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So much of the damage seems to be being done online. By the time many of these kids get a referral, they're already bejiggered by the extreme nonsense they've seen there ... all, apparently, not challenged *anywhere* else, not by politicians, not by schools, ...

Would it be helpful to highlight to schools and such that the mild trans affirmative messages they're giving out are serving to cement some Scientology-level madness the kids are getting online ... so that teachers can help kids differentiate between being decent and being an absolute fruitcake?

In the UK there's a whole "prevent" system to save kids from violent cults, but that's a bit Orwellian, I don't want us to go in that direction. I do think educationalists need to get a perspective on the role they're playing, as an authority in the kids' lives.

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All school students should be taught critical thinking skills. The reason the trans cult is so strong atm is precisely as you say - even mild affirmation from the mainstream cements the mad programming these kids & young people have already been exposed to. It's precisely the sort of ideology which should really raise red flags when anyone thinks about it deeply but we're inoculated against it by thought terminating cliche and fear of being thought "unkind", even by ourselves.

It's heartbreaking to recall how much these people are told wider society "hates" them, from in-house. It's so, so culty.

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