Great letter. What a shame this has to spelled out. There is nothing good about this insidious ideology at all.

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Hear, hear, Lyndsey. You are a very brave lady, Dr.

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Thank you, this is a brilliant letter. Schools should not be teaching gender ideology at all, it’s a completely made up belief system which has only been in existence for a few years. Apart from the fact that its teaching is putting children on the path to a life of medical problems, we have no idea of the psychological effect on all the other children who are being forced into lying in order to accommodate a ‘trans’ child. The problems are endless and are damaging all children, not just a small number.

Why has the world gone mad?

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It was invented by Stonewall and its financial bakers to: a) provide a smokescreen and shield for paraphiliac and fetishistic men with sexual interests that are on the margins; b) to ensure a never-ending supply of fodder for the pharmaceutical/technological/medical industrial complex; and, c) to provide new and more dangerous forms of pornography for insatiable and addicted men. Women were targeted first because they, generally-speaking, provide the wall behind which children are protected. Not saying that men do not protect their children, but women are definitely the first line of defence. Erase them from all public sightings and you have a clear run before the rest of the society cottons on to what is happening. Women were the first to raise the alarm, but more and more men are coming on board every day.

If I hear the words, 'true trans' again, I'll scream. No such thing. Older men are paraphiliacs (AGPs) and fetishists and their motivation is sexual thrills, domination and control, even if they kept their heads down in the past. Most will never admit it, but that is what they are, even if they are unable to recognize it in themselves and deny it hotly. Little boys and many youths are different, being alienated socially, perhaps abused sexually, and we have to see the difference between adults and children who may be subject to peer pressure, homophobia, suffer from autistic spectrum disorders, or are in the grip of a social contagion, as so many young girls are. All these children require proper psychological/psychiatric help, not 'transing'.

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Completely agree with all that. LGB charities were all going broke once gay marriage was passed. Then suddenly lots of money appeared for anyone willing to push the ideology. They’ve been clever couching it as a civil rights movement and terrifying people into keeping quiet. There’s no way that any sane person would accept it if they understood it. Unfortunately, too many people still don’t understand the full implications of it all.

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Well, I don't know.

Seems a little unfair to older trans people who don't want anything to do with current trans activism and who never bothered anyone. Including FTM, by the way.

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Glyptodon: if you consider living out their lives as a stereotype that is grossly insulting to women not bothering anyone, why not have whities black facing and living out their lives not bothering anyone?

Could it be because it would be morally reprehensible and grossly insulting? How about an able-bodied person living out his or her life as a disabled person not bothering anyone?

I am not calling for the rounding up of old style 'trans'. I am saying that the basic premise in each case is identical. It remains morally indefensible and grossly insulting to women to woman face.

I have read several accounts by these old style 'trans' that they knew they were female from the age of two. How do you think this whole childhood 'transing' started? Also, most of the 'trans' have scooped male salaries and none that I know of has ever fought for better salaries for women.

Lastly, autogynephilia and/or fetishism goes hand in hand with dysphoria/dysmorphia. They are not mutually exclusive. This whole thing (except for children) is driven by men with paraphilias and/or fetishes. All the available evidence shows that to be the case. Yes, it is unfortunate for the ones who kept their distance from women, but they still used female loos which was against the law. If they want to help themselves, they should be campaigning for third spaces. Will they, though, when their paraphilia requires them to mix even if only surreptitiously with the real McCoy? This thing is wholly sexual. In its entirety. We overlook that, and, even if we win this round, they will be back.

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That’s a fair point, I think the current crop of fetishists who are coming out from under their rocks are creating a backlash against the small number of men with dysphoria who transition as adults.

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men transitioning as adults (40yo+), after they have married, and their children are gettting older- rather convenient for them, eh? Best of both worlds- enjoy married family life- but later, explore your fetish...? "oh I knew when I was 2... but I'll wait til I;m 52 to make any changes, coz I had my male salary and built up a pension maybe, had a family... " I find it hard to respect that...

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Yes you’re right, I fell into the fatal mistake of being too kind there. Kindness is how we’ve got into this mess. My mistake, won’t happen again!

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In my opinion, it's trans activists who are the problem and not necessarily trans people in and of themselves.

But clearly that is not the consensus around here.

