Excellent article. Amazes me that anyone with an ounce of brain activity would not be suspicious of a movement whose starting points are "no debate" and "get fucked, bigot".

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It feels like 1522 and they're the pitchforks and torches mob.

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Any *journalist* who isn't suspicious of no debate, should consider how else they can earn a living.

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The profession of 'journalism' has taken a nosedive. 'Partisan hacks' is the best description for many.

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"No debate" is to politics what jackboots are to footwear.

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There was a time when people en masse were democratically literate enough to know what response to give such people. No longer. The Long March has seen to that.

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Brilliant piece by Colette Colfer; thanks for sharing.

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Excellent article! Oh my god, they really don't like debate, do they? I'm reading Simon Edge's The End of the World is Flat', it's entertaining but also extremely chilling in its expose of how dangerous ideas are insinuated into the public consciousness, brilliantly done!

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Bernays saw how easy it was to manipulate people: "When he started working for American Tobacco Company, Bernays was given the objective of increasing Lucky Strike sales among women, who, for the most part, had formerly avoided smoking. The first strategy was to persuade women to smoke cigarettes instead of eating. Bernays began by promoting the ideal of thinness itself, using photographers, artists, newspapers, and magazines to promote the special beauty of thin women" (wikipedia) and also in "Century of the Self" Adam Curtis's brilliant documentary series about brainwashing https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/p00ghx6g/the-century-of-the-self

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Well written article. We just cannot allow ourselves to be silenced. We are on the right side of history and our opponents know it ,which is why they refuse to enter into a debate ,shutting down free speech instead. They don't have a case !! Thanks ,Graham ,for posting this. We won't capitulate ,ever.💪❤️🙏

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The complicit media is filled with a newer, younger, wave of 'queered' 'social justice warriors'. All 'graduates' of post modern disruptive 'academia', all filled to the brim with 'gender studies' nonsense. All holier than thou. All on the cutting edge of a brilliant New Age of Diversion, Inclusion, and Equity. Too bad the exact opposite is true. They're a smug bunch who cannot see past their oh-so-virtuous noses. Who cannot see the colossal damage they are inflicting on society, especially the children. Gawd help us all, especially the children.

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To be fair, trans activists scare the crap out of me too.

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Excellent article about a truly chilling subject. As satisfying as the BBC/Stonewall withdrawal was, there are other groups (eg Global Butterflies) who do the same job.

I'm seriously hoping that the trial of the 1000 families suing the Tavistock will be a game-changer, and will force the open debate that gender ideologues have managed to avoid so far. I don't see what else will do it; there's isn't the political/media/corporate will to do anything about it, and state broadcasters (in most countries) who are supposed to be independent, aren't independent on this issue.

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Great quote from Harry Miller: "This is law by algorithm.

My reply: And they're taking so many pills they can't think straight.

Ute Heggen, author, In the Curated Woods, True Tales from a Grass Widow (iuniverse, 2022)


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Aug 26, 2022·edited Aug 26, 2022

'Transbarnen' (transkids) , the film from Sweden mentioned in the article can be viewed here, English subtitles.


Edited to say that I think the Swedish documentary that influenced the change in policy is the earlier one from 2019, called Trans Train in English and also on Youtube , in 2 parts, with subtitles.

Transbarnen is the follow-up report.

Both are essential viewing.

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Terrific run-down of the manipulation by the media and the attempt to curate the impression that public sentiment around trans ideology is positive.

It is happening on a large scale in Australia too through our 'public' broadcasters, the ABC and SBS who both have an obvious pro-trans bias. They will not tolerate, or even entertain, public discussion on their forums about the subject, or issues that arise as a result of gender. Tavistock closing is a case in point. It's coverage, when it finally came after much pressure, was warped beyond belief.

It can't last. It's like a pressure cooker over here and eventually it will explode in a mess of recrimination and calls for accountability.

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I don't agree with the last paragraph, I think PSB is dead and should be laid to rest. Looking at the BBC in Britain, CBC in Canada and ABC in Australia, and from the sound of it RTE in Ireland. They have been totally captured by biased, fake journalists to promote a dangerous agenda on far too many subjects such as the pandemic, trans issues and many other subjects where debate isn't allowed. I don't think the public should be forced to finance them any longer. They are unreformable and dangerous because the public trust them to tell the truth and for a long time they haven't given out anything but propaganda. Let the free market decide what people want to pay for. Shut them down, they are no longer worthy of public support.

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I’m going to save this article as further proof that RTE has breached its contract to the people to provide fair and balanced news.

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