So even the judges are in on it. Give me strength. 😫

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They are not only in on it for criminal cases like this. They actively punish trans widows, (women divorcing crossdressing husbands) for telling the truth about their husband's fetishes and violence towards her. The legal fees that mothers of children have to shoulder, while husband has legal representation from activist groups is another travesty. In my data on 52 trans widows, 15 had been physically assaulted by the "female identifying" husband, 18 were sexually assaulted. One pattern is his assault of her after a coerced session in bed, involving a "strap on" and pornography inspired role play. Then, in a state of over-arousal, he commits rape. Five of the 18 trans widows who were sexually assaulted were raped, with only one reported to police. It is very dangerous to stay with the "Sarah Janes."


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The recent CPS guidance enshrines just what Ute said too, and we all remember Maria MacLachlan being told to use "she/her" to describe Tanis "Tara" Wolf who attacked her.

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I despair, I really do. 😫

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Please take care of yourself and do not despair. I just finished an interview with a women's lobbying group here in the States and I sense they might take up the cause of trans widows. Be sure to enjoy the outdoors and be active.

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Thank you Ute for your kind words and great news about the cause. Take care of yourself too, this stuff is draining at the very least!

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We are seeing the farthest points of the pendulum, I believe. I just got a notice about women's fencing. I'm waiting for the sport of speed skating to consider. On the short track, a male body claiming to be female could, basically, kill his female competitor.

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When people talk about the "Blob" and the "WEF", they are accused of being conspiracy theorists. However, Judge Tan Ikram is standing there in the full glare of publicity as a creature of that very conspiracy against the people.

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As soon as I read that he had got off, I thought the judge must be captured by the ideology. The whole criminal justice system is riddled with it and are letting women down.

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I'm not so sure, stroppy that it is just the ideology. I think it plays into a streak of violence and prejudice against females that is so deep-rooted in every society on the planet that it takes something like this for us to see just how embedded in everything it is. A woman being beaten up warrants a shrug, but a man in a dress being attacked warrants floods of tears for the poor pseudo 'woman'.

I hate to say it, but I sometimes think that a lot of men, often in positions of influence and authority, actually recognize sexual predilections of these men, understand them, even if they are too afraid to embrace them, themselves. Nothing else but a sick society can explain the range of porn that is available for every taste under the sun. Their sexuality is men's greatest weakness - far, far greater than women's physical weakness - and too many so often appear to be unable to control it when it is teamed with a brutal need for control and a sadistic pleasure in hurting and harming females which is also sexual. It is something that is crying out for searingly honest psychological study before the two sexes split apart forever.

It's not always men, though, as every photograph of a 'trans' rally shows idiot women at the head of it, too stupid and cowardly to even understand what they are doing to other women - which is rich, really, because so many women are happy to torture their own sex with put-downs and cruelty, but are unwilling to stand up to men who are using them and laughing at them behind their eejit backs. They call themselves 'queer' and most do not even understand what it means, likewise non-binary. What a bunch of craven, daft, back-stabbing fools. Do any of them understand who and what Michel Foucault, the 'father' of Queer Theory, was and what Queer Theory actually is? I very much doubt it. I'm growing to detest the ultra feminists, too. Equality of opportunity is what we should be demanding and nothing more. Equity, for us, for anyone, is impossible.

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"Unable" to control acting on sexual urges is the stock excuse of rapists, and of misogynist police and judiciaries.

UNWILLING to control acting on sexual urges is what the "unable" excuse attempts to conceal.

And I believe two main factors account for the willingness of any women to go along with gender cult ideology.

One is female socialisation to put the demands of others before one's own needs -- without feeling selfish and guilty about it -- which is fully exploited by the "Be Kind" appeal / directive, from a self-identified oppressed and marginalised group.

"Be kind" is also heard as an implicit plea for solidarity from another oppressed group: as women already know how it feels to be a despised group of second-class human beings.

