Disturbing and terribly sad

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Thanks a lot for sharing this, and thanks a lot to Mandy, too. I had no idea things were getting that bad on that front, too - although it should hardly be a surprise.

Not only is this a huge problem in itself, uncovering this also helps a lot of things fall into place to explain the explosion of teens "identifying as trans".

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If that’s what Scylla looks like, it’s no wonder so many girls are steering towards Charybdis.

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Jul 7, 2022·edited Jul 7, 2022

Just to add, reminds me of that olde pre-woke BBC series 'Ways of Seeing' which explained that advertising works by taking away a person's self love by offering an exchange - self as someone to be envied - for the price of a product. Think it was Peter Berger who wrote it {I got my copy in a charity shop] .. .... still available series on youtube last time I looked.

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Commercialism...no morals and mental health issues!

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Thanks for highlighting this. I remember watching Yankee Pankee on TV years ago and enjoying it but felt something was wrong? Then Eurotrash, definitely knew when certain things were wrong.

The 'objectification' of girls and women is wrong on so many levels. Super stimulation is a fact, I avoid these images now, I don't want to 'buy in' to that form of pleasure/addiction. The people that engage in the process of objectification both consumers and exploiters will have big problems in their futures.

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Desperately thankful to my now deceased birth mother for keeping this GenX female’s tender young eyes and mind away from commercial television before puberty. With all the direct marketing to kids these days, they don’t stand a chance if their parents don’t understand what that medium is used for. My mind is my own. Hasn’t made me rich, but it has kept me healthy and sane. Thanks for reminding us that it is our (and our parents’) choice to be marks for financial predators!

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Jul 7, 2022·edited Jul 7, 2022

Yes .... cult of sexuality based on self image and exploitation gone rampant- this is part of Boris' downfall aka 'Bottom Pinchergate'. EDIT - and yes I know it's not funny.

Whether het or homosexual, we need a concept of responsible humane ethics to aspire to, understanding human limitations and what used to be called 'the devil within' [EDIT - no I don't believe in actual devils but clearly we need to fight against harmful addictions/urges as this article states] ...

Friendship, respect and intimacy based on self and other acceptance with all our limitations and imperfections - not easy to fake or do.

Meantime, Tik Tok idols promoted/assisted by greedy grifters n global destructionists. Sermon over - thanks Glinner. Sorry to be preachy but what to do?

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That's very interesting (and deeply depressing). I see TikTok is getting sued by the family of two young girls who died doing an insane TikTok craze called the "blackout challenge." I hope they get hammered for it (although no doubt they have the most expensive lawyers).

The idea that anyone can monetise kid's vulnerabilities without regulation or consequences is some dystopian shit and urgently needs to be addressed. At the same time, kids need to be taught in school how they are the target market for these amoral grifters, and exactly how and why it works.

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Funnily enough I was only today thinking along parallel lines and wondering if it would be enough to create the background for a deeper social commentry. I think in fact this is where the usa and its particularly pervasive and aggressive brand of commercialism always was heading from way back. Most of all I'm most shocked at how little I'm shocked by it. It's gross and sad and disenchanting, but not especially surprising. Everything has become a commodity in the land of the free. Not least the human body. And yet - in this article at least the interest remains focussed around just one type of body.

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These photos are grotesque and I wonder if these women have thought about the long-term (even ten years!) effects of what they are doing to their bodies. Perhaps it doesn't matter because they think they won't even be here in ten years, let alone twenty or more.

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This is terrifying to me and far too close to home for comfort.

Thank you for highlighting the dangers of these ads, they are dangerously subtle and clever.

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I don't enjoy being 'that person' but if you have an ear to hear, know this: The condition of humanity will worsen, just as it does every time when evil saturates the hearts and minds of humanity. :( Those who trust in Christ Jesus for their eternal salvation, will be saved, when this evil world is destroyed. God bless you all. x

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Please pass the barf bags. A few of them at least.

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Just like advertising was regulated to keep cigarettes and alchogol away from children the same thing needs to be done for this stuff.

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