The Haiti case wasn't even the first time IIRC. Oxfam staff had already been punting in Chad and withholding aid until they got sexual consent (if you can even call it that) from victims. And they covered it up and moved the nonces and johns on to go and rape more girls and women. Interestingly they seem to know which sex is which when deciding whom to attack.

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The UN organizations, too, have been up to their armpits in sex exploitation in the former Yugoslavia, etc. It would appear that anywhere there are women and children is fair game to these barstewards.

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Yes, "peacekeepers" should be BIOLOGICAL WOMEN ONLY.

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Perhaps Oxfam could do an investigation into whether their staff asked the girls their pronouns before raping them. They might have been not just raped, but misgendered. That deserves at least a page in their handbook.

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This organisation should be investigated by the charities commission, the EHRC, because the absolute racism, mysogjny, safeguarding issues, homophobic, lesbophobic hate speech in their instructions to staff it just outrageous and shows them to be totally unfit to be anywhere near vulnerable people in any country including the UK. Its appalling that they have been allowed to rape hungry children with impunity and have continued to cover up this abuse for decades. This cartoon was totally disgraceful and even when pulled up I saw an email to staff doubling down on it, fucking unbelievable in this day and age. The gender cult has ruined what was an honourable organisation when it was set up to one that has no honour anymore. But then that pernicious, parasitic, poisonous cult destroys everything it touches.

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That cartoon was like a horrible marriage between witch hunting and Nazi propaganda

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I paid them a substantial amount each month for 15+ years. I stuck with them after Haiti in the hope they would learn by their mistakes. Then there was more misogyny. They were apologetic without being sorry.

Then the training materials making out white women should not complain about rape. Enough. I stopped my support and told them why.

I know from the previous twitter furore that many others did. And yet still they spend time and resources demonising and insulting the women who provide support both financial and practical.

I can’t describe how frustrated and angry I am that they so undermine the mission of what was once a great charity doing great work.

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Yes same for me. I cancelled my donation when they failed to explain to me why they had dropped the Wonder Women game from their shops. So disappointing.

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Same with Amnesty International. After years of support, we are betrayed by cult- captured weaklings.

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Another organisation I supported bank in the day. Another betrayal.

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Me too. I had a subscription for 20 years.

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Well *someone* on their board certainly hates women. It’s fascinating to me how often the people who demonize “TERFs” are the same ones who fuck children. I wonder what the connection could be. Truly a mystery. /s

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It's clearly just an egregious co-inky-dink:


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I got a call from them asking for money (you always know an institution is desperate when they take to calling up people who have never given them a cent), and just laughed. I'm sure they're getting plenty from the professional pedos such as George Soros.

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Fucking bastards! They know what a woman is when they're using prostitutes in developing countries. I'm so angry!

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It seems a lot of “western males” have enjoyed the sexual freedom they had while visiting countries without child safeguarding and protections for women, and they’re working REALLY hard to make that the standard world wide.

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Oxfam is a disgusting pile of dogsh!t. I've given them a wide berth for years. Pronouns will end poverty, yeah right. The people they are supposedly helping hold their ideology in contempt. Most people in Africa don't want anything to do with LGBTQIAWTF. I would know, as it's my home continent. The Masai in Matt Walsh's documentary speak for the continent as a whole. Oxfam is so lost and broken it needs to be dismantled and thrown on the dung heap.

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The irony of them bemoaning Western neo-colonialism when that's exactly what trans ideology is!

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This is what gets me, too. I feel like I'm jumping up and down and screaming and pointing at how blatantly hypocritical it is, but everyone just opens their mouths and says 'but...'

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Nah , sit on your arse and wait for them to implode ,it’s coming

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haha -- love your straighforwardness. Is that a word?

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They obviously think ending world poverty is too hard a job so they've taken up forcing gender ideology on us so that they can continue to receive funding - same MO as Stonewall.

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Too right. Soft targets and an easy ride.

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JL , could you put a warning on posts that are likely to cause me an aneurism

I hate all big charities (and I volunteer for one , I give them my time but not my money )

This will stop eventually as I’ve said before

Big big money is being made

I should clarify , this is a Foodbank but is worth many millions and despite repeated requests we cannot get a statement of accounts

O/t I know but hey , no fucks to give

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Sorry, Petal! No flowers for me today, then?? (And well done you for volunteering for a food bank. It's a heart-rending job, I know. If if the accounts are dodgy, you're doing a brilliant thing to help out people in real need. Big love to you.) xx

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Omg , I’ve not seen good news , take a load ( figuratively speaking ) 💐💐💐

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Ah thank you! (I'm not sure the GNS is out yet, tbh. I get mixed up. It's past my bedtime!)

