I myself was planning to join, but couldn't get the time off for it. And so i'm to assume it may well have involved some women challenging TRAs and their sheep, who will have tried to dominate it with their inclusivity agenda, upsetting them by stating a few home truths and facts and pointing out biological differences between males and females. The disappointing thing today though, is that my friend when into this event, unknowing and left it thinking women can be cruel and horrible to the 'he/she/they/them' brigade. I sent two pages of text to her, explaining why I approved of women challenging this. And lets just say, I've opened up her eyes to it. I even referenced Izzard at one point. The funny stand up bloke in heels and lippy. Who's now infiltrating political platforms as 'a woman'.

Makes me sick to the back teeth. That women calling themselves feminists could fall for all this utter bullshit. Makes me even more determined, to never shut up.

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Tut. *Went 🙄 and 🙄 for all the other typos.

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I watched this in horror. I am beginning to think that Nicola Sturgeon has just thrown away Scottish Independence as Conservative women are going to beat her over the head about this in May's local elections. And that lucky bas....d Boris Johnson may be able to hold "Great Britain" together, even if he loses N. Ireland ("United" Kingdom). I'm looking at the big picture!

Horror show for Scottish women!

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Stand together, never defeated. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. This virus will grow many more heads on this warhead.

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Think same... she had a slam dunk but sold women down the river into the Tory regatta

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As a member of the second largest clan, the most prevalent name being Wilson; (a name made famous by a superbly acted character in a movie about a Fedex guy marooned on a desert island, played by a squashed leather ball), I was perplexed at Scotland's descent into Southern girls blouse cultural norms. Any northerners here will be familiar with that formerly affectionate term for someone unwilling to drink 11 pints in 11 pubs of a night without choosing to foolishly waste beer money on a coat. Having just watched the estimable Neil Oliver on the BBC history channel visit the newly found huge religious precinct built before Stonehenge in Orkney, it all makes sense now. The place was clearly designed by the religious conmen to extract maximum cash from the gullible recently bereaved for passage of their dead nana onward to the stars, but was destroyed when whiley entrepreneurs found a much more BBQ friendly site down south on Salisbury plain and they had to relocate to this new hip festival site to carry on cashing in. The resultant brain drain, with only those that were still wary of the crazy wheel invention and therefore unwilling to get on their bike, staying at home to wait till the 21st century for a revival of strangely dressed menfolk to tell them what to believe.

Thats my Phd submission. Please provide a certificate.

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Women and their allies are now mobilising and standing as pro women’s rights independent candidates. They can use their platform to highlight the misogyny of SNP et al. Laura Marshall is brilliant and needs help for her campaign. She’s trying to raise £2,000. If anyone can help or publicise. https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/support-laura-marshall-independent-north-east-list

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I’m pretty shocked at this outcome and in despair. I have no idea how to vote come May. I can’t throw away my vote, but this is just a shit-show. How can I vote for any of these people?!

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So many politically homeless people in this woke shitstorm. Seems like it's a toss up between parties who don't know what a woman is vs those who know but shit on them anyway.

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Lesson 1 for women Stay free women NEVER dare to be vulnerable. You and any children will be chewed up and spat out by these monsters without a second thought. Then they’ll blame you. NEVER FORGET THIS lesson from your female elders. There is no hope for humanity on that basis so don’t have children because both you and they will surely be vulnerable then. Guard yourself well, keep fighting fit (self defence) and be ever vigilant. The smooth words and actions of the snake mean nothing once you need support.

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Don't be defeated by office wallers and pettifoggers. They are the belly button fluff of life, ready to be picked out and tossed away.

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😂 unfortunately they wield and abuse a significant amount of power over women and children here in NZ despite law and rights so do a lot of damage to advancing a better society with their snollygostering and particularly pettifogging and stonewallering.

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I find the puffy puffery from the silly piggery pillocks can be huffed away with sufficient determination. Never surrender.

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If there were a general election tomorrow, it would be the first time since I was first able to vote that I wouldn’t vote for anyone. The parties’ attitudes towards women’s rights stink. If I lived in a constituency contested by a feminist or pro-feminist candidate (we’re talking proper feminism), I’d vote for them. But most of us won’t have that choice. So I’m out.

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Never be out. Waste your vote. They all havde to be counted and declared.

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Yes, good point. I guess I was meaning no mainstream party would have my vote right now. I used to think moving back to Scotland was the answer to that. Not any more!

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I'm in Scotland and I'll be voting SNP for

Independence. This wont stop campaigning for Women's Rights and I'm pleased to see that a new group Frontline Feminists is now up and running.


Gives me hope renewed as an auld reconstructed women's liberstion feminist.

Don't let the Bastards grind You Down...

Solidarity. 💕🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

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Oops *liberation*

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Well of course he’s a man. Just as well we can all clearly see that women do not have the support or action of any of our Governments. They will waste time and resources on this to double down on erasing our reality and silence us ANY way they can when there’s actual work and resourcing to be done for women and children to give us access to our resources, human and legal rights.Because...patriarchy.

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Holy hell😳

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What was done to Welsh Assembly member Helen Mary Jones by Her own party was shameful. All for talking at Feminist meetings and sharing their content on Her Twitter account, which She's now had to close. Plaid Cymru are as bad as the Green party.

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