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Glyptodon: yes, the ranks of the activists contain the psychopaths, sadists, sociopaths and misogynists, but the 'trans' themselves absolutely are the problem in that 'trans' is not real: it is either a delusion, a sexual fetish, a paraphilia or a social contagion. It cannot be real because it is impossible to change sex. Affirming these people is probably the very worst thing we can do because that will only reinforce their contract with unreality and delusion. Dysphoria, which most clinical psychologists would rank as dysmorphia, on a par with anorexia, cutting, etc., and, therefore, a mental illness, requires proper treatment, not pandering.

We should take on board that some of these people will be suffering greatly, and, in no way would I wish to suggest that we should add to their suffering, and I understand, too, that some will require surgery, if only to give them some small peace of mind. That in itself, incidentally, should raise a red flag immediately. People who wish to cut away chunks of their own flesh are not well. It may, of course, be the only way they can exist, but that should not give them the key to womanhood or female spaces, etc.

The compassion should stop there, though, because many of these people, mainly the men, insist that they knew they were 'trans' at the tender age of two or three, but they articulate this in their late twenties, thirties and forties, or even later. Typical autogynephiles trying to convince us that they do not have a sexual paraphilia when they most certainly do. The misery this has caused to children and women is incalculable, and, I would suggest, far graver than any 'victimhood' supposedly suffered by immature and sexually-driven males, in the main. The destruction of innocent lives and the trauma caused by these people will reverberate everywhere in due course when the West comes to its senses.

This is why it is misogynistic: it takes no account of women's feelings about having these intact, for the most part, men in our midst who offer no comprehension of female privacy, dignity, and, above all, safety. They care nothing for us or even begin to show the slightest empathy for women. Please explain why so many sex offenders are 'trans'? This can be proved quite easily, and most are saturated in porn. The females are overwhelmingly girls on the autistic spectrum or who have learning or social difficulties or who want to be noticed by adhering to what is undoubtedly a social contagion. Adult females almost always claim to be 'queer', whatever that means, or non-binary.

Basically, what has happened is that paraphiliac and fetishistic men have used innocent children and women to shield them from real scrutiny about their sexual proclivities. Most are heterosexual. The activists, many of who are 'trans' themselves, know all this. They are the 'Traniban', equivalent to the Taliban in effect. They are politically determined to sacrifice everyone if it means that their utopia of cultural marxism can be achieved. They are destroyers. Those who back this stuff financially are intoxicated with money and care nothing for their human sacrifices to get their hands on as much of it as possible. Again, that god-centred way of looking at the world is almost, if not completely, a masculine theme.

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Excellent statement xxx

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I am a mother of 3 daughters. The protections of single sex facilities at school is important and urgent. My youngest was sexually assaulted by a boy at school at 14 years old, my middle daughter was continually sexually harassed by boys in her year group. It’s no joke! Girls should not have to put up with this!

I find it unbelievable some schools think it is OK to remove ANY single sex protections given the alarming growth in sexual harassment girls are encountering!

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Why does no one think that the boys have responsibility here? By the way, it is illegal in UK law, right across the UK, to not provide single sex toilets/changing rooms and spaces in schools. Stonewall is acting illegally every day in promoting this bilgewater. Schools are either too gullible or too virtue-signalling to care. Girls never seem to be a priority in any school. Parents and grandparents have to make them care by taking them to court and by outing teachers who teach 'trans' as fact. It is unadulterated bilgewater and any adult who believes you can change your sex by saying so, should not be in any position of authority anywhere on the planet. Begone ye fools, paraphiliacs and fetishists, enablers, porn merchants and activists. Schools are no place for your utterly vile creed.

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I have a daughter and granddaughter and I'm terrified for their future. Porn is driving these young men to behave like animals and convince girls that they need to look like 'ho's' in order to attract a boyfriend. Sadly, this all feeds into the patriarchal imperative that entitles men to women's bodies, emboldens them to violent women's boundaries, and indoctrinates them to think they can even colonize womanhood. It's crazy-making!

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Unbelievable that it has to be spelled out so plainly for the Sec of State. She seems completely incompetent in her role and unable and unwilling to grasp the basic facts about this dangerous ideology and its very obvious dangers to the female sex. I'm very heartened that school girls are actually writing to the PM. It shows not everyone is captured. It only takes one sexual assault in a gender neutral toilet by a boy saying he's a girl to make the girls and their parents take notice. It should not have to, though, that goes without saying.

