A liar, a coward, a hypocrite, a sycophant. And absolutely worst of all (at least to me), a really, really shit friend. I bet he wishes he had a fraction of your courage and integrity.
I am appalled at the "care to know" part. So any gay man who doesn't believe in gendermagic isn't welcome in his life anymore? That makes him bigoted.
I love that he can't see that his "I'm a lady" sketches have come true - absurdly hairy men are calling themselves "Ladieees" and invading lesbian spaces with their "ladies' testiclé". He's pathetic.
His "Ladieees" clip makes him vulnerable to the witch hunting mob chanting transphobe at anything other than complete capitultion to the ideology. He knows this and chose complete capitulation with a dose of smearing women and LGB rights advocates instead. He should be ashamed.
Ah yes this is it isn't it? Exactly as portrayed in Arthur Miller's The Crucible. It's not enough to simply renounce the 'evil' ones and stay clear of them, you have to show your colours by visible and active particpation in the persecution. Only then are you fully subscribed and trusted as an agent of the 'good'. The whole cult is both mediaeval and fascist at one and the same time.
It's funny, there was a woman - a lady - with no beard but extravagant outfits who I think made her own clothes and used to travel on the Varsity coach route I sometimes took. Full on Little Britain Ladieees era outfit, complete with updated and amazingly shiny and patterned fabrics. And a pull along shopping bag. I always used to think of David and Matt when I saw her in her magnificant feathered (?) hats and her vaguely theatrical manner knowing full well the attention she was getting. Good on her. I'm sure there was marabou involved. I knew and chatted to the driver as I watched her hail the coach with an imperious wave once and he spoke very fondly about her and the characters on our route. It's a nice memory and one they aren't going to sully.
I think he can see it. He knows very well what a load of shite this transgender ideology is, but instead of having some integrity, he’s desperately trying to stay on what he think is the “right side”. I’m so disappointed in him and David Williams for not speaking out against this madness. 😢
I’m not surprised. Another ‘celebrity’ shows his true colours. He’s lost any respect I had for him. Keep doing what you’re doing Graham. We’re all with you.
This is really quite sad. I always figured Matt for a good guy, and I gather you got along. This feels like a really significant falling out for both of you. And over what... lies and ideology. Matt is very clearly wrong and you are completely justified in what you say, but I can’t help but feel this must be a sad moment for you, one of many perhaps. I am sorry you need to go through this Graham, just for speaking the truth, I hope you are ok. All I can say is that integrity can’t be bought, you will be remembered for having maintained yours. Some friendships / partnerships are not worth losing your integrity for. And there are plenty more of us out there who are not woke space cadets who would be glad to call you friend, or work with you. We’re just not all in the limelight, luvey dovey celebs. Or very talented. Or have very particularly good interpersonal skills…
That's literally how you need to phrase things. Everything that threatens them is "anti-trans" just as telling any guy he's being a jerk is "man hating". They are anti-female, anti-health, anti-reality, anti-feminist, anti-humanity, anti-truth, pro-muitilation, pro-pedofile, pro-bigotry, pro-facist, and all the rest. Their writing is just more clear than most but deceptive while everyone flounders trying to plead their case and they shout "NO DEBATE". Idiots don't read that far. Get to the fuckin point.
I'm so angry about this it isn't good for my BP. I don't know how you keep your sense of humour Graham not to mention you ability to write cogently without every word being a swear but I salute you for it.
This coward is shoving lesbians under the bus in an attempt to save his own neck. Little Britain has been part of the culture wars so he must be feeling the pressure and fearing for his job at Woke Channel 4. I would have sympathy if he stood up and spoke about it. But he commits libel in the form of very public, ritualistic shaming and harassment instead. I hope they sue the bastard.
I think he’s an ill informed disappointment. Little Britain hasn’t aged well and he seems to have a selective memory. He’s no loss GL. He has ruined GBBO for me though. He’s so desperate to be seen as a good guy he’s not even thought it through and he’s managed to alienate his brethren and women in one tweet. - and for what? An ideology built on quicksand. Receipts are kept lest they forget.
