I wish all sane, thinking people would leave these sites. Aside from their pro-rape and pro-pedophile agenda they have now socialized two generations to believe that the values of a certain demographic (psychopathic tech-oriented young males) are in fact the values of the greater culture. Given that this demographic is the most vulnerable to porn sickness and now think that posting and selling non-consensual porn of females on the internet is in fact a perfectly acceptable thing to do (and the corresponding surge in suicides of young females in response to this psychopathic exploitation is well documented https://www.forbes.com/sites/robertglatter/2019/05/20/suicide-rates-sharply-increase-among-young-girls-study-finds/?sh=5a81bf086b20 ) it should be obvious that this demographic via social media platforms has flipped on it's head how young people think about freedom of speech, government, peaceful protest, passive resistance, civil disobedience and just basic morality and decency. Feminists, who are the world's greatest fighters for the welfare of children both within and out of their communities, have been demonized outright because these predators know that it is activist women who see through their predatory schtick that are, to be completely blunt and crude 'cock-blocking' them in every conceivable way from raping the particular women and children they desire to violate. Hence their unhinged demeanor and willingness to do real violence to women who stand in their way.

These sites are not governments, but they act as if they are. We literally have the least-empathetic, most psychopathic people on the entire planet making decisions about whose views get to be heard. The ONLY way this will change is if decent, moral people break the chains of nostalgia with the internet overlords who initiated them. They (twitter/facebook/instgram/reddit/medium/etc) have gotten rich mining our data while propping up rapists and pedophiles and making pedophilia into a literal sexual preference in the minds of a whole generation, which child predators have been trying to do for at least 50 years via LGBT. They repeatedly sued through the ACLU for decades to be included in gay pride as NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association)...somehow they internet became the weapon of their dreams for slithering up next to folks, especially children, completely undetected.

For the love of God I wish people would get off the pedophile/rapist platforms and start other platforms that do not have a rapist/pornographer agenda. Or better yet do like this site does and go independent. People who stay on those mainstream sites are essentially financing the rape and violation of women and children.

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Well said 👏👏👏

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This makes my blood boil! Just totally trying to save their own skins 😤

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They've certainly nailed their baby pink and blue colours to the mast.

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They've moved him on to a new parish

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Well done Graham. You are doing such a good job. When they say “doxing”(!) it means grown ups are pointing out the truth to them. They are having to sort themselves out in the face of people waking up. Take a breath! Thank you for all your hard work.

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I know NOTHING about the protocol of Reddit as I'm exclusively a Twitter man (for all its faults, I still think it's the best of a VERY bad bunch)

But why is it I trust every. Single. Word of Graham's monologue?

Tough one to answer I know (!)

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The "doxxing" is laughable at best. Everything posted about Aimee was already public knowledge. AC was a nationally known public figure.

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These guys, same as the incels at 4chan, were the ones who invented *doxxing* so they should know what it means. And it means what the TransDemands did to Sonia Poulton - bombarding her with pizza & Argos deliveries, getting swat teams of police to storm her house for bombs, posting pix of her kids, her address and those of her relatives, etc. Feckin' wankstains 👿

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Isn't Katrina Swales also a mod of roughly 80 subreddits or something ridiculous? That's Aimee's partner too IIRC. The whole thing stinks worse than an adult fetish nappy.

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Would you look at this crock of shite? Almost unbelievable that they think they can get away with this and that this piece of revisionist history settles the matter.


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I think your being most unfair on these tech giants, can’t you see they that they are really brave eco warriors fighting the destruction that comes with overpopulation, through subliminal messaging telling us that only self sterilisation will save us.

Convincing children and parents they are in the wrong bodies so mutilation is necessary to change - check; convincing young boys their lives are only meaningful if they have big tits and arse- check; convincing adolescent girls that happiness is unattainable as they don’t have big tits and arse, and hence to be happy they need to reject them - check; ruining the lives of countless millions of kids around the world so they reject societal norms - check; enforcing misogyny in males not intending to change bodily parts - check; having young women totally reject motherhood as quite honestly what sane compassionate human being would want to bring a child into this misogynistic world anyway- check.

All they need now is to get more PCs rolled out across Africa, India and South America and they’ll be well on the way to saving the planet!

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