This makes me really, really sick.

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I does me too, and so fucking angry that this man is being placed with vulnerable women, a man who has threatened and abused women and murdered a woman. The safety of the women who now have to suffer his presence means nothing at all to those responsible for putting him there.

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Agree with you. And the poor, poor victim originally. I am weeping for her.

Even if he genuinely has gender dysphoria, how can he ever be permitted into a female prison? It is sick. The authorities have been perverted.

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Everything about this is shocking and distressing. I don't care whether he has gender dysphoria or is a typical bullshitter, he should not be around women, and under no circumstances should women be forced to share the same space as him. The bastards who have allowed this to happen should are a fucking disgrace and every one of them should be forced to account for their actions and pay accordingly.

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Oh, but don't forget: If they don't put him there he will be very, very sad.

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Yes, because then he might start self harming or even become suicidal. Prompting activists and celebrities to get all melodramatic and start wailing that everyone who doesn't go along with every demand made, wants trans people to die.

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Maybe we should ask why ANYONE shouldn't want HIM to die. Followed by a detailed description of his crimes and horrifying statements. "Oh, you have sympathy for him, huh? WHY? But cool, I'll be sure to give him your home address, so he can look you up as soon as he gets out! Don't you want to provide this delicate flower with home-cooked meals and host him in your guest room?... wait, where are you going?"

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How does anyone with even half a moral compass consider this okay? A day of reckoning will come, and transactivists will have a lot to answer for. Well, those who haven’t slid away to avoid the storm they see coming, that is.

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I want the ENABLERS to answer for their crimes, I want the ACLU hung out to dry, I want the state officials who go along with this crap fired, I want the moneybags behind this ideology exposed, tried and sentenced.

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That crap human being Chase Strangio.

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Totally agree ! It's so evil ,how do these " people " live with themselves ? They're every bit as inhuman as these incarcerated men who pose as women for the sole purpose of carrying out their evil intentions !!👎👎

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You should read what I'm reading about Anthony Fauci. I just finished up the chapters about the children in foster care in several U.S. states whom he maimed and murdered using them as experimental subjects for AIDS drugs. A reporter described seeing one of their mass graves. Next I get to read about the Africans he maimed and murdered using them as experimental subjects. I have no idea how these people live with themselves except they are utter socio/psychopaths. I think Fauci is the latter because I think he enjoys seeing people suffer and die.

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Again, can we quit with the COVID talk please.

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Where, exactly, is the covid talk in this comment? These were children systematically murdered by the National Institutes of Health, African-American and Latino children used as experimental subjects for "AIDS" drugs. Now I'm reading about African women and children also used as experimental subjects, many of whom died or were left with "adverse" effects. Do you really think this has absolutely nothing to do with the current experimentation on children with puberty blockers and wrong-sex hormones? Or is your reading comprehension not good?

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The sad thing is: Wherever we see the storm coming up, gays and lesbians are getting caught up in it as well. See the "Don't Say Gay" law in, what was is - Florida (?).

While it is necessary to keep trans ideologues out of schools, and primarily out of primary schools, Republicans also used the opportunity to ban all mentioning of homosexuality to kids. And that's problematic, because it is a topic that will pop up even at that early an age. Kids will have gay siblings etc. and they may bring that up, or have it brought up by other kids. Now, teachers in the state are banned from saying: Most people fall in love with people from the other sex, some people fall in love with people of their own sex. Both is natural, normal and fine.

It's the same thing in Hungary, btw. Their authoritarian government used combatting trans ideology as a wedge to pass heinously anti-gay laws like in Russia.

Of course, this is a result of LGB orgs allowing transactivists to piggyback and the queer"feminist" nonsense of trying to group all people together who are somehow not garden variety straight. A lot of people saw that coming for years.

We could say it's OK for orgs to face the fallout for pursueing a strategy devoid of any sanity and rationality, but it's ordinary people who have to pay the price. That's what's so maddening about it. And progressives still don't get what harm they are causing and how they lay the foundations for authoritarians to take over.

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The law you are referring to in Florida is children in kindergarten through third grade. I DO NOT want teachers talking to children of that age about homosexuality or gender identity. I never talked about my family at school! I played four-square and horses with my friends, we talked about Nancy Drew mysteries, etc.

And the law in Russia says no teaching children at school about homosexuality or gender identity. I do not find that heinously anti-gay. The ban on teaching about homosexuality can probably be laid at the feet of the church, but I think I would prefer that to living in the Latter Days of Satyricon here in the U.S. where every possible perversion seems to be on display.