Its so obvious ( I seem to say that a lot on here ) that he's desperate now LB has attracted the wokeratti . Ironic really although TBH I was shocked at the time to find I was offended watching Walliams long term pysch patient . Fast Show still stands the test of comedy time imo . No mean feat .
I confess I was never a fan of Little Britain and I’ve never got the impression that Lucas or Walliams care much for women. On the other hand the YouTube interview from last year with Kate and Bev was inspirational. Two intelligent and decent women who want to make the world a fairer and better place.
I’ve never understood why trans people can have their own organisations that exclude gay and lesbian people, but Lesbians and gay people can’t have organisations that exclude trans people.
This is the major problem with so-called civilization. When one is disconnected from the Earth, one gets very strange ideas about one's importance. I abhor any religious outlook that equates humans with gods including picturing god as a human being -- absolute YUK!
"God made in man's image". Yes, very telling isn't it? We really need to be reconnecting with our place on this Earth instead of trying to move further away from it with tech. We're mammals even if some of wish we weren't. That's why I was shocked that Green Parties fully endorsement this assault on nature and the human body itself. But few of them see a contradiction there. It's bizarre. They can talk all day long about climate and mental health but they clearly haven't learned anything from either crisis.
It's utterly infuriating how cynical the performative wokerati are - performing like clapping seals craving the approval of men's rights activists, porn-soaked narcissists and the rest.
But it's also sad that personal friendships are being trashed (from one side let's be clear - there's no 'both siding' this shitshow). As with other recent posts, it's just time to get *all* this out in the open.
My thought is why now? Why did he tweet that tweet today? It seems so unnecessary. Maybe it's something personal. Maybe someone close to him has put pressure on him. Or maybe someone put pressure on him for some other reason. I am not usually a conspiracy theorist but this seems like such a strange thing for a celebrity of any kind to do when they are taking part in one of the most high profile TV shows of the year. Why would you court the negative attention?
I was watching Dave Chapelle the other night, and he (maybe its me being hyper vigilant) but to paraphase he commented that - 'that men hate it when attention is taken away from them they come back -nastier' given the horrendous headlines around women just now... I don't know- it just seems so random.
It's attention. Any attention. No such thing as bad press. Look at me, me, me! I think some think he is brave for 'speaking up'. And now you can always blame poor mental health for any awful thing you post, and any mistake, any misspeaking, so he is free to do what he likes on his 'journey'. He too is most vulnerable, never forget this. His reps will love the attention and he's trending woohoo free publicity, eyes on screens now everyone.
All this pesky outrage over the deaths of women is just not fun enough, so let's all talk Drag Race. The true vulnerable.
Thanks for being there and doing what you do. We read your emails everyday. We often retweet and read your brave advocacy against the sleep of reason and its monsters. We speak out when the opportunity arises against the toxic lunacy of trans-ideology. I supported Stonewall for years. No longer.
A liar, a coward, a hypocrite, a sycophant. And absolutely worst of all (at least to me), a really, really shit friend. I bet he wishes he had a fraction of your courage and integrity.
Soon he'll be the only gay in the Stonewall village.
If I had been drinking anything, it would have come out my nose! A BIG LAUGH A DAY keeps the gender ideologues at bay.
PMSL! Brilliant
I am appalled at the "care to know" part. So any gay man who doesn't believe in gendermagic isn't welcome in his life anymore? That makes him bigoted.
I love that he can't see that his "I'm a lady" sketches have come true - absurdly hairy men are calling themselves "Ladieees" and invading lesbian spaces with their "ladies' testiclé". He's pathetic.
His "Ladieees" clip makes him vulnerable to the witch hunting mob chanting transphobe at anything other than complete capitultion to the ideology. He knows this and chose complete capitulation with a dose of smearing women and LGB rights advocates instead. He should be ashamed.
