This is a highly qualified, credible man. Imperative to intimidate him enough to shut him up. So sorry James Treadwell. Solidarity. There will always be money for crowdfunders from us if you need it.

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Came to the comments to write exactly that!

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Jan 12, 2022·edited Jan 12, 2022

I honestly do not get why academic and scientific institutions and employers do not just reject unscientific, false and blatently wrong accusations and actually support their staff and members for a change. Why are these places pandering and bending the knee to these nasty bullies?

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A superb question and one that bears a lot of thinking about. If you accept that universities and other institutions have been completely captured by predatory capitalism, which is certainly the case in the U.S.A. -- even the land-grant universities which were supposed to serve the people -- then it all begins to make sense. Said institutions are serving their masters and don't give a damn for quality science, truth, or even basic decency.

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Given that the UK adopted the US model for universities as well I suspect it is the same case here. What I don't get is the individual doctors and professors who are willing to compromise what they have spent their life studying. I suspect they are protecting their jobs in a hostile environment, especially after seeing what happened to Kathleen Stock.

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I think universities have also made sure they hire or give tenure to no one but utter conformists.

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What is it that he’s supposedly said? He is a well educated, experienced professional with credentials that surely show he is a man of integrity with respect and standing within his field. I really hope his peers come forward to support him.

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If a University should seek to ostracise an academic such as Professor Treadwell, who clearly displays a fascinating level of much needed expertise (particularly relevant to so many issues present in the world in 2022), then really, I cannot see the point in that University continuing to exist.

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This is getting really serious folks..

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Extremely so.

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Staffordshire University might need to rename itself Staffordshire Parochiality.

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I feel a crowdfunder coming on.

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Gosh ,shocking as it is ,it comes as no surprise. These days ,anyone who speaks the truth and has integrity and honesty automatically gets cancelled by the woke brigade ,while THEY spout lie after lie about almost everything !! So hard to believe we still live in Britain !! Universities just suck nowadays ,or at least the people who' are supposed to be in charge of them do !! This is what happens when you give spoiled children ( aka students ) free rein. Mayhem is the very predictable result of that !! Hope James Treadwell is ok .🙏🙏 Sending support and solidarity to him 👎👎👎

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"This is who they’re trying to cancel on the sly, while men like Owen Jones and Stewart Lee carefully avoid being caught discussing the key issues."

Or people like Laurie Penny who got book deals writing about feminism, but who would now advise a girl who's a victim of male indecent exposure that "it's rude to stare."

Stewart Lee, Billy Bragg Owen, Jones et al will all watch James Treadwell get attacked by the mob but they'll say nothing to protect their incomes and their approval from the herd.

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had to lookup




the scientific description of peoples and cultures with their customs, habits, and mutual differences.

Why are these people at Staffordshire Uni...so paralysed with fear! seats of learning haha despicable cowards.

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Another one here, now. A social worker, Rachel Meade has been suspended for 'twansfobic' facebook posts. Is going to challenge Social Work England on the grounds of gender-critical beliefs.https://unherd.com/thepost/social-workers-risk-everything-for-sharing-their-views/

Times article: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/0ee8439e-746f-11ec-aacf-0736e08b15cd?shareToken=62cdc5d774831c097d6451d348e61fd9

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And dragging Glinner in, then as it was defamation, just deleting that reference and continuing with their pursuit of her. Mind boggling. As if no one would notice.

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He sounds like such an amazing guy. So unbelievably smart and kind. I don't understand why this is being allowed to happen. I feel like our society is being attacked :(

Were Jones and Lee part of that crowd of Men who wore those t-shirts back a while ago?

Asking for myself, haven't heard from any of them about this stuff?

Where did they go?

"This is what a feminist looks like"

The men's t-shirts used to say

Turns out it's what a coward looks like!

First fight we have, they've run away?

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What were the inflammatory tweets??

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It was a long thread, well reasoned and with evidence, that said, (in my own words), "Predators will use anything they can to get at their prey, and self-ID just makes that easier. That doesn't mean that trans people are predators, but that predators will pretend to be trans." The key tweets are https://twitter.com/James_Treadwell/status/1475413024118919173?t=-7qwHLGpjnKzKtt9pRmZhw&s=19 and https://twitter.com/James_Treadwell/status/1475413022931828737?t=v8I1BSz0CPO5rPz_SFGS3g&s=19. He made it very clear that he wasn't saying trans are predators,but,of course the usual morons jumped up - I remember Grey Slavery sticking his beak in, and I think Montgomery too.

If there us any good to come of this, it is that male academics will realise they aren't safe from cancellation either, and that James doesn't look to be going down quietly. The price being extracted from him is too high, though.

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Correction - Montgomery was all over it like a nasty rash, telling a Professor of Criminology that he doesn't know what the GRA says!

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Thank you, Jeremy. Crikey, poor guy. I hope he will be vindicated and I'm glad to see the support he is getting online. Even so, to be reinstated after such underhanded betrayal would surely stick in the craw. I haven't yet discovered any legitimately "transphobic" cases of dismissal in the UK. However, I am convinced that the seething nest of hateful bigotry will be discovered eventually.

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