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I wish the Govt would find the backbone just say no more to all this. They seem to live in terror of the TRA mob- every couple of steps in the right direction has to include a step back to pander to these cranks. Every trace of this should be out of every educational institution, the police, NHS, no more cosmetic surgery at public expense... the whole lot in the bin and as soon as possible before Labour get in. The only mention should be in RE or social studies as a warning of what can go so badly wrong in society.

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What a terrific letter. The debate around "social transitioning" would drive you insane. It's like debating whether or not to glue a horn to a child's forehead and how this affects their right to be recognised as a unicorn.

What needs to be explained to kids is that stuff they read on social media isn't always real, that biology is real, that some of them might experience a psychological phenomenon called gender dysphoria and that there's an overwhelming chance it'll go away - so don't worry about it.

How the hell did we ever got to a stage where the Secretary of State for Education talks about "socially transitioning" to the opposite sex, with a straight face?

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Three things require to happen yesterday: 1) the decoupling of LGB from the T+++++; 2) the clarification in law of the protections within the 2010 Equality Act (gender identity and gender ideology are NOT recognized in law - anywhere in any legislation in the British Isles, including Scotland, where politicians do not know the law, apparently); and 3. the 2004 GRA requires to be repealed as it has been superseded by more recent legislation and court precedents, and is now used by the odious Stonewall and its arms as a springboard for illegal actions. I also believe that parents politicians of 'trans' kids should not sit on committees or debates where this issue is being debated unless they sign an affidavit to the effect that they will not try to push through this stuff without due consideration of other people's children's welfare and other parents' concerns. These people are in a very privileged position and this issue is not different from the rules on making money for lobbying on behalf of an interested party. Any breaching would be met with immediate suspension and withdrawal of the whip, affecting their gold-plated pensions.

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Brilliant letter x

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You are so good. Thanks.

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Just sent the following complaint to the Dept of Ed via their website online form.

The new guidelines for teachers on Gender Identity is a dog's breakfast! You smugly think that parents who indicate that they wish their child to be treated as a different gender to that observed at birth should be accommodated. In this you seem to have set up a safeguarding issue. (NB I am using the correct terminology here and not the made up nonsense by Gender Ideology Activists - 'assigned at birth' as though the doctor, nurse or parent has any input into what gender the baby is). The standing joke at the Tavistock Clinic was 'that soon there won't be any gays left.' That joke came about because too many parents unhappy at the thought their child might be gay pushed them down the Trans path which apparently is more socially acceptable- at least to a certain type. Not good for the child is it? Further there are some parents ideologically committed to pushing Gender Ideology and put their ideological commitment to Trans activism before the welfare of their child and look for any reason to have a Trans child. Again not good for the child! Gillian Keegan is not a fit person to be an education secretary if she can't manage a sensible set of guidelines that keep children safe. I realise that my comments will go straight into the bin as all government departments have been captured by Gender Activism and if the people in the department don't have skin in the game they have probably become 'useful idiots' to coin a well-known phrase.

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I’ve written something similar and written to Sunak and other MPs but to no avail. It seems that everyone is deaf to reality, truth and sanity these days.

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As an Australian I envy you having the reliability of the Cass Report. Excellent letter and I hope it gets more widely reproduced and circulated here in Australia for more people to learn how extensively young women are being harmed when single sex facilities are not offered and/ or removed.

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From an article on Fox News.

Kay Yang said she was a programmer at an LGBT non-profit and was brought on to help as an outreach and education coordinator.

"We would teach people these new vocabulary words and gender identity ideology. And I had no idea at the time that this new terminology was the language of female erasure that would be used to take away my own sex-based rights," the former pro-trans activist said.

Yang added that she realized the work she was doing was "paving the way for the creation and acceptance of the trans child."

"I was totally oblivious to the fact that I was being used as a Trojan horse because behind this message of inclusivity and kindness for everyone, there's a really sinister agenda to normalize these policies and practices that cause irreversible medical damage to healthy children and undermine the sex-based rights of women and girls," she told host Jesse Watters.

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Kay Yang is now such a brave advocate for womens rights. She faced off the Trans activists at the Let Women Speak event in NYC . She is formidable.

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Excellent letter.

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Great letter, thank you. I hope Gillian Keegan acts on this and protects children.

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Keegan needs to grow a spine and tell those civil servants who are pushing the ideology to jog on.

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This is such a great letter.

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