Ah yes this is it isn't it? Exactly as portrayed in Arthur Miller's The Crucible. It's not enough to simply renounce the 'evil' ones and stay clear of them, you have to show your colours by visible and active particpation in the persecution. Only then are you fully subscribed and trusted as an agent of the 'good'. The whole cult is both mediaeval and fascist at one and the same time.
It's funny, there was a woman - a lady - with no beard but extravagant outfits who I think made her own clothes and used to travel on the Varsity coach route I sometimes took. Full on Little Britain Ladieees era outfit, complete with updated and amazingly shiny and patterned fabrics. And a pull along shopping bag. I always used to think of David and Matt when I saw her in her magnificant feathered (?) hats and her vaguely theatrical manner knowing full well the attention she was getting. Good on her. I'm sure there was marabou involved. I knew and chatted to the driver as I watched her hail the coach with an imperious wave once and he spoke very fondly about her and the characters on our route. It's a nice memory and one they aren't going to sully.
I think he can see it. He knows very well what a load of shite this transgender ideology is, but instead of having some integrity, he’s desperately trying to stay on what he think is the “right side”. I’m so disappointed in him and David Williams for not speaking out against this madness. 😢
Look at him. He needs fame to get laid.
Well said Glinner. What a sycophantic shit he is.
I'm so fucking angry about this
He's made a career over mocking minorities including.... GASP! Trans people! What a cowardly shit Lucas is.
Trying to earn back some credence from the woke brigade for past sins? It’s like a politician isn’t it. Sad.
Exactly they were literally in blackface for a lot of their sketches.
We share your rage Graham. Sickening
I’m not surprised. Another ‘celebrity’ shows his true colours. He’s lost any respect I had for him. Keep doing what you’re doing Graham. We’re all with you.
This is really quite sad. I always figured Matt for a good guy, and I gather you got along. This feels like a really significant falling out for both of you. And over what... lies and ideology. Matt is very clearly wrong and you are completely justified in what you say, but I can’t help but feel this must be a sad moment for you, one of many perhaps. I am sorry you need to go through this Graham, just for speaking the truth, I hope you are ok. All I can say is that integrity can’t be bought, you will be remembered for having maintained yours. Some friendships / partnerships are not worth losing your integrity for. And there are plenty more of us out there who are not woke space cadets who would be glad to call you friend, or work with you. We’re just not all in the limelight, luvey dovey celebs. Or very talented. Or have very particularly good interpersonal skills…
Hear hear!
Thank you so much for standing up for LGB people, you've done this at such a great personal cost but we are so very grateful to you.
I wish I had half the courage you have Graham.
Saying the LGB Alliance are an anti-trans group is like saying Stonewall is an anti-lesbian, gay and bisexual group. Oh, hang on...
Nice rhetorical flourish, obv. But the analogy does not work. Stonewall *is* a homophobic lobby group now. The LGB alliance is *not* anti-trans.
It was meant to be tongue in cheek. I know the LGB Alliance is not anti-trans...
Yes. I got it
That's literally how you need to phrase things. Everything that threatens them is "anti-trans" just as telling any guy he's being a jerk is "man hating". They are anti-female, anti-health, anti-reality, anti-feminist, anti-humanity, anti-truth, pro-muitilation, pro-pedofile, pro-bigotry, pro-facist, and all the rest. Their writing is just more clear than most but deceptive while everyone flounders trying to plead their case and they shout "NO DEBATE". Idiots don't read that far. Get to the fuckin point.
I'm so angry about this it isn't good for my BP. I don't know how you keep your sense of humour Graham not to mention you ability to write cogently without every word being a swear but I salute you for it.
This coward is shoving lesbians under the bus in an attempt to save his own neck. Little Britain has been part of the culture wars so he must be feeling the pressure and fearing for his job at Woke Channel 4. I would have sympathy if he stood up and spoke about it. But he commits libel in the form of very public, ritualistic shaming and harassment instead. I hope they sue the bastard.
