I genuinely cannot find the words. If they really didn't read it, they're a disgrace to journalism & utterly devoid of any honesty, integrity or scruples. If they did read it & are pretending they didn't, they're a disgrace to journalism & utterly devoid of any honesty, integrity or scruples.

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Sounds like you found the perfect words to me! 😀

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Thank you, Tony! I also did some swearing!

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Ha! I know all about that 😉 I find a volley of obscenities strangely therapeutic.

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I tried expressing my disgust & derision via the medium of interpretative dance... Just wasn't the same.

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This is particularly annoying because a major theme of theirs is how wrong, lazy and unjust it is when people disseminate negative views about someone without doing the homework of going to the source and finding out what the pariah actually said or did, which would have revealed that the target was being smeared. Gah.

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Oh, I suspect they really DID read it, but don't want to admit to doing so . . .

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yeah you can hear a note of insincerity in that denial, to which I immediately wondered, if they lie about something this trivial they must lie about positively everything

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Jesse & Katie's approach to journalism seems similar to Milli Vanilli's approach to music

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Girl, you know it's true!

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Blame it on the Graham

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Disclaimer : That one wasn't a hit in the UK so your excellent pun may elicit some frowned expressions in Blighty 😉

I knew what you meant though. But then again, I pretty much know everything so ...

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It's a common tactical error: Judging that lot by your own standards. I'm a cynical arsehole by nature so I haven't once afforded them an ounce of goodwill.

I can only advise you to do the same.

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The splinters in their backsides must hurt like hell.

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Luckily their pants being on fire will cauterise those lacerations.

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what drives me insane about this stuff is that all these spineless fence riders are going to be the loudest when the smoke clears and the predators are outed, they are going to be the ones saying 'we tried to tell you all but you wouldn't listen..." that's why I loathe invertebrates because if you think what they are doing now is crappy just wait til the world wakes up a bit, then they will flip sides and take all the credit for what the really brave people did.

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That's so astonishing. Especially since on the same episode that they criticised you, Katie Herzog went on and on about being a journalist, not an activist like you. What is her journalism - seeing some screenshots and having a quick scroll through a few profiles on a dating site.

She and Jesse repeatedly insist that accuracy matters, but don't know what Mumsnet is and think that an Irish writer is British. They've also been told by their own patreon followers that Katie's very brief go at scrolling through the Her dating app was not what most women are experiencing. It's very obvious on their podcast that when they stray outside American topics - especially anything outside the Twitter media world - they start to flail because they've done little or no research. This one was one of the absolute worst examples of that.

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Shit journalist = shit journalism, don’t know why anyone gives them air time.

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Much like all other state propaganda they are paid well to lie, the lies are BIG ones and dissent must be stifled. Their faux conversational tones are nauseating and none of the premise they base their views on stack up. It’s like expecting 3 year olds to stop play acting. To think this bs among others has reached and infiltrated our Governments is terrifying. But ridiculous things to hurt people and planet for money are done by Governments all the time. That journalists collide is inexcusable ethically. Highly paid talking heads is one thing but proper journalists wouldn’t let this crap slide.

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The hypocrisy is what gets me. They're setting themselves up as the "rational, sensible commentators who don't buy this silly woke hipsterism" yet are engaging in similar gaslighting, dishonest (or wilfully ignorant) misinformation. They know what it's like to be on the receiving end of it too.

I have become deeply distrustful of both fauxgressive pundits (who usually write for click sites funded by destructive corporations that do more damage to women, communities of colour and the environment than the random's tweet that they'repiling on about) and self-described "sensible centre/right" commentators. They'll scoff at the other side for doing exactly what they do when they want to throw someone under the bus or when they get offended by something "unkind". A while ago I saw a video from a conservative YTer who routinely gently mocks gender extremists and lefties calling out racism and homophobia as "virtue-signalling" and overreaction - this person was shocked, shocked and horrified, I tell you about this out-RAGE-ous commentary in one of the "queer" youth media sites about a gay conservative saying some things that hipsters didn't like, and ending with a snarky, "seriously, never have sex with this person. We forbid it!" This - from someone who thinks lefties are too censorious - was dis-GUST-ing, apparently. Unkind and EXCLUDING someone because of his OPINION. This free speech campaigner was hyperventilating over ridiculous hyperbole in a badly written article that almost no one will read. I mean, come on. If the worst someone says about you is "seriously no one have sex with this person" then you're doing okay. At least this gay conservative wasn't getting rape and death threats.

We're seeing a similar thing here. A hit job on the messenger by self-congratulatory "sensible independent commentators who are nothing like these silly lefties with their kombucha and tut tutting over bad Twitter jokes" who focus on the minutiae at the expense of the main point.

Graham, I think I have mentioned friendlyjordies (aka Jordan Shanks) before - he's an Aussie comedian and political commentator who's experienced similar attacks in the press for stunts that were designed to make a serious point that the media totally ignored. (Disclaimer: I don't know the guy and am not associated with his channel apart from subscribing since I think his analyses are brilliant as well as hilarious, even if he does make some comments that make me cringe at times). He often shoots off at the mouth, his enemies clip the videos and then circulate them saying "LOOK! Racist! Transphobic! Stop supporting him on Patreon!" Which then leads people who might generally agree with his analysis to edge away because of fear of guilt by association or because he's not ideologically pure (who is?). He talks a lot about the media/social media commentary as a magnifying glass: it draws focus. This video is an example if you're interested: https://youtu.be/KXpRVZB-Yh4 What Singal and Herzog are doing is very similar - focusing on "whether that was a nice thing to do" rather than the real problem.

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You expect good things of people because you have integrity. We see that. Don't let them, or any others like them grind you down.

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They are both cowardly fence sitters, hoping that if they go "Look, Graham is much more awful than us! He did a misgender!" often enough, the mob will pass them by. I get that people are afraid, but how they dare call themselves journalists ...

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