And you won’t see this atrocious behaviour on the news. 😡

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Thank you, JL and well done the brave LWS women (and men) .

Real failure by the police! They have the powers under the recently amended Public Order Act to sort this. Is this democracy!!??


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Here is a link to the noise provisions re demos in the latest Policing Act: it's quite nuanced about the disturbance level of noise in different locations, eg outside primary schools or retirement housing:


Arguably the noise made by counter-protestors (TRAs) can no more be suppressed by the police than the "noise" made by protesters (LWS) -- even if TRAs drown out LWS -- in locations where noise is tolerable at all.

This LWS protest was on The Level, a mile-long strip of public grass & trees running South through the city down to the seafront. It's bordered by a busy road on each side, lined by buildings which are mostly offices, or educational (Brighton University) and a few shops.

The attenuation of noise in still air is quite rapid (by the Inverse Square Law, with every doubling of distance away). So the noise of traffic is more likely to disturb offices etc in neighbouring buildings than any locally earsplitting din from the megaphones of TRAs on the grass -- grass is also an acoustically absorbent surface.

The police would have more reason to break up or arrest noisy gangs of TRAs in city shopping streets later.

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I think the klaxons, sirens etc must surely be unlawful


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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

I think it would probably take a complaint to the police from someone working in the Art College in Grand Parade or in offices in Marlborough Place the other side of The Level, for the noise to be deemed "unlawful". Possession of a siren, klaxon etc is not in itself illegal -- or their sale would be illegal. It depends whether their use constitutes a public nuisance: and it appears that complaint is necessary to establish that.

And on a Saturday, it's unlikely there'd be many people working there, to be disturbed by extra noise -- masked by traffic noise which is closer and louder.

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Hmm thanks, I shall ponder further but just in middle of doing an update 😊


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Report on meeting by "radical feminists" -- no, just ordinary women -- in The Argus local newspaper, quotes Sussex Police as saying they have a duty to protect freedom of speech. Well they certainly failed on that: though they might have prevented carnage, and averted more fractured skulls by TRAs punching 71 year old women in the face:


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Shameful but good evidence of the ‘toxic debate’. Will send to Starmer so he can see what those poor hard done by ‘trans people’ have been suffering because of the terfs.

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Jun 25Liked by JL

My daughter lives in the South of England and sent the video to the Labour candidate who was requesting her vote.

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Good idea, I’ll send it to the local one too.

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Everyone, please watch this and #DontVoteLabour


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I heard this live today and couldn’t believe my ears, doesn’t he watch the news or read newspapers? How could you not know this is already happening in the women’s prisons, hypothetical? as Jim Royale would say… my arse!

This is what we will get with labour and “ Kirs Darber” (read the subtitles)

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I know, it’s horrifying . My jaw dropped as I was listening but we shouldn’t be surprised really. There’s so many people like that and sadly, mostly on the left.

Just been reading about David Tennant’s latest spewings about Kemi Badenoch. He’s another idiot.

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I rarely watch any vids but what a complete and utter fanny

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That’s very generous of you Petal. I could say a lot worse 😁

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I forgot I was going to shut my pus !

I really need a carer to stop me accessing the tinterweb 😂

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''La la la ...'' [fingers in ears so can't hear]

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So will I!

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LWS are phenomenally brave. That must have been really frightening.

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It seems to me the police pick and choose which laws they want to enforce, or at least their leaders do. I didn't like the way that the police recorded Kellie throughout the event. She said she didn't care but for what purpose where they doing it?

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Not at all surprised at how ineffectual the police were. They have been heavily captured by trans ideology.

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Unbelievable. And of course, total media blackout

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

I am so tired of these people. There must be laws passed banning masking in public for such events. It's just an excuse for bad, for lawless and socially detrimental behaviors without consequences, a shield for bullies and thugs. Disgusting. SHAMEFUL.

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They have the now convenient excuse that there is still a risk of Covid infection in public gatherings -- even in outdoor spaces. And we have been conditioned by Covid to see masks as "normal".

