
Just donated.

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Another example of transgender fascism at work.

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Wtf?! She built the company and now has to leave?! 😱

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"In terms of breaching my trust and belief in humanity, this has shaken me to my core". Many of know that feeling so well. People we trusted; people we felt to be fundamentally thoughtful are mired in Group-Think and Cognitive Dissonance and it makes some of them cruel

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She's fighting back, that's my takeaway from this. We will not lie down and take this shit.

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Done. Can only manage a tenner right now but it comes with heartfelt good wishes.

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She had a lot more patience with these nun bernery fuckwits than i would have had - donated.

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Pleased to see her crowdfunding rising fast.

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Some of the most depressing aspects of this are

- she was attacked by young people that she was mentoring

- they’ve attempted to smear her, or at least create a certain odour, by hinting at sexual harassment.

- the Trustees have effectively closed the company.

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Donated. Glad to see the amount increasing by the minute!

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I'm a Gen X'er. When we wanted to rebel against the status quo of the generations before us, we started terrible punk bands or pierced our ears a few more times and rolled our eyes at the embarrassing lameness of our parents. What we didn't do was try to destroy everything around us, including the life's work (and life) of someone who we disagreed with.

And of course it was some jumped up little shit of a they/them who started this.

I was thinking just today of the old adage "what goes around, comes around." Eventually whether through a reversal of this gender bullshit tolerance, or the adoption of some new horror, the awful little wokies will find themselves the targets. And when that happens, I won't have a shred of sympathy for them.

Karma is a bitch and so am I. ;)

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Consider it done!

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Donated. Abhor mobbing, especially of the witch-hunting variety. I also have experience of this in a very successful non-profit I started, so I know how utterly devastating it is. A while ago, not GI stuff, but similarly baseless and long drawn out disempowering process. This is just a new stick for mediocre people to grab power and destroy things.

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