And the second factor is ignorance: of all the damning information about gender cult ideology, autogynephilia, the assorted causes of child distress and their exploitation as sacrificial victims to a $5bn industry, that we know. Ignorance compounded by gullibility towards the seductive mythology of gender cult ideology: including its emotional blackmail of "better a live daughter than a dead son" and false suicide statistics.

And it's particularly hard for politically engaged left wing women to stand out of line with pro-trans party policy. The higher up they are, the more I imagine they are simply too busy to search out the facts that we all spend time doing.

I think we do better to find ways to reach these deluded women, than to condemn them. However infuriating they are.

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I agree, MsGabriel. However, these are usually very young women who have yet to learn just what being a female is about in any society. I do not actually wish these girls harm, especially since not a few will certainly be neural diverse, but many are middle-class brats who have never heard the word, no in their lives.

The cruelties they devise for women who could be their mum's or grannies is despicable. The young are told constantly that they have mental health issues, that the boomers stole their inheritance, etc., and they believe this garbage because they are young and gullible, not because it is true. They are vicious wee madams and they enjoy inflicting pain on older women. I think a sharp lesson in reality would do them a world of good. For example, being warned that they will be expelled from university if they continue to indulge in some of the disgusting behaviours we have seen recently. The young men, too.

Let them discover what 'cancellation' can mean or these young people will become the Maoist Red Guards of the West. I was not being flippant when I suggested that male sexuality is out of control and needs to be studied. With no disrespect to Jewish people, the Holocaust made previous attempted genocides into an industry, never seen before. Male sexuality is now in danger of turning every paraphilia and fetish into an industry where no controls, no shame, no restraints apply. It will utterly destroy humanity, just like the Holocaust would have done, if not stopped. The lessons are there for those with eyes to see.

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Same here.

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Dick judge

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A sick and violent man! The whole bunch of these twisted trans men are repulsive.

The judge is disgusting too.

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There's a folk tale about a hen who's about to be attacked by a fox and demands to have justice, and so the fox says, alright then, and off they go to court--- and when the chicken arrives all the lawyers are foxes and the jury are foxes and the judge--- well, he's a fox, too....

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Precisely, David. Trust a man to get it spot on!

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The most beloved Canadian ever, Tommy Douglas, who with sheer ethical willpower, ushered in Universal Health against tremendous opposition tells a similar fable.


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Unbelieve and simultaneously all too believable. This man sounds disgusting in every respect, a vicious horror story of a person who has become a victim. The judiciary is fucking idiotic and repeatedly fails those who are very vulnerable. This man is going to hurt more people - I know they're only women but presumably we are still classified as people.

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This is pretty galling when compared to how the police and judiciary treat people guilty of "misgendering" or "non crime hate incidents". Clearly he's more privileged than women, gay men, autistic children and everyone who's used the wrong words on Twitter.

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It would be wonderful if there was an organised mass 'misgendering' fest, involving far too many people, non-men and actual men, for the pathetic, beneath contempt police 'service' to deal with

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What a sh** show and an absolute farce. That judge was not objective or impartial. It seems that sick and twisted men are allowed to make threatening comments and incite violence because they are "angry" while women are not allowed to speak out for their rights or be angry. "Kindness" and misogyny always seems to know what sex is which.

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Well, BlackieKat, women need to get angry. Really, really angry. If they are taken to court, or in any other circumstances, they should refuse to participate if they are called upon to acknowledge in any way that the larping cross-dresser is a 'woman' or she or her. Never. If the creep invades female spaces, such as the huge, mountainous larping creature that has decided he will enter an American university sorority, then ignore, refuse to acknowledge or speak to, turn backs to, etc.

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They need to call on their men to help defend them as well. Men are great at righteous anger and the adrenaline and T that are needed to stand strong.

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Yes, Hazel, we need our male allies. These cowards think twice when they think they might be hurt themselves, which is why they pick on women.

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A degenerate dangerous man, with enablers and institutional enablers of his sadistic degeneracy.

Open season on women; well done "Judge".