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The laws in Russia and Hungary go well beyond that. Anything that is considered "public promotion of homosexuality" is banned, which has lead to heavy restrictions and bans against LGB orgs, and not just on account of transideology. You could even get in trouble for featuring what's obviously a same sex couple in a TV ad. If that isn't anti-gay, I don't know what is.

And make no mistake, such laws of course encourage open homophobia or even violence against gays and lesbians.

And well know that terms like gay or queer are used as cusswords by kids, and from a very early age on. I personally prefer laws that encourage teachers to explain to kids why that just isn't cool.

But with embracing transideology, and always argueing it's really the same struggle, LGB orgs laid the foundation to this backlash when they became first LGBT orgs and then effectively T-only-orgs.

Without that, it would have been extremely difficult for authoritarians to roll back growing social and legal acceptance for gays and lesbians. Once same sex marriage is a couple of years in, nobody raises an eyebrow over it and that is undeniably progress. But once that legitimate struggle for more acceptance gets diluted with irrational ideologies, well, it becomes another matter.

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I know that Hungary is right-wing. Could you link to something that tells me the laws "go well beyond that"? I think this stuff is very much rooted in church doctrine -- and of course the church regained a lot of power as Russians wanted to regain a sense of sovereignty, culture, and history -- and also the sense that the West is morally bankrupt and decadent.

I was just reading about gay male media taking money from the pharmaceutical companies making poppers back in the 1970s and 1980s, and some scientists have felt that constantly dosing oneself with amyl nitrite had a lot to do with getting AIDS (amyl nitrite is good for waking people up, but men were taking it all night long so they could keep having sex with more and more other men, amyl nitrite loosening the anal sphincter and keeping one energized). The gay community has done a lot of damage to itself, not the least is associating themselves with transgenderism and sexual perversions.

I too would prefer an open culture of acceptance, but there is just as much homophobia and violence toward homosexuals here as elsewhere. I'll never forget the story of the MAN and the WOMAN who were chased by a mob in Brooklyn, New York, because the mob thought they were two men (she had short hair and was wearing a leather jacket), the mob being led by a stockbroker.

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The Orthodox Church plays a large role in that in Russia, as does the Catholic Church in Poland. In Hungary it's a bit different. Religion doesn't figure that large in their nationalism, for historical reasons. I'll have to look into links with details about these laws.

As for homophobic violence: I am certainly not saying that has disappeared in more liberal countries. But it is no way near the levels gays and lesbians face in Poland, Russia, Hungary and a few other countries. I just featured an interview on my blog about Zoe, an artist and friend from Serbia. She was basically hounded out of the country.


(The text of the article is in German, the embedded video is in English. Feel free to share.)

Also, friends of mine from Bosnia want to emigrate in part because rampant homophobia forces them to keep their relationship secret, because, should it come out one of them could face severe professional setbacks. Plus the really serious concerns that Sarajevo's first pride parade a few years back could end violently. (Luckily, those very serious threats lead to huge local turnout plus hundreds of people from other countries, including myself, coming to Sarajevo to make the parade so big that nobody would attack them. Well, glad I did it and so I got to go to a pride parade after all.)

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I know that much of the world has a long way to go regarding women's rights, let alone homosexual rights. Actually, I don't know anywhere in the world where there's not a long way to go regarding women's rights. My Sri Lankan friend thought American women were so free, and I had to tell him American women are just like women anywhere -- they now have to work outside the home as well as do the bulk of the childcare, housework, laundry, etc. And they are subject to battering, assault, and rape inside the home as well as outside. And now we get to share our sex-segregated spaces with violent males, how delightful.

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I think we're probably going to have a woman killed before the progressives snap out of this.

Going by American prison stats male prisoners kill about 100X the rate female ones do.

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It's not 'going to have' it is women who have been killed. We've passed that point - women are being killed. This woman was. Many women by men with the delusion that they have the right to kill women. Always their excuse is a denial or oh whoops I went a bit too far, always shifting blame to anyone but them. 'Trans' identifying men aren't a separate special species, these are after all still men and I don't give a f**k what other delusions they have. They are violent, abusive men and should be nowhere near any woman.

Too many are quite happy not think about and to look away from the amount of death and damage. To move a man like that into accommodation and services for women is pure evil. Thanks to Genevieve we know Flor's name. Where is Flor's justice and the vulnerable women he's been moved to live with?

