Well worth forwarding to Irish friends and family, thank you Graham. What a disgrace that it’s only just been made public. I’ve lost track of the number of times a day I say “ I don’t understand, what the hell is going on”. These are such dark times but even worse times for those in Ireland and other captured countries. We have to make sure that we’re awake to every little thing once Labour and the coalition of chaos are in charge.

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How very underhanded this government is. They are disgracefully denying the rights of irish women and men and destroying the rights of children for what? A cult that wants to erase women, lesbians and gay men, and children to pander to the unicorn brigade. This us outrageous overreach by the government abd sein fein would do well to listen to the people should they want to be in government anytime soon

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The public are being badly let down by mainstream media. They are probably in on it. No wonder people have lost their trust in it.

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Thanks Graham I didn’t even hear of this!!

Will send email tonight .

Will also cross post


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Have now e-mailed and also cross posted: https://dustymasterson.substack.com/p/ireland-mother-ireland

Thanks again, Graham

Appalling underhand behaviour yet again by the Irish Government


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Once the people of Ireland and Britain lose their access to free speech, they can no longer claim to live in a democracy. Is this situation a sign of the decline of the West. Discuss!!

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May 18, 2023·edited May 18, 2023

Absolutely. I think that gender ideology is the Trojan horse for authoritarianism because the chaos that queer theory creates cannot be sustained without laws to limit free speech ( hate speech laws etc) which then affect thought and behaviour. The enlightenment is being destroyed.

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I’ve not lived in a democracy for years under the tartan talliban

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Yes, it is very much a sign of decline in the West. We are having our rights removed from us by stealth. It's sickening how Ireland seems totally captured and clueless. Simply not enough amplification there, despite the good work of some bodies. I feel that England alone is pushing back the strongest, but when, and not if, Labour wins the next general election, we will lose any ground we have gained and are holding at the moment. I do fear for the future of liberal democracies. Soon they may be an outdated, old-fashioned notion.

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Going to send this to friends and family back home, I've been carefully broaching the trans subject with them any time I go home and nobody thinks any of this trans nonsense is ok.

I really think Ireland is going to go Canada level batshit eventually.

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The number of ‘normal , intelligent ‘ folk I know that have no idea about this shit is astounding , and I’m the only one who doesn’t do faceache or twatter , some mighty big rocks out there !

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yeah agreed. Most people I know are kind of shielded from it in an odd way.

My Wife didn't think it was a big deal until I showed her an article about Barbie Kardasian.....hadn't got a clue that a Biological male could be put in prison with women.

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My dil works in a prison and is clueless

She thinks I’m a head case !

But !! She’s agreed to take my little petal out of sex Ed classes , result ( she’s only 6 , no need to know about this shite ) hell I’m 58 and I’ve no need to know about others perversions

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Sex ed at 6 ffs, I don't have children but I keep harping on at family that do, to keep an eye on what the kids are being taught, it's not alway about carriculum, it can be activist teachers going rogue, not sure if that's an issue in Ireland yet but probably is.

also had to tell me sister in law to be careful what my God Son was watching on t.v in the mornings. I was watching cbeebes with him one morning and some fucking nonsense about a gender fluid unicorn came on.

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May 18, 2023·edited May 18, 2023

Don’t have kids ,I’ll give you my two , both boys 30 and 27 , partially housetrained

I meant partionally , practillAy ,almost ffs spell check where are you when I need you

Anyway feel free to take them 😂

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lol, I'm only ten years older than your eldest, don't think they'd fall in line. I'll let you keep them

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Exactly , it’s infiltrating everywhere

It all comes down to money , there’s big bucks being made

I’m putting on my tin foil hat now , the big bucks want all the kids sterilised so the world is left to them

Going to lie down now in a dark room with a glass of wine 🍷😂

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That came out a bit wrong

I need to know about it so I can try and stop it

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On the gov.ie website it actually gives the deadline as May 19th at 12pm - which is a nonexistent time, since pm means after midday, but 12.00 actually IS midday! - or else midnight.

I think midnight is a more usual closing time for these things, but it's probably wise to assume midday to be on the safe side.

What happened to clear thinking and accurate terminology?

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It’s probably on purpose to catch people out.

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Shared on twitter! Thank you

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I've just tweaked the sample letter a bit and sent it off. Thank you for the heads-up! The only Irish man I know is completely ignorant about the sex and "gender" controversy and would ignore it. Sorry!

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I will tweet about it. I have some Irish Terven followers!

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Done in time!!

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