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Tell me about it , I’m still trying to catch up from having my wee petal at w/e

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Aw lovely! I'm totally bewildered by all the recent bank holiday. I've no idea what day it is.

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God I can be quite intelligent if I choose to be 🤣🤣

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I naively thought in my 20s as a woke Millenial that working for a charity would give my work meaning, purpose and fulfilment. Fast forward a decade and I've found the opposite, that it's a corrupt, highly undemocratic sector (with exceptions of course!) mainly comprising lobby groups masquerading as non profit organisations just doing good for the world. It's one hell of a PR game!

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I think I’ve always been an old soul

Or a negative bitch , take your choice

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Haha good for you! Wish I could say the same!

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When you get old you don’t give a fuck

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Must be getting old now then and I love it! 🤗

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Yes, Bee Cat, I, too, got a real eye-opener. Manipulative people move into the charity sector because governments do not provide adequately for people. They are what would, in any other context, be called a 'privatized charity sector' with massive salaries and bonuses creamed off first. Just like privatized public utilities. Follow the money, the power and the sex.

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I'm no fan either.

I have worked in the "Voluntary Sector" myself, fucking gravy trains.

I don't mean that was my job (fucking gravy trains that is, I worked in finance).

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I’m sure if the folk in this locale knew of the vast salaries and squandering that goes on our donations would dry up completely

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They nearly did a few years ago when they were known to have been encouraging little old ladies to have multiple direct debits and the stress of that was thought to have contributed to the very poor mental health of more than one vulnerable person before they died. They piled on the guilt which broke very kind and generous people. There is a level of sheer mendacious evil in many of these organisations, all wrapped up in a nice, shiny bow. Nice careers if you can get them.

Their 'apology' would be hilarious if it wasn't so foul. They really didn't 'intend' to portray the nasty TERF with the TERF label as a TERF looking like some kind of devil who looked an awful lot like JKR or insinuate she was TERFlike at all you see. Oh no, no. They appear to think we're all mugs. I hope they disaffiliate or go totally damnably bust.

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Oh wow, what an expose! Thanks so much for putting this together, JL. It would be BBC-worthy investigative reporting, but sadly the BBC is also captured by the gender borg and therefore not worth your time and efforts

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Thank you for your kind words, Bee Cat. Much appreciated.

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I cancelled my license years ago , I only watched it for master chef and even that turned into a shit show

I no longer watch tv nor listen to radio , but I do laff at myself when I play Alexa when I’m going out for the dogs to keep them company 😂

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Yeah even all the entertainment is either peddling a political agenda or it's so boring it's not worth watching anyway. You're missing nothing, saving money and time for better things! 😁

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My house is silent so the dogs are probably like Alexa shut the fuck up 😂

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We used to have a cat (sadly she died young due to paralysis) who turned on the radio overnight to listen to jazz. She was a very funny and quirky kitty and I still miss her shenanigans.

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An eight-week-old kitten showed up at our door in 2010, and we adopted a second kitten from the shelter to keep her company. Our holistic vet said, "It will be very interesting to compare their health" as shelter kitten had been subjected to flea / tick toxin, wormer, every vaccine possible, and spaying when tiny. Other kitten had excellent treatment from our holistic vet; she is now 13 and quite healthy. Shelter kitten (Emma) became paralyzed -- no early symptoms -- and I found her early one morning struggling to move using her front paws. Basically the conventional vet said there was little to be done, and we had to euthanize her. I will never adopt another shelter pet.

She was Emma from the Planet Egypt (she had a classic Egyptian cat profile) who came to Earth to study entomology. She preferred never setting foot on the floor, but swinging from curtain rods and leaping great distances, concentrating on insect life. What a character!

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Time for Oxfam to lose it's board and a new one which understands real life appointed as an interim measure until the Charity cleans up its act. No more public money until it happens

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This is an excellent compilation of shameful evidence. Thank you JL.

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Many thanks TT.

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This is repulsive from Oxfam. They are even worse than I thought. To think I used to make a monthly donation to them!!!

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Hi JL my message isn't related to this Update.

I'm wondering if the Update would like to look into my situation as a GC woman who has just been expelled as a finalist in an Australian art event. It was due to my attendance and support of Let Women Speak rallies and my outspoken public criticism of how Queer Theory is regressing womens rights.

Please check out my recent blog posts - https://www.pearlredmoon.com/

If appropriate, I would feel greatly supported to have my situation publicised.