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I meant one would have to be killed in prison. Sadly the far left has shown they dont give a crap about women's safety and I'm starting to suspect they only ever paid lip service to women's rights as a vote winner.

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I realised you meant that and that's a problem. I hear and read that phrase a lot and it's very raw. I don't care where we are being killed! Just what number, type, style and location of femicide do people think is 'too far'. One 'trans' identifying man murdering one woman in one prison? Ten? A hundred? One in every prison in every country on earth? Those men have already lost the right to live freely, yet somehow their needs are being accommodated over women's safety yet again. I would argue that we passed the point of acceptable levels of abuse and violence eons ago.

There are already attacks and assaults by 'trans' identifying men on women in prisons. They are herding women in a place like prey. Like shooting fish in a barrel. That's what this now feels like for me as a woman. Many of those women trapped with him will have led lives of chaotic vulnerability and violence at the hands of men. Many will have been trafficked and living precarious lives, presumably just like Flor.

Is 'domestic' abuse where women are murdered and violently attacked in their own homes better or worse than in a street, or in a prison. Which is more worthy of outrage? Whose life has more value?

Where are we supposed to exist that's safe? Where? Space? Is that Elon's new idea? The one safe space away from violent men?

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You know they'd describe it as 'woman on woman' crime.

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Yep. Even if the actual woman ended up impregnated.

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Surely that is a legal issue of the dereliction by the state of the duty of care while incarcerated….

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Ah well, I wouldn't put it beyond authorities to try and pull another Holy Ghost stunt again. I mean, it worked pretty well the first time it was tried on a grand scale, why not go for it again?

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I'm afraid it'll take more than one woman being killed in prison by a man.

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90% of violent crimes are committed by males.

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Absolutely agree. Only a matter of time.

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I appreciate and am grateful for this piece, but I'm sorry Genevieve I cannot 'like' it. It reads like something again that couldn't possibly be true, and my brain is fighting to accept that it is. I wish there was an 'I'm utterly wearily exhausted by all this' icon I could click. I don't know how you bear it.

And thank you Graham for hosting so many different views on here.

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I feel the same. I had to skim read it as it’s so sick. Reads like a horror film, rather than real life. And to put him in a women’s prison just beggars belief FFS

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It's like a weak attempt at the trolley problem in Philosophy but not as sophisticated and with a very obvious solution.

A reverse trolley problem - sacrifice many women for the whims of one, or a few men.

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I’ve just been telling my daughters that Glinner prevents my head exploding from all this crap. No one else believes or wants to believe this stuff or they’d be writing to MPs, newspapers, social media. Cracks are appearing in the lies and we have to keep going but oh my it’s not easy.

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I’m shocked at New Jersey for bowing down to this sick individual. How much is it costing the hard working taxpayers.

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Sadly it’s true having known the guy (?) and what happened

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Hmm, I wonder if any blue ticks will be having a ‘mad, angry cry’ about ^this^ on Twitter

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Well, yes. They will be very angry this story has been told.

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Real poster child for "trans women are women."

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Well hes just living his best life

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And being his authentic self. How people can say that about a guy who lies about his sex, lies abiut his sexual orientation and goes around mimixking women (badly)?

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Men would fear being imprisoned with this killer. I can’t even imagine what the women prisoners are feeling, even the women guards- he can overpower every one of them, and he’s literally the bogeyman. This isn’t a punishment for him. What sadistic woman killer wouldn’t want to be locked up with captive women and no other men to worry about, other than perhaps a few guards? This incentivized serial killers. Get caught, worse that happens is the state provides you with endless victims.

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For the love of God, what is wrong with the people in charge?! "A deal with the ACLU"? That deranged monster should not be allowed to 'identify as a woman's🤮, Much less be sent to a female prison facility! He was thrown out of a psychiatric ward!!! Why are deranged and lying men's wishes put above women's need and safety?! Let's puck a day, a time, and march all over the world to shout : "Enough! Men are men whatever they pretend, and women deserve dignity, respect and safety!"

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Fer feck sake!!! He needs keeping in solitary in a male prison regardless of how he identifies. Hope they keep him in solitary in the female prison too and with the amount of violence towards inmates reported at Edna Mahan he might ask to transfer back soon enough. If they don’t keep him in solitary they’ll have blood on their hands 🤬😡 I’ve spent many years doing rehabilitative work and I am passionate about it but I also know that some people just need locking away permanently. Based on the information here, this man will never change and has to be kept separate from other humans for the rest of his life.

