I work on behalf of a university and am a reviewer for apprentice nurses so am completely appalled at this - I am meant to advise them to follow the RCN guidelines but am disgusted. Conflicted feelings isn’t in it - this is absolutely shocking. What chance do we as sensible staff and they as budding nurses have. Sandie Peggie has been treated terribly - I stand with Sandie Peggie.
Meanwhile, despite the documentary Behind the Looking Glass (Lime Soda Films YT chan) and interviews referencing the suffering of trans widows, medical and nursing guidance never covers this cohort of women who typically acquire PTSD as a result of abuse from a "transitioning" husband. A premiere of Juliette's story in long form interview will be up this Friday, Feb 28 at 6pm UK time and 1 pm East coast time in the States. The fact that many of these men, like Juliette's ex, choked, that is to say battery strangulation, the wife and no prosecutions follow is simply a little inconvenience. For the story of trans widow #67 in my data:
The Darlington nurses have formed a new Union. I don't have the details to hand, but that might be a place to start. With Unison and the RCN totally captured, new Unions must appear.
The new union set up by the Darlington nurses, (who also have a similar case ongoing and who have met with Wes Streeting the Health Secretary and have his support), is called the Darlington Nursing Union
That a UK trained doctor can state with a straight face that there are no determinants of sex is horrific. I would not want this man to be treating me for anything as he is not a safe practitioner. "Wrong is still wrong even if everyone believes otherwise and facts still matter even if many believe they don’t." https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/wrong-does-not-cease-to-be-wrong
As a retired nurse / midwife I'm so appalled by this that words are inadequate !! I would advise nurses to leave the RCN but unfortunately the unions are also captured by this lunacy !! It's absolutely terrifying to think that a " Healthcare " system ,based on biology ,no longer even understands what biological sex is !! How many people will they kill before they wake up ? It's totally bonkers and even criminal !! God help us ALL !! Thanks for the post x
I would love for a psycho analyst or psychologist to get under the skin of the women that perpetuate this terrible harm to children. Are they genuinely brainwashed? Are they just trying to be genuinely kind and not upset anyone? Are they stupid? What makes women propagate damage to their own sex and harm to those pretend to be the opposite sex?? Do they really think that if a boy likes playing with dolls he ought be "physically aligned" with that? How do the very people that criticise sex stereotypes but then use them to push this barbaric ideology? I genuinely do not understand this. Anyway the fact that their ridiculous guidelines are under review shows that they now realise they are in the wrong. How sad that it takes public opinion to change rather than basic common sense for them to do so.
I did a few PhD modules with senior nurse managers at the University of Wolverhampton in the late 1990's. These same losers and many more like them, were captured in the Universities. They metastasised across the NHS. These quislings are Women! Yet now they are the ones insisting that adult human female nurses must get changed in full view of leering trans pervs. The moment the nursing profession required a university degree for a such a vocational job was the moment they surrendered themselves to woke. The chickens have come home to roost! The RCN is a joke, but the GMC and the BMA are even worse.
I don't know if this is the answer, but a lot of people (especially straight people) seem to assume that trans = gay. But, like, SUPER-DUPER gay. (So-called "cis" homosexuals being merely "average" gay.)
Based on this, failing to "affirm" someone's "transness" is taken as the equivalent of refusing to accept a gay person's homosexuality. Yes, I know how stupid (not to mention ironic) this is-- since, for gay people, becoming "trans" is about as closeted as it's possible to get-- but once the T attached itself like a parasite to LGB, perhaps inevitable.
It’s the same in statutory child protection here in Australia. Transactivist organisations funded with millions of public dollars are given the opportunity to promote anti-scientific, fringe ideology as uncontested “fact”. It is our governments that need to be taken to court about this, because they’re in breach of the Public Service Act. It’s pointless blaming lobby groups for lobbying!
Biological males claiming to be adult human biological females are (1) pervs (2) delusional (3) deviant. It's about time all female spaces should be issued tasers for use on these rebarbative blaggards.
I work on behalf of a university and am a reviewer for apprentice nurses so am completely appalled at this - I am meant to advise them to follow the RCN guidelines but am disgusted. Conflicted feelings isn’t in it - this is absolutely shocking. What chance do we as sensible staff and they as budding nurses have. Sandie Peggie has been treated terribly - I stand with Sandie Peggie.