I think he’s an ill informed disappointment. Little Britain hasn’t aged well and he seems to have a selective memory. He’s no loss GL. He has ruined GBBO for me though. He’s so desperate to be seen as a good guy he’s not even thought it through and he’s managed to alienate his brethren and women in one tweet. - and for what? An ideology built on quicksand. Receipts are kept lest they forget.
I loved Little Britain, but The Fast Show was better - who's with me?!
Me. Scorchio!
The Fast Show was mint
Its so obvious ( I seem to say that a lot on here ) that he's desperate now LB has attracted the wokeratti . Ironic really although TBH I was shocked at the time to find I was offended watching Walliams long term pysch patient . Fast Show still stands the test of comedy time imo . No mean feat .
I posted a comment recently and Graham liked it.... which was nice
Not me, loved LB. Am shocked at ML’s tweet.
You. are. kidding. Yikes.
I confess I was never a fan of Little Britain and I’ve never got the impression that Lucas or Walliams care much for women. On the other hand the YouTube interview from last year with Kate and Bev was inspirational. Two intelligent and decent women who want to make the world a fairer and better place.
I’ve never understood why trans people can have their own organisations that exclude gay and lesbian people, but Lesbians and gay people can’t have organisations that exclude trans people.
This is of course, a rhetorical question. TRAs want to control everything.
Including everyone's minds, the entire globe's sex based language, biology itself.... I could go on. These people think they're gods.
This is the major problem with so-called civilization. When one is disconnected from the Earth, one gets very strange ideas about one's importance. I abhor any religious outlook that equates humans with gods including picturing god as a human being -- absolute YUK!
"God made in man's image". Yes, very telling isn't it? We really need to be reconnecting with our place on this Earth instead of trying to move further away from it with tech. We're mammals even if some of wish we weren't. That's why I was shocked that Green Parties fully endorsement this assault on nature and the human body itself. But few of them see a contradiction there. It's bizarre. They can talk all day long about climate and mental health but they clearly haven't learned anything from either crisis.
Completely irresponsible tweet from Matt Lucas!!!
I guess you are in a unique position to see people's true colors, Graham. They're not pretty colors . . .
It's utterly infuriating how cynical the performative wokerati are - performing like clapping seals craving the approval of men's rights activists, porn-soaked narcissists and the rest.
But it's also sad that personal friendships are being trashed (from one side let's be clear - there's no 'both siding' this shitshow). As with other recent posts, it's just time to get *all* this out in the open.
Those that virtue signal are always monsters.
My thought is why now? Why did he tweet that tweet today? It seems so unnecessary. Maybe it's something personal. Maybe someone close to him has put pressure on him. Or maybe someone put pressure on him for some other reason. I am not usually a conspiracy theorist but this seems like such a strange thing for a celebrity of any kind to do when they are taking part in one of the most high profile TV shows of the year. Why would you court the negative attention?
I was watching Dave Chapelle the other night, and he (maybe its me being hyper vigilant) but to paraphase he commented that - 'that men hate it when attention is taken away from them they come back -nastier' given the horrendous headlines around women just now... I don't know- it just seems so random.
Is he getting ready to be a Drag Race judge?
Yes. I believe Drag race is one front in the war on women.
It's attention. Any attention. No such thing as bad press. Look at me, me, me! I think some think he is brave for 'speaking up'. And now you can always blame poor mental health for any awful thing you post, and any mistake, any misspeaking, so he is free to do what he likes on his 'journey'. He too is most vulnerable, never forget this. His reps will love the attention and he's trending woohoo free publicity, eyes on screens now everyone.
All this pesky outrage over the deaths of women is just not fun enough, so let's all talk Drag Race. The true vulnerable.
Was it required to guarantee the part in Wonka?
Thanks for being there and doing what you do. We read your emails everyday. We often retweet and read your brave advocacy against the sleep of reason and its monsters. We speak out when the opportunity arises against the toxic lunacy of trans-ideology. I supported Stonewall for years. No longer.