May 13, 2021Liked by Genevieve Gluck

Seriously, who asks themselves, "Hmmmm, should I promote sex to children?" and then thinks, "Yes, absolutely, yes, I should. That is the right and correct thing to do." instead of "Lordy, no, that would make me some kind of weird pervert."

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May 13, 2021Liked by Genevieve Gluck


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What concerns me most is that ordinary, rational, parents cannot prevent their children being groomed in this way. It is almost like governments want to take responsibility away from parents, and is what leads me to believe that so called 'conspiracy theories', about a paedophile elite, are true. One thing I am absolutely certain of is that those who are in charge of creating human rights laws, which are then imposed upon people by their respective governments, should one day be held accountable for their crimes against children

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It is important to push back any time the state interferes in private family lives or attempts to own people via coercive control and in particular via estrangement of children from protective parents. It strikes to the very heart of communities and it’s proven bureaucracy can’t raise children and attracts the ignorant and abusive. Supporting Mothers would be simpler. But of course then they can’t be available to serve and work for “the man”. A crossroads indeed.

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Well it's obvious that the vast majority of the ruling class in positions of power are psychopaths and rape and abuse in childhood create psychopathy so it seems like there would be a concentration of pedophiles at the top of society. It's just not a partisan one, despite what Q-anon people want to believe. The TRA movement has definitely proved the ruling class is completely screwed up, so many of these trans male movers and shakers are from privileged families.

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May 13, 2021Liked by Genevieve Gluck

Grim stuff. Also, Genevieve’s own newsletter is here: https://genevievegluck.substack.com

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May 13, 2021Liked by Genevieve Gluck

More actual fucking investigative journalism!

A rare commodity in 2021.

A horrific tale, but so much of the TRA movement finds daylight to be fatal.

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Omg. My eyes....what have a just seen? Unbelievable.

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She’s using the school as both a recruiting platform and abattoir.

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I feel sick.

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I don’t think even my liberal school district would put up with this.

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WTF?? How is this going on in plain sight?

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I wonder if this store is in violation of any local statutes still sitting on the books that might not be being enforced about exposing children to prurient material. I wonder if maybe they need to pass new statutes and keep children the hell out of this store. These people are all freaking pedophiles, sorry. Nobody that broaches the issue of 'sexuality' with someone else's child is not.

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I have no words.

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The pedophiles finally found a movement so self-absorbed and navel-gazing that they can operate in plain sight and call it "progressive"! Disgusting.

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Just to extend this story a little, I found this interesting video all about "Drag Queen Story Hour" in British Libraries. It is called Drag Queen Story Time: Child Grooming In Plain Sight. It made me feel sad to be honest, that this is allowed to go on. It is in the same vein as the above article


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"“The next time you sing Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, add some genital anatomy terms to make it sex positive.” I shouldn't be laughing...because it's not really funny. Well, you have to laugh or you'll cry...Still... Anyhoo, looks like America is just running right past the whole transing kids issue and now are doing a new lap to the the finish line of sexualizing kids.

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This is so abhorrent.

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