Aug 28, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

'dr' emily garside is a rabid trans activist - calls the Pride March 'Trans Pride' - well, these days, it might as well be called that, but that doesn't negate the fact that garside is a twat

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A "rabid" trans activist? Is there any other kind?

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Ah yes, you got me there.

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Trans pride? Well. At least that's unusually honest. We've seen in the last few days again how lesbians aren't allowed to march at Pride anymore.

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Sack cloth and ashes for you...repent you sinner! (though liking a tweet is not a sin).

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Our Queer Activist Aunt She/Her’s twitter feed is all pastel flag waving and excuse making. Even upholding the remove of lesbian women from a Pride parade. Her head is spun round so tightly, blood can no longer reach her brain. But still not enough. One wrong move, and she’s pounced upon. When will these ‘allies’ realize that nothing is ever enough?

Nothing is ever enough for the woke oppressed. No apology is deep enough, sincere enough, lengthy enough. No promise to do better will suffice or appease. Don't even try. Even if you end your unworthy life to prove your virtue, someone will be offended,

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Get a pillow to punch or field to scream in and look at her substack. She went on a 'writing retreat' (of course the poppet did) to find her voice, I mean her 'story'. It reads like someone trying to get up to a word limit with fake quasi-philosophical waffle. Or a school punishment to write this out a hundred times 'I must not write shit about coming out as asexual and no, it's not important to acknowledge that even trying to write my story takes courage as it does not'.

Courage? It's like the internal warblings of a not-so-bright very ordinary primary school child. With pictures of her soft toy penguin. Oooh I bet she can squeeze another book and speaking tour on the back of that. These people are playing at practising being grown-ups when the country is collapsing about them and people are collapsing under the stress of real life.

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TERF = Tired of Explaining Reality to Fanatics

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Cult member

What will it take for them to open their eyes

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Oh Emily, there are no accidents in the Church Of Tolerance & Inclusivity; it's just the devil (of transphobia) at work in you. Also I'm not sure repentance is a thing these days - castigating sinners is sort of the point. (That and whacking-off in the women's toilets).

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:-) perfect - this OED level definition really is shaping up nicely, fingers crossed it gets into the next edition. Before you know it they'll be offering PhD or MPhil in this - I hope you'll be course lead.

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Sarah - at The Lies They Tell - is a going concern:


Of particular note from her About:

"The principal reason for doing this is because I oppose the medicalisation of bodies and believe that language has to be rooted in truth and policy should be formed on facts, not feelings."

Amen to that, particularly "language has to be rooted in truth".

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Lol. Part of me hopes she gets cancelled for her sins. Repentance is never enough. They must be running out of Puritans by now; it's so hard to live a lie for this long!

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“She trained at Montreal and at RADA, before completing her PhD in theatrical responses to the AIDS crisis.”

They’ll hand out PhDs in anything these days!

Her Twitter account says, “Your Queer Activist Aunt”. That’s very kind of you Emily but I think I’ll manage to struggle on without one.

And now that I’m digging deeper, the rabbit hole is expanding exponentially. What am I to make of this?


“I have been crowdfunding for a while because I am homeless and disabled needing a surgery in my thumb with chronic pain. Now I got monkeypox and need urgent survival funds for a motel and medicine. Donate I’f able and rt”

Accompanied by a pic from “inside my crotch”?

Oh gimme that wallet! I have to donate right away!

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Careful you'll end up covered in rabbit poo. Oh my I am laughing now. I'm sorry, but they really do put the 'performative' into every single thread of life don't they?! She is a 'very good person' and we are all bad 'uns. That's what Pakistan needs now too - comfortably off white people planning their PhDs in 'theatrical responses to natural disasters'.

We've come full circle (yet again) - we used to recoil reading about plagues and living conditions in medieval times, now we're there again and no need for anyone to write a play about it as we have Twitter. Who or what cause will her performative searchlight of destiny and pity fall upon next?

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I find calling oneself a "good person" quite puzzling. I can imagine someone saying "I try to be a good person," but how in hell does anyone know that they ARE a good person? The immediate suspicion comes to mind that anyone who says that is emphatically not a good person!

Theatrical responses to natural disasters, unbelievable. As someone is rowing a boat down a deeply flooded street to rescue people and animals, she can stand up in the middle and be theatrical.

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Sorry Susan that was heavy sarcasm. We use to play a game in my family on which legitimate-sounding PhDs might get funded. Then I was an actual adult, asked by an actual Professor, who a year or two later became my actual boss, to suggest some areas of interest for our forward programme. So I responded off the top of my head as I'm good at that. He would then suggest those to any student scratching about for a suitable topic. And we did a few seminars and workshops on things I had suggested. I found myself working in departments awarded millions in UK research funding.