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I'm very sorry to hear about this Pearl and send you my sincerest sympathy and solidarity. It's so bloody unfair. (I've had a quick look at your blog post and just have to say that I love your work.) I'll pass the links and your message onto Graham and see what we can do to publicise your situation. Meanwhile, sending big hugs to you x

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THANKYOU!!! I feel so alone and unseen. I have 2 emails from the organisers in which they refer to their fear that the event would be disrupted by LGBTQUIA+ activists due to my presence. I actually feel sorry for them as they are wedged by TQ, damned if they do and damned if they don't. CSJ forces these people to do their dirty work and we all end up losers except for the gender gerbils

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You are not alone, Pearl. And you are not unseen. You're among friends here! x

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They are weak don’t feel so sorry for them if they are benefiting from their weakness. Stay strong, look after yourself - you are an amazing woman 👏 👏👏

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You’re certainly not alone ,your stuffs amazing and I will support you however I can

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Pearl! Just sent you an email! A quick response would be very much appreciated! x

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Hi, so glad you told me that. I just discovered it in my spam folder! Wil get back to you very shortly

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Thanks so much for your lovely email! Will get things moving now. Keep in touch. All love xx

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When you get a chance, please check your spam folder for an email from me.

Thanks, Cait

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Hi Cait...hugs and kisses, You Beauty! As we say in Australia. I'll get back to you soon.

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No rush.

Hugs & kisses to your own fine self,


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How dreadful. I'm truly sorry to hear this. I wish I could say I was shocked. But apparently cancellation isn't a real thing, or only happens to powerful people. Tim Minchin had a lot to say on that in an interview last week. I sincerely hope you can get justice.

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thankyou for your kind words. Its been comforting to get so much support.

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Hang in there Pearl! Your sisters are behind you and you are a strong and courageous woman. (Not to mention a hugely talented artist!) I'm on this! xx

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Do you have a link to this ?

I love Tim and I hope am not going to be disappointed

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I don't think you will be - he refers to some of his friends being 'gaslightingly naive' which is a pretty memorable turn of phrase!

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Thank you , at least I’m still allowed to like him

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I can be contacted directly, by you or anybody else who wants to give sympathy, by email


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So there we have it; privileged white women have 'sinned' - just like Eve who commited the orginal sin and was responsible for the fall of mankind. Is this just another neo-Christian cult with the same old, same old excuse to punish women? And if I remember my school scripture lessons correctly, Eve's curse was that all women should suffer in childbirth from that time onwards. Could this explain why the gender-addled NHS can no longer provide safe and pain-free maternity services? And why the cult is so bent on witch-finding?

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I just feel just awful , right my sarcasm mode has gone into overdrive

Night peeps

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We have to boycott this organisation. It is the only way. I mean a 92 page guide on inclusion?! How is that even possibly. I can't even follow half the nonsense in there. It's too depressing. And we've got a month of this pride nonsense to contend with.

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It's totally bonkers isn't it? And they are proudly showing this level of bunkum off to us all. What the hell do they do all day? This? And someone's 'job' will be to produce even more of that vapid, senseless bilge from out of nowhere, to fulfil some criteria that don't exist and can't be challenged as they are making new equality and diversity but equity and inclusion sh*te up on the fly. With entire academic departments now backing them up with footnotes and madeyuppey 'research'. They will have to work very, very hard with other members of their 'team' to produce a real synergistic level of total claptrap. Then they will need to review and update, then reassess and update and other nonsensical things for other similar iterations of their new and ground-breaking 'policies'. Then someone has to read it. Then they promote it. Oh, look, then they must move to a more senior position, having excelled at the total non-job whatever that make-work was.

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OMFG, will the horrors never end?!?!? My stomach is turning at all this propaganda. It's mind-boggling what money can do to get people to go along with the most egregious lies.

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Thanks JL

More shocking stuff from Oxfam!

Will cross post


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Thanks so much, Dusty! Much appreciated x

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Now cross posted.

Includes our highlight of today for our Gender Critical Month of song by our wonderful Robbie Spence 'Masters of Woo' which should be number 1 I think :)

Plus The Babylon Bee choosing the two best genders.


Thanks again JL


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Think ive said this before but i was a shop manager for 10 years - I went to the HQ in Oxford many times and I was struck how it was just like a Uni campus.

The senior management were and looks like still are as painfully self absorbed in thinking they are above the rest of us 'cos they are 'doing good work'.

HR especially were chock full of women who I wouldnt want to be on a desert island with .

I know exactly how they treated 'Maria'. They did similar to Nigerian woman who was sexually assaulted by her manager while in UK on an HQ training. She had to get a QC involved in end and it ended the last CEO's tenure. They are rotten.

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