Gosh ,how the authorities ,mainly the Scottish Government ,can continue to ignore these horrors ,is totally incomprehensible. They're unleashing a monster and turning a blind eye at the same time ,while chanting " this NEVER happens " !!. Thanks ,Graham x

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History will look back at the ‘Age of Transgender’ as a Dark Age with a ludicrous “Creed”, its own Witch Burning 2.0, torture victims, and an ‘Inquisition’ leaving many without family and career. Thank God for the heretics who risked all -- for the return of Reason and Light.

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Jesus Christ. I'll never stop feeling shocked by this stuff.

I'm guessing we won't see this reported in the Independent.

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Nicola married the SNP to this

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Can someone send this link about trans widows, that is ex wives of cross-dressing men who ended their lives? Can we start a trans widows day of remembrance? We don't even have names. From what I'm hearing at Ute Heggen yt channel, they are a deep dark secret. Just like the child molesting that's coming out of the closet here.


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Hello Ute. Talk to www.TransWidowsVoices.org (Joanne) and to me (www.Transwidows.com). As you know I am a Transwidow. I would suggest that we have a much bigger "Victims of TRANS INSANITY Day" (there, I've said it!). We can then draw attention to three under-recognised categories of victims: (1) detransitioners: those who made changes to their body which they now regret, who now have several websites in UK and internationally (2) Transwidows: ex-wifes and partners of deluded men aka Transsexuals, or "Transwomen" or more accurately Autogynaephiles and (3) finally, but not least, children of transitioners (Emma B) (childrenoftransitioners.org).

In the US there is a very active group called Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans (PITT.substack.com) which posts heart-rending accounts of parents abandoned, tarred and feathered by their deluded children and the groomers who have stolen them, and, in some States, pursued with criminal sanctions for refusing to go along with the insanity and trying to persuade their children to awaken from their "trance" (intentional pun!)

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Yes, great idea. I'd love to all join together for a class action suit. Can you imagine a few dozen of each of these categories lining up in a courtroom somewhere and testifying, while a line of doctors and pharma execs sit there, squirming? I want a big fat fund to pay for our legal fees and recovery from the PTSD. Just to let you know, I'm removing "interesting" comments on my Ute Heggen youtube channel now, all about how I need to work on my "mental illness" and from "trans-positives" who think that as long as there was candor about the cross-dressing, these marriages will be fine. (I have to laugh at this point--I want to ask them if they heard anything I've said or written.) But it means I've been noticed. So far, no one banging on my door! My policy is not to debate these deluded individuals, it's my channel, so I remove the comments immediately. They are usually word salad! I didn't know about transwidows.com. Will look you up! Thanks, Ute

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Great idea

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It's just utterly enraging. It's no coincidence that the abused chose to tell their story to Reduxx, because it's one of the vanishingly-few outlets that's willing to practise genuine journalism. The Guardian is even scared to call a rapist a rapist for fear of committing blasphemy. The difference now is that this story can go on twitter and it won't be censored. Those "Don't Knows" who aren't sure about Sturgeon's Pervert's Charter, soon will be.

They're building a scandal that dwarfs the Jimmy Savile story but, unlike those who enabled Savile, they won't be able to claim ignorance.

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Dear God! When will this end?! Never mind "this never happens".....when will it STOP happening?!

Put groups of vulnerable people together and the predatory sharks will circle around having the time of their life.

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That young man is incredibly brave and has a hundred more times the spine than the majority of politicians and jouinalists that are enabling this horror. The red flags are there - STOP denying them Sturgeon et al and do not allow this to happen to more young people. It makes me livid when I see people in positions of influence and power deny that this hardly happens and then ask "how we could have known" afterwards. There is no excuse - we know what self ID will enable and here is one young man telling the world. To ignore him and others (the detransitioners, the trans widows, the women that have been assaulted in women only spaces etc.), is to betray them again.

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In plain sight. We’ve forgotten the lesson’s from Jimmy Saville. No one important ever pays when the shit hits the fan!!!!

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*KLAXON* for @Glinner (sorry, off topic but I am not on Twitter).

Hi Graham, I gather you're trying to give some evidence to Gary Lineker about effect of men in women's sports. This Mumsnet thread, entitled 'No Trans Olympian - List of Women and Girls disadvantaged in Sport" might be very useful: https://www.mumsnet.com/talk/womens_rights/4175263--No-Trans-Olympian-List-of-women-and-girls-disadvantaged-in-sport-resource-thread?page=1

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That is a great piece, it needs to reach a wide audience.

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Thank you Una. The Mumsnet women know their stuff

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A board member of a "charity" for "trans kids" is exposed as an apologist for pedophilia. A prominent activist of an Icelandic "charity" for "trans people", including "trans kids", is charged with raping disabled teenagers. The CEO of a "charity" for "trans kids" is convicted for rapeing a baby. Staff members of the same "charity" are accused of sexually abusing at least to kids seeking help with said organisation. Not to mention at least two other prominent transactivists in the States who have been charged with sending sexualised messages to minors and worse.