Many outside academia don't realise how much bullshit there is.

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My mother taught me a lot about how life works, but she seemed incredibly naive about academia despite getting her master's degree and working toward her PhD. A friend who had her PhD in anthropology described succinctly how it works: regurgitate others' work for your doctoral dissertation and don't do anything original.

But my mother never learned this, and never accepted how dirty things are. A student in her PhD seminar stole ideas from other students. My mother had a job teaching -- the kind of teacher whose office was crowded with students -- and she got dismissed after a year because she didn't have her PhD while a man was retained who not only didn't have his PhD but had been blackballed from ever getting it (presumably because he was such a poor candidate).

None of this garbage coming out of universities surprises me. They are so detached from reality and the real world, and with the coming horrors (planetary) they're comfortable living in cushioned fantasy.

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Well said. Ultimately, the group narcissism wins out, instead of supposed “Objectivity” and “Science.” Analysis of institutions is generally discouraged, but that’s what it takes to understand what you’re describing. Group dysfunction at the institutional/class scale is even more harmful than most “dysfunctional” individuals and family units can be. ☮️❤️🐾

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That isn't a PhD yet to my knowledge, and yes, I find it vomit-inducing that pillocks like this and whole departments of universities are churning this out. This is her actual career. It's of no use to anyone, other than her and others like her. It's self-referential and reverential but it's grown to unwieldy proportions. It's not witty, entertaining, useful or moving us forward as a species or culture(s). We've coddled people to be like this and then onanistically perpetuate it.

To hazard a fantasy guess, they've internalised the concept of God and some overarching explanation, sense, understanding or belief, so avoid the chaos of not being entirely sure about everything always and are now God themselves and conduct their own little gates of Heaven or Hell toll gate drama multiple times a day. Coercive and controlling people with very little gumption or imagination. Who hitch a ride on the pinknblue gravy train.

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He says he got it from unwashed clothes donated to a charity. Do charities do this? Sell unwashed clothes? I would think it's more likely he got it from having sex with another man. And what concerns me is WHY ARE CHILDREN GETTING MONKEYPOX? If a child of mine got it, I would move heaven and earth to find out how they got it; I confess I am very suspicious, especially when they said this morning on the "news" that an infant "got it from a family member."

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Monkeypox is spread by intimate and prolonged contact, so yes, he got it from sex with a man. And yes, I would be extremely concerned about children with it.

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Dear God 😭😭😭💔

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Help! Help! Repent! Repent! And look what they've done to one of if not the most iconic designs :-(

https://twitter.com/TfL. They really are trashing feckin everything in the most reverse Midas postpostmodern of ways. I find it hard to see and read things now, covered in chevrons and what with the heaps of glittery pinkblue shit in my eyes. Up is down now everyone, we must not forget.

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If anyone hasn't looked her up yet, and before she locks everything down, do have a peek. Get a cup of something good and settle in. Try https://www.godisinthetvzine.co.uk/2022/03/08/iwd2022-profile-dr-emily-garside-love-that-journey-for-me/

And to quote, she is apparently:

'a fascinating, Cardiff-based academic and playwright called Emily Garside. I connected with Garside’s brand of academia instantly and was spellbound as she approached her reading of Schitt’s Creek in the same meticulous way I have interpreted cultural texts similarly dear to me. She writes: “The reason for writing this book was twofold: to embrace sentimentality and to embrace extreme nerdiness.” Yasss! Thank you!'

'Brand of academia'. Yup, couldn't have put it better myself. It's otherwise known as 'pointless navel-gazing shite'.

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Honestly, are they not ashamed of such displays of naked grovelling cowardice? I mean, c'mon. Scrape yourself up off the floor with a spatula and try to grow a spine, just a little bit. Kowtowing and snivelling to bullies is not how your grandparents won the war, lass.

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Some people never seem to leave the school playground mentality where it belongs.

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Seems apposite https://youtu.be/0zXajYDnprQ

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it does indeed

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Has anyone seen Laurie Penny lately? Separated at birth.

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Well, the U.K. is one of the Five Eyes nations!

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I'll have you know our bestest trade minister ever and possible next World King has been round the world making the bestest trade deals in cheese, pork and Great British Eyes and we're world beating at Eyes ;-)

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After dealing with trying to unlock a credit report, I needed this laugh!!!

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