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Unbelievable. How do the people who facilitated this sleep at night? And it's unreported elsewhere.

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I hope there is a special place in Hell for all who support and enable this.

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His psychopathy is enough for a death sentence. He is too dangerous to allow to live.

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It should be sufficient to lock him away for the rest of his life. There is no need to reinstitute capital punishment. This is not only barbaric, it also opens a can of worms even more dangerous than Self ID laws - and that's saying something.

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not in his case sorry.

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That's in every case. Death penalty endangers far more lives than it ever could save.

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Nope. Kill him before he kills tortures or rapes another woman.

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Sometimes I think the death penalty is actually the only option. This is one of those times. Placing such an evil Man in a women’s prison is indefensible. God help them in that prison.

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I'm definitely against the death penalty. However in extreme cases, with two psychiatrists agreeing on their total lack if normal human feelings, I think certain men should be put down like rabid dogs.

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Yeah..that’s what I. Dan. Put them out out of our misery. When there’s no chance of healing. But then again…we can never really say there is no chance of healing can we.

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Psychiatrists agree that certain psychopaths and sociopaths are very unlikely to get better ever. Given the choice between putting them down and risking one more victim, I know what I'd pick. I am talking about extreme cases.

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And the bare mimimum is keeping them away from any more potential victims.

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And since a cmittee if bozos always ends up letting them l'Oise in the end... Again, I am talking about absolute monsters

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Holy crap ! Is it France that’s talking about bringing back the death penalty , I’m moving there , no less than this sick fuck deserves , moving him to a womens facility , the lawmakers are sicker than him 😡

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Erm, no. France does not talk about bringing back the death penalty. It legally could not, even if it wanted to. Which is a good thing. Besides, capital punishment has nothing to do with this scandal.

Interestingly, European societies in general have far less of extremely sadistic killers like this one than the US does. Mind, they do occur, but apparently far less frequently. The only European country that has capital punishment is Belarus, btw, and you don't want to live there. Heck, most Belorussians don't want to live there.

The other countries are members of the European Council which prohibits capital punishment, most are also EU members which makes abolishing the death penalty, should it still exist, a condition for membership. Only Russia has left the European Council following the EC's condemnation of Russia's invasion of the Ukraine - a step which has many people worried that Russia's authoritarian government could reinstitute capital punishment.

Now, I'm not saying everything is fine with law enforcement in Europe, nor with its penitentiary system. But overall, it's far superior to that in the US - with, for the most, far more lenient sentences, btw.

Sadly, some European countries have adopted Self ID laws or are about to - which will erode the safety of imprisoned women, among other things. Politicians who facilitate this should be held politically accountable for the fallout this is going to create. But there seriously is no need to consider reinstituting capital punishment anywhere.

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Ok consider me educated . I had read that Le Pen was talking about holding a referendum re capital punishment if elected . Mind I read the mail so it’s highly feasible I was reading a crock of shit !

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For one, as much as she'd like to be, Marine Le Pen isn't France. That would be true if she were to be elected President next week (which, btw, I wouldn't rule out at this point and time). For the other, neofascists always toy with the idea every once in a while, but their wet dreams and reality are two different things and as far as capital punishment is concerned they don't run the discourse. With exception of themselves, the vast majority of people consider that issue closed once and for all. It's not a topic in any election platform, not even Le Pen's. And lastly, even if Le Pen were able to get a super majority in French parliament - this time her party won't even have a plurality in parliament and by far, so the earliest this could happen is 2027 - and change the constitution to allow for such a referendum and dominate public opinion enough so it would come through (and those are huge ifs), there'd still be the safeguards installed by the European Council and the European Union. In short: France is not talking about bringing back the death penalty.

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Wow did you call me a neofascist

For scum like this I’ll take that mantle

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I didn't call you anything. I was talking about Le Pen and her party. If you feel addressed by that term - your problem. I'm not responsible for what you read into other people's texts.

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I’d written a lengthy reply but deleted it

I’m not letting grahams blog join the twatterati

We’ll agree to disagree

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ACLU have so much to answer for. Another organisation that needs to close now before it does any more damage to the human rights of vulnerable women. The USA used to be a country to be admired. Now they have lost their way abd it is more to be pitied for the lack of understanding on how to protect the most vulnerable in its society - children who are confused by their sexuality and female prisoners. Here in the UK we need to stop following the example set by the USA, and decide how we treat our own according to our equality and human rights legislation.

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