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

They look like modern brown shirts to me--- and act like it, too

The COVID alibi should be long past. ( & If they've got flu all the better they stay home then. )

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The TAs have opened a sewer right through the heart of Brighton and the stink engulfs and shames the whole town.

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Reading this helps me make sense of the trans widow who backed out of completing my survey of 20 Questions to Ask a Trans Widow and the other 2 trans widows whom I'd already profiled, requesting I take down the anonymous profile. Of course I did. These women live in fear of the ex husbands and their strapping, strappy-topped friends. I thank all the brave women who did let me keep their profiles on my channel. My understanding is that trans widows are going to now have the right to automatic annulment taken away in Britain. One day, I hope to set up a fund for the legal expenses for women seeking a divorce from a suddenly demanding, crossdressing husband. The divorce costs are astronomical, and women agree to terrible financial settlements and "joint custody" which damages the children, due to the impossible legal fees in fighting the demands in court.

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Another reason not to vote Labour. It’s their policy to remove the right to automatic annulment for a trans widow.

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If Labour try it, hopefully it will bring the issue to public attention and your research and expertise will be important in arguing against this, Ute. I'm sure Sex Matters would be interested in working with you?

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Thanks, Helen M! Sex Matters know about me, but I don't think they want to take on our stories or my citizen-sociologist data. They did not reply when I requested names of solicitors for the young mother in London after the Met said they would not charge her then husband with rape, assault, child endangerment and attempted murder after he did all that. She had witnesses who helped her (barefoot on the street, infant in her arms) and physical evidence. She got a call from the police weeks later, who claimed "there wasn't enough evidence to charge." So this very dangerous, crossdressing, porn-addicted 32 (or so) year old male is free to do the same to some other young woman. My young trans widow is basically in hiding with her child for a couple of years now. The extreme appeasement of these violent men is beyond shocking. I count myself among the lucky 2/3 of the women in my data, who were not assaulted by husband. I so look forward to Vaishnavi Sundar's documentary on us--Behind the Looking Glass, trailers now at Lime Soda Films channel.

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Maybe send the clips to right of centre newspapers? It's depressing if you're a centre-left person like me, but the Telegraph, the Times and the Daily Mail are happy to expose this kind of thing. You'd never see the old Grauniad covering something like this.

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Bloody TRA COWARDS 😡🤬😡

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"Same as it ever was." Yes, it's now 106 years since (some) UK women got the vote, but can we speak freely about women's right to be free of male aggression? Nope.

"BE KIND, OR ELSE". Indulge our sexual fetishes and violence, they demand, or we'll rape you and kill you. DIE, TERFS. We are so vulnerable, powerless and persecuted. DO NOT PROTEST. We're not listening -- and will prevent you from being heard.

Surprised (and a bit sad) not to see more Suffragette colours among LWS supporters.

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Beyond disgusted. It actually is a frightening time for women anyway, with election worries. What is going wrong with common decency in police(men) being totally absent here? Don't individual coppers realise that their own mothers and sisters, wives and daughters are exactly who these brave women are speaking up FOR? Are they completely thick?

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Jun 26Liked by JL

There was I, all ready to restack this post, saying something like, 'shouting women down, how original' ... but the quote from Emmeline had already said it. Oh well, think I'll restack anyway

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I think more men need to turn out to LWS events. I can't see the Trans cowards intimidating a crowd of men as they did with these women. We all have skin in the game, men and women. Why should it just be women who have to take a stand?

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I have checked the dates and venues for LWS but, sadly, living in the north-west, there aren't any venues that I could get to without considerable difficulty, being disabled and needing a mobility scooter to get around.

I don't want to be a hero but I would be delighted to park my scooter right on the front line against those violent TRA thugs. I don't, actually, care if they threaten or assault me. I just don't give a shit anymore. They can't do much worse to me than I already am... and it would make great footage if they did because it would be on video. :)

Many, many blokes feel the same. But, if they were to turn up, en masse, they would , likely, be depicted as shaven-headed, right-wing fascists, given the likely lack of collective hair follicles, and ruin the female vibe.

Disabled male, 63... would like to meet TRA for a fucking punch-up! :D

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