I stand with Sandie Peggie and the Darlington nurses too. This whole situation is beyond farcical.
Meanwhile, despite the documentary Behind the Looking Glass (Lime Soda Films YT chan) and interviews referencing the suffering of trans widows, medical and nursing guidance never covers this cohort of women who typically acquire PTSD as a result of abuse from a "transitioning" husband. A premiere of Juliette's story in long form interview will be up this Friday, Feb 28 at 6pm UK time and 1 pm East coast time in the States. The fact that many of these men, like Juliette's ex, choked, that is to say battery strangulation, the wife and no prosecutions follow is simply a little inconvenience. For the story of trans widow #67 in my data:
The RCN is our Union. What do we do? Is there some protest campaign? I don't agree to my fees being used for this.
The Darlington nurses have formed a new Union. I don't have the details to hand, but that might be a place to start. With Unison and the RCN totally captured, new Unions must appear.
The new union set up by the Darlington nurses, (who also have a similar case ongoing and who have met with Wes Streeting the Health Secretary and have his support), is called the Darlington Nursing Union
I've just seen that Sandy Peggie has joined! Their email address is info@darlingtonnursingunion.uk. Let's see their numbers grow!
These are my thoughts too Sue. They don’t represent Nurses at all…
That a UK trained doctor can state with a straight face that there are no determinants of sex is horrific. I would not want this man to be treating me for anything as he is not a safe practitioner. "Wrong is still wrong even if everyone believes otherwise and facts still matter even if many believe they don’t." https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/wrong-does-not-cease-to-be-wrong
PS I stand with Sandie Peggie and ALL the sane ,reality based nurses in this country. Keep fighting x
As a retired nurse / midwife I'm so appalled by this that words are inadequate !! I would advise nurses to leave the RCN but unfortunately the unions are also captured by this lunacy !! It's absolutely terrifying to think that a " Healthcare " system ,based on biology ,no longer even understands what biological sex is !! How many people will they kill before they wake up ? It's totally bonkers and even criminal !! God help us ALL !! Thanks for the post x
I would love for a psycho analyst or psychologist to get under the skin of the women that perpetuate this terrible harm to children. Are they genuinely brainwashed? Are they just trying to be genuinely kind and not upset anyone? Are they stupid? What makes women propagate damage to their own sex and harm to those pretend to be the opposite sex?? Do they really think that if a boy likes playing with dolls he ought be "physically aligned" with that? How do the very people that criticise sex stereotypes but then use them to push this barbaric ideology? I genuinely do not understand this. Anyway the fact that their ridiculous guidelines are under review shows that they now realise they are in the wrong. How sad that it takes public opinion to change rather than basic common sense for them to do so.
I did a few PhD modules with senior nurse managers at the University of Wolverhampton in the late 1990's. These same losers and many more like them, were captured in the Universities. They metastasised across the NHS. These quislings are Women! Yet now they are the ones insisting that adult human female nurses must get changed in full view of leering trans pervs. The moment the nursing profession required a university degree for a such a vocational job was the moment they surrendered themselves to woke. The chickens have come home to roost! The RCN is a joke, but the GMC and the BMA are even worse.
I don't know if this is the answer, but a lot of people (especially straight people) seem to assume that trans = gay. But, like, SUPER-DUPER gay. (So-called "cis" homosexuals being merely "average" gay.)
Based on this, failing to "affirm" someone's "transness" is taken as the equivalent of refusing to accept a gay person's homosexuality. Yes, I know how stupid (not to mention ironic) this is-- since, for gay people, becoming "trans" is about as closeted as it's possible to get-- but once the T attached itself like a parasite to LGB, perhaps inevitable.
It’s the same in statutory child protection here in Australia. Transactivist organisations funded with millions of public dollars are given the opportunity to promote anti-scientific, fringe ideology as uncontested “fact”. It is our governments that need to be taken to court about this, because they’re in breach of the Public Service Act. It’s pointless blaming lobby groups for lobbying!
Biological males claiming to be adult human biological females are (1) pervs (2) delusional (3) deviant. It's about time all female spaces should be issued tasers for use on these rebarbative blaggards.
“in 2021 WPATH tried to introduce ‘eunuch’ as a legitimate gender identity with which patients could try to align themselves via castration.”
They didn’t just “try”, WPATH actually did this. “Eunuch” is a “gender” in WPATH SOC8 (Standards Of Care version 8).