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This has set a dangerous precedence for any TIM to say what they want in public and get away with it. But it could completely backfire on them, three is now precedence for any woman who is had up for a hate crime against a TIM to simply say they were being amusing and they should get the same treatment by the courts as Baker. I can see appeals being made all over the country...

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Ah, but the male defence against that is that men (I mean, transwomen) have a sense of humour... but it's well known that bitter hags of feminists have NO sense of humour: which is why we so stupidly take offence at sexist "banter". Because of course threats to punch us in the f***ing face for being "TERFs" is just a joke! That we're taking much too seriously!

But that when WE threaten the fragile narcissistic egos of these poor defenceless and most-vulnerable and most-marginalised-ever men -- I mean, "trans women" -- we REALLY MEAN IT: BECAUSE WE ARE TERFS AND TRANSPHOBES AND HATERS AND BIGOTS WITH NO SENSE OF HUMOUR SO WE MUST ALL DIE -- except the dying bit is another male -- I mean transwoman -- joke too. Just like PUNCH A TERF IN THE FUCKING FACE ha ha ha.

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We just have to prove them wrong... Women invented the sense of humour to cope with everyday life with cavemen!

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Laughter and tears are both "luxury" stress-release emotions in human beings. But it's the calculating arrogance of some men to brand feminists as having "no sense of humour", as the easiest way to avoid dealing with legitimate complaints -- and as another gratuitous put-down, to discourage complaints.

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If proof were needed that women and children do not matter at all, this is it. All hail to the men with mental health issues, all bow down before them.

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Only this specific mental health issue, though: they'll convict autistic men for not using the approved language, and outright kill or at the very least severely neglect guys in mental health crises like Sean Rigg and Sheku Bayoh to the point where they die in custody.

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But of course, they’re special aren’t they. We don’t need to be specific any more, we all know who the chosen ones are.

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*~the most oppwessed minowity uwu~*

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And marginalised, of course, so marginalised they've almost ceased to exist.

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exactly- you never hear about them at all, do you... ;-D

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Er, no. A quiet bunch 😉

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There seems to be a conspiracy here: between the police who want to ignore incitement to violence and take no action, and a judge who grasps at the feeble excuse that this convicted violent offender "just wanted a Daily Mail headline" and, as "only his intention counts", incitement of an excited crowd of 5,000+ people to violence against women does not matter.

Only the Crown Prosecution Service appeared (at first) to take it seriously: in bringing a MORE serious charge against this violent man than the police were eventually forced to bring, following a personal complaint. But then why did the CPS not call the frightened female complainant as a witness? Makes no sense.

The only explanation for this charade of "justice" is that the policing and judicial systems are rigged to protect violent men, at the expense of women.

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The police and the court system have been captured.

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Seems very much like it. I hope Heather brings an appeal against this appalling judgement.

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Not a conspiracy, just fellow indoctrinates.

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Aren't judges supposed to do what the law says? If I stand in front of a gathering of bloodsport protesters and tell them to pull the huntsmen to the ground, will I be treated with such leniency? Or will I go before a judge who runs the local foxhunt?

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This is off the fucking map!! I'm complaining to my MP. Fuck this shit!!!

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Sarah Jane Baker the true face of trans activism, what a hero, what a movement. When he told the baying mob to punch a Terf, he meant it. I guess the judge who let him off likes to wear dresses too.

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Just being "funny", I'd suggest placards with "Punch a T-W!". Fair is fair.

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I can’t personally imagine him being amusing in court, because he wasn’t very articulate when he told the crowd to punch women in the face. I always mentally replace the word terf with women because it’s what they actually mean.

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Yes, they mean women, this waste of skin is referring to every women who isn't ready to kiss his arse, appease him, flatter him with lies and shout "Transwomen are women" or some shit, when an opportunity comes up.

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The full range of "funny" placards in line with that suggestion would include:






etc etc

Absolutely nothing "violent" about them. Just to get attention at demos from media photographers. What a laugh

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Getting scarier by the second

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