Sep 15, 2022Liked by Graham Linehan

Also demand: information on how wrong-sex hormones affect functioning of all human systems. Dentists talk about weak teeth syndrome, we know skeletal damage caused, as well has the occurrence of strokes, heart attacks.

These MPs should be requiring the NHS to sift through all data available to give the public complete information. The reproductive system is the first to go, then emotional/cognitive capacities. The silence of a broad range of specialists is in evidence. They were told it's such a small cohort, don't conduct studies. Jalisa Vine just posted a new clip in her YT channel, with new honesties about how it's all a mirage, she was used. Please subscribe! I wonder if Mess could get her on for an interview?

The clouded, corrupt thinking spreads and festers, as MPs in the UK and members of Congress in the US grow their cowardly, twitter-coerced reaction-models, joining in the narcissistic pile-ons of anyone posting reason.

So much information is lost, result of the silencing of trans widows, detransitioners, parents of ROGD teens, truth-tellers like Graham, Arty and Helen. We don't know the half of it, and the men behind the curtains want it that way, even if they have to use a walker after estradiol has softened their bones or caused multiple sclerosis, the info on increased incidence recently out.

Ute Heggen, author, In the Curated Woods, True Tales from a Grass Widow (iuniverse, 2022)


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Perhaps if some kind soul could produce a template for a letter of complaint re: Nicolson so that those of us strapped for time could either use it verbatim or amend it to our own syntactical taste...?

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Nicholson is dangerous, IMO

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