How arrogant that man is. Learn a bit of humility dude, you lost!

He must be pretty confident of not losing his job over sexist female erasure. Pity women can rarely say the same.

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I just tried to post a particularly toxic response Jess received but I guess I'm doing something wrong. Anyhow... no doubt you'll be sent it by someone else. Another wave of abuse for Jess. Appalling -- 'two sides'

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On the one hand... apology came... on the other hand "We will now reopen

discussions with her regarding the restocking of her work". Fuck them and their woke "social" media team.

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He might not have meant it in the way we might have hoped, but we might see more of these turnaround decisions because of Maya Forstater fighting for recognition of gender critical views in a democratic society. The TRAs can only cry wolf and scream "Transphobia!" so many times before people start giving things closer examination.

It's easy to think that we're in the minority if you believe social media, but by and large the wider public doesn't want male-bodied people in women's spaces, shelters, prisons, sports, short-lists, etc. and they understand what men and women are. The TRAs are loud, have influential connections, are well-funded, and have learned to get what they want through threats and manipulation. But it will eventually crumble. We just need to hang in there. 💜🤍💚

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They never seem to learn how public SM is.

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Does he still cross his fingers behind his back like an 8 year old...puerile.

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WOW! so lets leave it to the women hating woke bastard to apologise - that should be fine..but hold on..oh umm..oops

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i read the press release -its not any kind of an apology really - just the start of a strategy/bid to 'restock' her artwork. i'm sure she'll ignore them and take her artwork elsewhere to sell - as the RA need her more than she needs them - as they have proved themselves to be an establishment arts organisation that is behind the times/yesterdays men. maybe a little 'art history' is useful in understanding how arts organisations function. whilst political/radical artists have been working as street artists and in the community (in social art projects from the seventies and onwards) - the RA and the art establishment - were running about after saatchi and the jeff koon's of the artworld making vast art product(s) to service the artmarket. the artmarket's stories/histories of art influences the art education establishment with its official version of 'avant gardes'. women's/feminist and POC's art have been rarely been featured and until v recently, maybe because of BLM? but the 'political turn' in the art world has lead to the art establishment 's discovery of significant artists such as lubiana himid in later life. woman artists usually have to wait until their ninety to get serious recognition (see louise bougeois etc). i'm sure all feminists know this (see also guerilla girls). but it is really important to know this because the cultural 'gatekeepers' (have indoctrinated /educated themselves in a similar fashion to TIM's), for they are blindsided by their ignorance/ lack of understanding of women's experience (esp older women's experience). for the 'Patriarchy' - the systems of power that elevate the position of men above women - is probably a bigger problem in this struggle than fundamentalist 'wokeness' (by fundamentalist i mean the process of how gender ideology etc is spread from the 'preacher'/'follower' to the 'flock').

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Silly Jones doesn't sound too silly to me. In fact, they've bloody well nailed it 😁

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