Nov 20, 2020Liked by Graham Linehan

I am Katy Montgomerie. I'm a failed trash metal guitarist but I'm not without talent- my photoshop skills are out of this world! On Twitter you'll find me fighting for feminism and defending womens hard won rights to sell her dick pics for money. I refer to the patriarchy a lot. I transplain to women on matters such as abortion and womanhood because I am who I say I am.

I am Aoife Martin, high priestess of the Irish self loathing Twitter libfems. When I'm not trolling women for being menopausal or for having the temerity to object to use of descriptions like birthing parents, you'll find me projected on buildings like the GPO and Dublin Barracks on International Womans Day. I am who I say I am

I am Sara Philips. Despite having no lived experience as an actual woman, I see no issue in taking a womans place on the NWCI because I am who I say I am

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I emailed it thinking I had everyone in and I didn't. It's updated now.

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May I just say that the fact that such mediocre men become so incredibly fêted just for having "transitioned" never ceases to amaze me! I'm aware that this is very much an aside, but I very highly doubt I would ever have heard of Shon Faye (for example) otherwise.

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Nov 20, 2020Liked by Graham Linehan

While I've got you, Graham, I've been trying to find a way to get this in front of your eyes (I probably should have just commented it). Anyway, it all still stands! ---

Dear Graham,

A million thanks for your brilliant comedies and, more recently, your Herculean efforts against the Gender Forces of Darkness. I don't know how you do it, but I'm so bloody impressed that you continue doing it.

I was thinking how the enemy (not the wife) seem to think they have a monopoly on acronyms, and thought it might be effective to deploy some of our own -- whether they stick or not, we will succeed in baffling the cunts and hopefully get their knickers in a twist.

I had a quick think and came up with a few for starters:

DOHB: Denier of Human Biology

(e.g., "You don't have to be a DOHB to be a TRA, but it helps").

WHAT: Women-Hating Aggressive Troll

(e.g., "It's WHATs like you who give TRAs a bad name).

I know one shouldn't fight fire with fire, but these gaslighting fuckers need to be gaslit themselves.

Cheers again for all of your incredible work -- it's people like you that make the world a more worthwhile place in which to live.

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I love this. Whoever created the graphics deserves a big cuppa and a packet of biscuits (of their choice).

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It's something that baffles me when every attempt to have a discussion about female spaces is met with "Trans rights are human rights." Trans people have human rights! Your human rights are things like not being sold into slavery, not being imprisoned without trial. Where are trans people experiencing these things disproportionately? There's no such thing as the human right to get a beauty treatment or play on a hockey team.

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BTW: You're Kidding, Right? has revealed a powerful new video of her own and it's a doozy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDJmF3Ypqa0

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This seriously needs to be shared - it shows so clearly how Amnesty has lost the plot

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'I am what biology tells me I am'.

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Amnesty International aligns with the old Popeye mantra: "I Yam What I Yam"

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I definitely support this particular campaign. Brilliantly succinct too.

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I was taken in till half way through the first one 😂

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Amnesty really has lost the plot.

In 2015 Amnesty decided to support the decriminalization of prostitution and the entire "sex industry". The Board was bounced by male directors with influence. When a member of a local board of Amnesty in the USA objected and spoke out publicly against this she was expelled: https://digitalcommons.uri.edu/dignity/vol3/iss3/1/

Lieberman, Marcia R. (2018) "Decriminalization of Prostitution Policy: Amnesty International Punishes A Dissenting Member," Dignity: A Journal on Sexual Exploitation and Violence: Vol. 3: Iss. 3, Article 1.

I learned about this in 2018, the year of publication of this paper.

DOI: 10.23860/dignity.2018.03.03.01

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Truly brilliant and deeply chilling

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Now that's a campaign I can identify with! Brilliant.

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BRILLIANT. Let us make it shareable..

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