Nov 29, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

JK Rowling liked his tweet about the Declaration.

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Several are criticising RD for not speaking up earlier, and I do see that as an issue - I also wish he had. But one way to look at this is that he may have been quite smart at using these delayed 'stealth' tactics and entering the fray. A Tweet - then nothing for a while, then repeat. One of his earlier 'stealthy' messages of support was him commenting on Twitter that he was reading some of JKRs books (perhaps 'reading' on audio actually) and he said how well written and constructed they were. The subjects of JKRs books wouldn't seem 'appropriate' for his tastes from what I know, so I wondered at the time whether it was a small did at the haters, and a message for 'our side' so to speak. Perhaps..

Having read most of his books, I never doubted which side of the toxic divide he would land, but yes, I do wish he had spoken up earlier and more strongly. But here we are with a powerful voice of reason on our side. That can only be good.

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Nov 29, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

It turns out that Monty might have been responsible for Dawkins' finding the declaration in the first place....


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Nov 29, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

One of the biggest shocks to me is how the Athiest and skeptical community, such as it is, has swallowed this nonsense hook line and sinker. I've met Matt Dillahunty, and he's a nice guy, but you'd think that he would see through it all, but no, the ACA is completely and utterly ideologically captured. Here's his response to Richard's tweet:

"I won't be signing. It's just a way for anti-trans bigots to pretend like they're doing something good when they are doing the opposite.

You continue to cave to transphobic fear-mongering, while the rest of us actually educate and improve the world with humanist values. Sad"


What a fool.

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Nov 29, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Great to see he's getting vocal and helpful and it was lovely to see he got a 'thank you' from Kathleen Stock.

I'm so glad he's shared the UN Declaration page as this should garner far more signatures. I'm pretty sure I signed one before but did it again anyway and shared on my FB.

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Nov 29, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

He also endorsed TRANS by Helen Joyce. https://twitter.com/hjoycegender/status/1381888763006160898

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If anyone fancies a smile, there's a great interview with Julie Burchill https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQktUT_avj4&ab_channel=TheNewCultureForum - I don't always agree with her but she does have a great way with words. She mentions Lynne Featherstone who threw a wobbly at the Observer for publishing Julie's transphobe column (actually a column written in defence of Suzanne Moore).

Lynne Featherstone was later disciplined for nicking tons of stationery. Says Julie: Maybe she identifies as WH Smith.

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Nov 30, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

I note that whilst Dawkins is getting a lot of predictable, nonsensical pushback for doing this, the tone is somewhat less violent than that aimed at JKR, Rosie etc. Can't think why... 🤔

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Nov 30, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

This is good news. Dawkins has a huge following and his support helps to emphasise the religious/belief system nature of gender ideology. Obviously there are opportunistic pervs, paedophiles and misogynists jumping on board (as also happens in plenty cults/religions) but at heart it is a 'blind faith' belief in the unprovable-yet-incontestable, ie: the "gendered soul."

As the old saying goes; "When people stop believing in God they don't believe in nothing, they believe in anything." And believing that a woman has a penis or that a girl's not really a girl because she doesn't like dolls, is as primitive an idea as any cave-dweller ever came up with.

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Nov 29, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Well done to Richard Dawkins. Great to see some academics on the side of truth . Great 👍👍👍

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The fight back continues…more and more are joining us, now they see what’s going on.

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Guid tae see that Dawkins has further declared his support by signing the Declaration on Women's Sex Based Rights.

He's aye been ma favourite go tae biologist....😁

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Nov 30, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

I couldn't comment on this last night for some sort of technical reason and looks like I missed all the "fun" with Tezzy being banned!

Really happy Dawkins has added his weight to this. He does hold some views that I don't agree with but as a feminist and athiest I am glad to see him sign the declaration and publicly stand with Kathleen Stock. Of course by standing with her, he stands with all other GC folk too. About time we had some more voices with some real public volume take a stand against this damaging cult.

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Nov 30, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

It’s plain to see the more polite ragging that is fired back at men, poking at the trans twattery.

They usually get the psycho babble, filling tweet after tweet, but naturally, the lady terfs gets the threats and sneers.

Only a man could tell a woman, that HE is more of a woman, than she would ever be ….

It’s time we stopped using the snooze button, and let the alarm ring longer and louder !

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Nov 30, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Not a huge Dawkins fan, though I’ve enjoyed some of his books.

But he’s right about this.

And it is MASSIVE.

I have, however, seen a TRA telling him he “didn’t understand biology” before now, so I guess some will be as impervious as they are able.

I’d like to know what went on with the Skeptics... what the hell happened?

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This is BIG. Really BIG ! Dare we hope? Tide is turning?

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