All of that just became public within the past few weeks.

I am beginning to see a pattern here, and the Catholic Church's pedophilia scandal begins to pale in comparison.

Of course, not all "trans women" are predators. There seems to be an awful lot of pedophiles and predators among those people who claim to represent them, though.

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This particular story, though, doesn’t seem to involve any “transwomen.” This is just plain sordid exploitation of vulnerable minors (in this case boys), like the Rotherham grooming gang and others, exploiting girls.

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This is what LangCleg wrote a couple of years ago on Mumsnet:

""How did the scandal of TV entertainers grooming and exploiting children get so bad before anything was done?

How did the scandal of Catholic priests grooming and exploiting children get so bad before anything was done?

How did the scandal of on-street gangs grooming and exploiting children get so bad before anything was done?

Because if you create a sacred caste of any group and silence anyone asking questions about individuals on behalf of the sacred caste, abusers will see, infiltrate, and groom and exploit children. That''s how."


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Jan 6, 2023·edited Jan 6, 2023

That's what I’m saying, though. Trans are today's “sacred caste,” I agree. But this story doesn’t seem to involve any trans, unless I’m missing something.

EDIT 2 hrs later, having more closely reread today's entry: Posting from the US, sorry. I missed the intro tweet about this group lobbying for self-ID, which furnishes the trans ideology element.

Have to say, though, the linked Reduxx article itself focuses almost entirely on sexual predation of vulnerable gay minors at an undetermined time in the past, at a time when the group may or may not have included T issues.

As we know, T hitched itself to LGB, hijacking the previous initials' legacy authority. When they started to organize for equal rights, gays and lesbians carefully excluded groups for “minor attracted persons,” such as NAMBLA.

This entry shows how easily boundaries and chronologies can be blurred over time. The linked Reduxx story exemplifies exactly why gays and lesbians were wise to be exclusionary: because the narrative described can give rise to a prejudice against gays as predators.

@Though She Be and others, here in the US, the Nov 2022 shooting at Club Q in Colorado was deemed by the media to be evidence of a huge regressive rise in “anti-LGBTQ” sentiment. Infuriating, because (1) there has been no evidence of a rise in anti-gay/lesbian sentiment, and (2) the shooter himself claimed to identify as trans.

And the media's Club Q take removed support for state legislation seeking to ban males in female sports, prohibit child trans medical care etc.

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This movement has aided and abetted a way of thinking. Ask no questions. Don't doubt and look away. Under the guise of that anything can (and is) happen(ing). That's how this sits under the 'trans' flag. There doesn't need to be a specifically dysphoric individual featured. Some are claiming this is about dysphoria and 'true trans' which is missing the point. It's about boundary breaking. Dress that up as whatever you want and get a free pass.

This article is about grooming - any group can do that.

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Remember that 'trans' means pretty much anything and because it's indefinable (how dare you, you bigot) you can't ask very basic questions and there is no investigation, or 'remits' are redefined.

This current crop of dodgy people are using 'LGB' rights which morphed into 'LGBTQI+?' rights, which morphed into charities that 'support' kids. The whole point is this fig leaf of 'doing good works' that is the cover.

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Agree. These men have gloomed on to LGB charities in the past and now they are LGBTQ charities. Same old-same-old.

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*glommed, not 'gloomed'

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Surely this speaks to the larger issue of whether the Scottish ruling class is fit to govern.

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“Queer theory” = paedophile apologia

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Just looked up the case re Rennie and Strachan. Evil bastards and that’s putting it mildly! I feel sick to my core when I read about these cases of abuse. Monsters.

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Jan 6, 2023·edited Jan 6, 2023

Monsters whose activities went egregiously underreported at the time, as well. Their crimes seemed to get nearly no media coverage or examination outside Scotland, from what I saw. I remember waiting for it to explode, but crickets. The same sort of turning a blind eye as with the child grooming gangs of Rotherham, Telford etc, it seemed: fear of being seen to critically spotlight the actions of persons from a protected group, here CEO of an LGBT Youth charity and linked others. I remember thinking if he'd headed up another sort of national youth organisation and raped a baby and all the rest of what the gang were found to be doing, it would have been front page scandal.

I've often wondered what legacy they left in their wake, unexamined or otherwise. Especially given the degree of capture by genderists in Scotland.

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Yes. This does not feel coincidental.

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Anyone surprised?

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Not at all, naturally but this also allied with Mermaids is giving us some great building blocks. I do hope either the Times, Telegraph, Mail or Express will start a list of groomers and their transgender agenda.

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theres never smoke without fire -

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