“every cell in my body is female, no matter what I call myself: therefore, any way I happened to be was a normal way to be female. In my youth and ignorance I didn’t understand  that every woman in history (especially lesbians) have hated their bodies at some point: not because there was something wrong with their brains, but because of how their cultures treated their bodies. “. This. So much this. All women go through a struggle with their bodies at some point in their lives. Education is so needed.

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Every time I read these deeply disturbing stories of these beautiful fragile lost women driving their bodies to oblivion I feel such pain and sorrow. The lost potential of being a woman, not a feeling, a knowing and having that secret almost smug smile of...woman! I wish I could wind their lives back but they are lost girls in Never Never Land. This must stop! 😢

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Truly heartbreaking read but a wonderful project. The portraits are beautiful.

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Really powerful and moving story. Wishing her all the luck in the world ,in admiration of her courage and honesty.👍♥️

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Cauterised vaginas? Why? How?

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It's a weird one. Assuming she's using the word vagina correctly and not as so many people do to describe the external female genitalia, you'd think you could just ignore the existence of this secret passage. And would they have to have a hysterectomy first? Because leaving the uterus in situ but sealing up the exit strikes me as inviting a whole host of gynae problems.

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Modern life and medicine doesn’t really include or account for female biology.

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It sounds a bit FGM to me. I’ve never read about this as a surgical procedure as part of FTM plastic surgery.

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It seems like nullification surgery to me - where you look as Barbie doll as possible. Isn't it strange (illogical) how we fight FGM but allow this?

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This hospital’s website is disturbingly nonchalant about offering these surgeries. They list “closing the vaginal canal” as an option of phalloplasty, making a penis, with or without a urethra embedded in it.


I’ve read so many detransition people describe one or more of: horrific pain, loss of sensation, infections, loss of urinary function and even hair growing inside the vagina (for MTF), since they use leg or arm skin. You’d think these docs would at least have the forethought to use electrolysis or laser to remove the hair from the skin graft donor area. This whole trend, and it is a trend, not a necessity, is grossly irresponsible and probably criminal.

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Closing the vaginal canal. What could possibly go wrong?

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Aren’t they experimenting? If they are, that would mean all sorts of variations in surgeries. Exulansic seemed to think they didn’t know what they were doing, or didn’t care, or maybe both.

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It gets worse, if that’s possible.

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It’s fairly nightmarish, but they are closing the Tavistock clinic, maybe that’s the beginning of the end? I can’t believe it’s gone on for so long.

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What powerful honesty! Can anyone fail to wake up to the horror of this seeping venomous ideology pulling a blanket of lies and oppression over a whole generation starving it of the oxygen of free discourse and expression after reading this? No doubt she's already targeted for hate pile on and plans to silence her. So this is incredibly courageous defiance.

"Oh it's less than one per cent who regret." Does anyone believe that any more?

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Jul 29, 2022·edited Jul 29, 2022

Such a powerful piece of writing. So tragic. And so enraging. Because-- in the goddamn 21st century-- not only are girls and young women still suffering from the same old misogyny, they're also suffering from this NEW misogyny that's been added on top of it!

I see my own story in so much of this. Not in the sense of being "trans", or a detransitioner (I'm neither), but as a woman so alienated from, and filled with hatred/loathing for, her own body, that she spent most of her life-- and all of her youth-- trying to renounce it somehow; to be a brain in a jar. And exist for decades as her imagined male alter ego. I can see what that was all about, now-- something quite complicated and personal... but of course in the current one-size-fits-all climate of gender-woo dogma? There's no room for any of that.

I wonder how many stories like mine there are out there now. And how many have been, will be, forcibly interpreted as being about trans... so their true meaning is lost. Perhaps forever. And the one whose story it is-- their real, authentic self-- along with it.

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I feel such pain for the many women who go through what you describe. I never hated my body or my female self, but I didn't associate being female with being passive or weak or stupid. This is why we need examples of strong, brave women so that young women don't think being female is nothing but being a target for misogyny.

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These stories never fail to be seriously upsetting but most media outlets still ignore them. Given the volume of surgical/pharmaceutical procedures, there has to come a point where there will be so many of them that they can't be ignored. Taking someone who's too young and/or too vulnerable to think objectively enough and mutilating them for life, is such a horrific idea that one day it'll seem unfathomable that it was allowed to happen, let alone encouraged.

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How I long for the day when along with the proscribed LGBT indoctrination (oops I mean Education) in Schools, an intervention talk by a Detransitioner is made mandatory.

One message only is required..... please, please just WAIT.

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Hauntingly beautiful and tragically true for so many women.

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Yes good point. We’re only now reckoning with the tip of the iceberg with the horrors women children and the indigenous have been subjected to, which has been institutional dehumanisation and torture now. So the future doesn’t look good for these perpetrators and enablers who, for the religious amongst would undoubtedly go to hell, if as MLK said the arc does indeed bend toward justice.

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Thank you for sharing x

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It does seem like these poor kids are being experimented upon. How can people accept that speaking out against this is violence, when the opposite is true?

I observed a breast augmentation of a sixteen year old girl, when I was seventeen, as part of deciding to go to medical school. One of my parents friends was a plastic surgeon. It was so brutal that I couldn’t believe it to be accepted medical practice, as something voluntary for a teenager, who is still developing, nor did I any longer want to be a doctor. Looking back, I should’ve considered observing other specialties, but I felt traumatized just watching that one. Cosmetic surgeries are still major surgeries. On an adult or after mastectomy is one thing, but on a kid, even with parental consent? That barbarism seems benign in comparison to what they’re doing to kids now.

Removing perfectly healthy breasts and penises in pursuit of gender role conformity is madness. Society needs a genderectomy.

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What a heartbreaking story. I'm glad that you are moving closer to dealing with all you've had to suffer. I'm sure we all want to make sure no more youngsters with troubles, are manipulated into this evil, horrific pipeline of so-called transition...

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